The Core Worlds planet of Alderaan was home to Aldera, its capital city. This beautiful city, known for its natural surroundings, was home to both the famous University of Alderaan and the Royal Palace, the official residence of the monarch of Alderaan and their family. The Alderaan Refugee Conference was held in Aldera during the Clone Wars. The capital, along with Alderaan itself, was destroyed in 0 BBY when Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin gave the order for the Death Star to annihilate the planet.

Aldera was situated on a sizable island within a lake, nestled near a range of snow-capped mountains, including the Appenza Peak. The city was located in a region of Alderaan, a planet within the Core Worlds of the galaxy. The River Wuitho flowed along the outskirts of Aldera, alongside several smaller settlements. A forest also existed at a distance from the city.
The architecture of Aldera, built in the Alderaanian style, consisted of a collection of radiant, rounded, white buildings, including the Royal Palace, making it a picturesque city. It also contained a spaceport, regarded as one of the best in the Core Worlds. Aldera's port facilities were modern and well-maintained, featuring private landing platforms for visiting royalty and returning dignitaries. The well-known University of Alderaan was located in Aldera, along with many galleries and music venues.

The city's avenues were wide and lined with trees, interspersed with numerous small gardens. To preserve the view of the palace, the city center was mostly pedestrianized, although air traffic increased further from the palace, especially towards the shipping platforms.
Aldera began as a humble logging camp, eventually evolving into the planet's capital in its early days. Aldera, including the oldest part of its Royal Palace, had existed for more than a millennium by the time Leia Organa became the Crown Princess in 3 BBY.
During the Clone Wars, a galaxy-spanning conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Aldera hosted representatives from across the galaxy for conferences and negotiations on various important matters. A key example was the Alderaan Refugee Conference, which aimed to address the growing number of refugees displaced by the war.
Following the Clone Wars and the replacement of the Republic by the autocratic Galactic Empire, Alderaan became a hub of secret resistance against the new regime. Queen Breha Organa and Viceroy [Bail Prestor Organa](/article/bail_prestor_organa], the royal couple, held clandestine strategy meetings disguised as dinner parties in the Royal Palace's formal dining room, transforming Aldera's most central building into a secret meeting place for rebel leaders and supporters.
In 0 BBY, the capital city was destroyed along with the rest of Alderaan when Imperial Moff Tarkin used the Death Star battle station to obliterate the planet, an event witnessed by Princess Leia.