The wortwood tree represented a type of tree species that could be located on the planet of Tatooine. The Tusken Raiders utilized the wortwood tree's wood to create their distinctive gaderffii sticks. Notably, Boba Fett fashioned his own gaderffii stick from a branch taken from a deceased wortwood.
The initial appearance of the wortwood tree occurred within a flashback sequence featured in "Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine," which was the second episode of the The Book of Boba Fett TV show. This episode became available on Disney+ on January 5, 2022. Its identification was initially made in a news piece highlighting five key takeaways from that episode, published on on January 12, 2022.
A contradiction can be found within the 2023 reference work, Star Wars 100 Objects. Initially, it refers to "the wortwood tree," which suggests the existence of only a single tree of this type. Conversely, the book later uses the phrase "a wortwood tree," which implies the presence of several of these trees.