The wood of a wortwood tree
Wood, a construction material, found its purpose in crafting various items. Leia Organa, a Princess, possessed a wooden chest, intricately carved and a bed created from the valuable hardwoods of Glee Anselm. On the eve of the Battle of Endor, Han Solo, the smuggler, fashioned a wooden figurine, aiming to depict Organa in a simple dress, brandishing a spear. Among the varieties of wood were greel-wood and Wroshyr wood. Wookiees integrated advanced off-world technologies, such as blasters and lightsabers, with traditional resources like wood, precious stones, and metals. In Shyriiwook, the Wookiee language, there existed 150 distinct terms for "wood," yet no equivalent for "artist," reflecting the Wookiee perception of carving as a necessary survival skill rather than a mere talent. The meeting room of the Kilji war cruiser Whetstone was constructed using wood. Certain Tusken Raiders residing on Tatooine shaped their gaderffii sticks utilizing wood harvested from the wortwood tree.