
Toa, a historian of the Twi'lek species, journeyed to the planet of Koboh because of her deep fascination with its archaeological potential. She possessed a strong interest in the High Republic history and was eager to investigate the numerous ancient remnants scattered across Koboh. Her understanding of physics was also extensive, a subject she frequently made reference to. She was particularly impressed by the application of physics by scientists of the High Republic on Koboh.

In the year 9 BBY, Toa established a temporary camp in the Basalt Rift, situated not far from Rambler's Reach Outpost. This was during her expedition to visit a High Republic structure located within a nearby forest. After defending herself from local wildlife using her field journal, she encountered Cal Kestis, a Jedi Knight. Kestis informed her of the Imperial presence in the area and advised her to return to the relative safety of the outpost.


During Toa's time studying at her academy, where the buildings were partially suspended using repulsors to create the illusion of floating, she became captivated by the vast amount of knowledge accessible through working in a library. However, as time passed, Toa developed a strong desire for practical, hands-on experience in the study of galactic history.

Initially, Toa did not perceive significant changes in life following the rise of the Empire to power. The laboratories on her home planet received military funding, yet she observed similarities to the era of the Republic: people continued their lives, sending representatives to the Senate and participating in elections. Eventually, the Empire intensified its presence at the academy, investing heavily in research to coerce academics into adhering to Imperial propaganda. Toa personally witnessed how dissenters were sidelined in favor of compliant individuals whose work lacked academic rigor. The Empire also razed the area where her Academy was situated, replacing the natural beauty with ferrocrete as part of an Imperial Control Zone. Having witnessed the negative changes, Toa decided to leave her academy.

Her initial journey beyond the Mid Rim led her to Koboh, which she called a "trove" and a vibrant world. She was captivated by the numerous High Republic ruins located near the Rambler's Reach Valley. After experiencing the ruins firsthand, she acknowledged that returning to academic study would be challenging, as she preferred to actively experience history rather than passively reading about it on a caf-stained terminal. While on Koboh, she contemplated whether, in centuries to come, a city might be built on the site of Rambler's Reach Outpost, noting that even Aldera had humble beginnings as a lumber colony.

While spending time in Pyloon's Saloon, she observed the enthusiasm of the locals regarding Koboh's potential and believed it mirrored the optimism that characterized the High Republic. Having explored the planet, Toa appreciated Koboh's part in the High Republic, which she described as a time of idealism and growth. She also noted how technology from that era was still being used by 9 BBY. She was excited when Pyloon's began to become popular following Kestis' arrival, calling it the start of something historic.

Following her encounter with Cal Kestis, Toa was introduced to ZN-A4, nicknamed "Zee," a droid recently rescued by Kestis and dating back to the High Republic era. The introduction was facilitated by M-6NK, Pyloon's Saloon's bartender droid. Toa was eager to learn from Zee about the Jedi Order's presence on Koboh. When the Bedlam Raiders abducted Zee, Toa expressed particular concern, driven by more than just the information contained within Zee's databanks. Toa then recounted to Kestis a time an archival droid was destroyed in a power surge, disrupting some of Toa's holo-prints while she was in school.

As the Empire's presence on Koboh intensified, Toa's anti-Imperial sentiments grew stronger. She began to fear that the Empire was seizing control of Koboh due to the sheer number of stormtroopers in the Valley. She had previously argued that the Republic was as flawed as the Empire in its way - but she concluded they were not the same. She stated that the Republic was a nuisance, whereas the Empire were tyrants and murderers, which made her question whether they actually won the Clone Wars. She wondered whether Ramblers Reach Outpost had a chance to survive against the oppression, but clung to the idea that hope will always remain in those who continue to fight and vowed to not let the Empire destroy Koboh's history.

This perspective reinforced her determination to further investigate the events unfolding at her academy. Toa resolved to examine the academy's recent records, where she discovered that in the preceding months, the headmasters had dismissed over a dozen of her close colleagues who had resisted the Empire's influence. Toa contacted these friends, and together they devised a plan to resist Imperial control of the school. The group arranged a meeting, and Toa boarded the next hauler off-world to attend.

Personality and traits

Toa's primary passion was her expertise in physics, which heavily influenced her decision-making. She possessed a deep interest in the High Republic era and had extensive knowledge of its history. During a conversation with Cal Kestis in Pyloon's Saloon, she shared the story of Sannet Ot'Zien, the Republic ambassador to the Orrik cluster when Starlight Beacon fell, to emphasize a point that history turns on small events with unthinkable consequences, and that she would not give up on the future no matter the past.

Her affection for physics also permeated her sense of humor. She frequently made physics-related jokes that were not well-received by the patrons of Pyloon's. However, upon bidding farewell to Kestis, he reciprocated with an archaeology-themed joke.

Beyond physics, Toa enjoyed music, particularly Anselmi throat intonations, which could only be performed underwater due to their reliance on the low-frequency band as a carrier wave for deep-sea telemetry. Toa sought to decode it in atmosphere for Ashe Javi to play at Pyloon's, though Javi reckoned the customers in the saloon wouldn't appreciate it.

