The watering hole known as Pyloon's Saloon was a saloon located at the opening to Foothill Falls within Rambler's Reach Outpost on the planet Koboh. Greez Dritus was both the owner and operator. The establishment's name was a tribute to Dritus' ancestor, his great-grandmother Pyloon.

Pyloon's was situated across from Dendra's Antiquities, bordering the main thoroughfare of the Outpost. Its construction utilized stone, enhanced by wooden platforms and staircases, along with rusted red and yellow metal for structural support and roof ornamentation. The roof featured three distinctive dome-shaped elements and a sizable turbine. Protruding generators and vents marked the building's exterior, which was also cluttered with various scraps, such as a derelict landspeeder, spare droid components, and assorted crates.
The primary entryway was marked by a straightforward "saloon" sign and included a detection device positioned above the doorway, complemented by green fabric drapes.
The pathway leading into the central bar area featured a wooden floor overlaid with circular rugs in orange and brown, alongside three seating areas furnished with burnt orange sofas. The walls were decorated with numerous artifacts, including dangling bone ornaments, hookah pipes, and sizable blasters mounted to the wall. Red and green drapes partially covered the walls, along with an assortment of posters, including warnings against feeding the local boglings and advertisements for Pyloon pie. An out-of-service droid detector was affixed to the wall near the entrance. A TT-8L/Y7 gatekeeper droid stood guard at the arched entrance to the main bar area.
A stone staircase, complete with wooden handrails, provided access to the main bar area, with black tubing supplying electrical power from an external source. The interior was built with wooden supports, augmented by metal piping and vents, as well as golden metal fixtures and railings.

A prominent curved bar featured a built-in track, enabling the saloon's bartender droid, M-6NK, to navigate around the bar and into the adjacent kitchen. The bar was equipped with several dispensing mechanisms and had the saloon's expansive aquarium as a backdrop. Dritus had a specially modified chair at one end of the bar, allowing him to monitor both the bar and its customers.
The ground floor of the saloon was embellished with large sheets of blue and gold, red and blue, and purple and gold fabric, draped from the ceiling and over sections of the walls. A collection of artifacts was displayed above the bar area upon entry, including a Republic Clone Trooper helmet and a diorama depicting a sail barge, alongside various cultural decorations placed throughout the level. Additional posters were displayed on the walls, including one portraying Pyloon, an advertisement for Doma's store, an announcement that GONK chargers were available, and warnings that Rayvis, B1-series battle droids, and the Bedlam Raiders had been sighted on patrol and were prohibited from entering.
Seating options were available around the bar, including two separate tables and three booths set into the walls. The booths featured orange sofa seating and contained various artifacts, such as Phillak skulls and hookah pipes. The booth most often used by bounty hunter Caij Vanda had blasters mounted on the wall, a collection of weaponry, an additional Clone Trooper helmet, and bounty hunter helmets and B1 droid heads displayed as trophies.

A stage in the corner of the saloon served as an entertainment area, complete with a sound desk and a basic lighting system. The DJ droid DD-EC and musician Ashe Javi eventually performed there, with Javi noting that the venue's acoustics were peculiar but ultimately to her liking.
A lobby connecting the bar and kitchen held serving utensils, drinking glasses, GNK power droids, and was decorated with a circular rug in brown, orange, and light blue. This area also provided access to a small storage room, where the Mirialan Moran kept some belongings, and a view of the kitchen, which was stocked with various cooking tools and ovens.
This floor also provided access to the refreshers, which contained three stalls, a hand dryer, washing sinks, dirty mirrors, and an additional GNK unit. A sign on the wall prohibited the sale and use of death sticks.

The area also led to a staircase leading down to Dritus's living quarters, which had concealed access to an extensive network of smugglers' tunnels. Dritus's quarters contained items from his past adventures, including Cere Junda's hallikset, Cal Kestis' Bracca scrapper attire, and a collection of Dritus's red and silver flight suits. The space also featured a workbench, power generators, a bunk bed, and a selection of plants gathered from various planets. A private entrance leading to the landing pad was also available.
Two stone stairways, positioned on either side of the bar, led to the second floor. The walls along the stairways were decorated with more colorful drapes and posters, including one advertising the maintenance services of Zygg Soza. The upstairs balcony level offered additional seating and tables, providing a better view of the bar area and the aquarium, which was eventually maintained by the Sakavian Skoova Stev.

One of the tables was used by the rescued High Republic droid ZN-A4 to exchange datacards with Kestis. A poster on the wall depicted the Trontoshell of Dredger Gorge in its natural environment. A smaller room was cleared to accommodate a Holotactics table managed by Bhima Ook and Tulli Mu.
Another stone staircase led to the rooftop area. This area housed a large [garden](/article/garden] with four plots for planting seeds, managed by Pili Walde. The area was scattered with spare planting pots, shelving units, and work areas. A small rock formation and water fountain were located in one corner. The overgrown roots forming a vertical pathway provided access to the turbine roof.

Jedi Master Cere Junda furnished much of the credits Dritus needed to acquire the saloon, although the Latero questioned the source of Junda's wealth. According to M-6NK, the saloon's previous owner, Abel Drongite, also operated a side smuggling business. He shared a portion of his profits with the Bedlam Raiders, but his decision to cheat them eventually cost him his life.
In 9 BBY, Turgle faced an attack by Rayvis and the Bedlam Raiders in front of the saloon, but was rescued by Cal Kestis, who had arrived on the planet in search of Dritus. Cal Kestis used the private quarters beneath the saloon as a base of operations while on Koboh. During his time on Koboh, Kestis successfully recruited several individuals to establish themselves in the saloon and attract more customers. These recruits included Ook and Mu, Stev, Javi and DD-EC, and Walde. These efforts enhanced the saloon's popularity, but the growing presence of the Galactic Empire on Koboh altered the plans of many residents of Rambler's Reach Outpost. Other frequent patrons of Pyloon's Saloon included bounty hunter Caij Vanda, the droid ZN-A4, Mosey Cimmaron, Turgle, Bode Akuna, Toa, Moran, Tulakt, Zygg Soza, Wini Eres, Harr, Dana, and Grock. While Kestis was on a quest for the key to Tanalorr, a legendary planet situated within the Koboh Abyss, the Nightsister Merrin frequently defended the saloon from attacks by the Bedlam Raiders. During this period, the saloon flourished, experiencing a level of activity it hadn't seen in years. Following the defeat of the Raiders, many patrons opted to leave Koboh in search of new opportunities, especially given the Empire's deployment of a Star Destroyer into orbit around the planet.