Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine

title: Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine

The second installment of the television show The Book of Boba Fett is titled "Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine". It premiered on January 5, 2022.

Official description

On Tatooine, Boba Fett is confronted by fresh adversaries.

Plot summary

Questioning the Assassin

The episode commences with a bird's-eye view of the craggy desert terrain surrounding Boba Fett's Palace. The camera focuses on an armed Fennec Shand escorting the captured assassin into the expansive stronghold. They proceed through the enormous security gates into the throne room, where Boba Fett presides. Fett demands to know the identity of his sender and the specifics of his mission. In the background, the two Gamorrean guards and 8D8 are stationed.

Upon the assassin's refusal to cooperate, Fett instructs one of the Gamorreans to execute him. Before the Gamorrean can carry out the order, the prisoner utters a curse in Huttese. Fett scolds the prisoner for his lack of gratitude for sparing his life. 8D8 clarifies that the prisoner belongs to the Order of the Night Wind, a group of assassins available for hire. 8D8 asserts that the prisoner is unlikely to divulge any information, claiming he fears no one. Fett and Shand both disagree with this assessment.

Shand proposes that the prisoner might fear the rancor and activates the trapdoor to the rancor's enclosure. As the gates below swing open, the assassin becomes frantic and reveals that he was dispatched by the mayor of Mos Espa. He pleads for his life. However, Shand discloses that the rancor's den is vacant and expresses her contempt for the assassin. The only occupant of the rancor's den is a small rat. Shand suggests a visit to the mayor to Fett.

Meeting with the Mayor

Fett, accompanied by Shand and the two Gamorreans, escorts the captured assassin through the streets of Mos Espa. Several Trandoshans observe their presence with interest. The group enters City Hall, where Fett informs the City Hall clerk of his intention to see the mayor. When the receptionist inquires about an appointment, Fett replies that he has located one of his "lost pets" and intends to return it to its owner. The receptionist instructs him to wait, but the Twi'lek majordomo intervenes, apologizing for the lack of formality.

The majordomo states that the mayor is unavailable for the remainder of the week, but Fett forces his way into the mayor's throne room. The Ithorian mayor, Mok Shaiz, demands an explanation for Fett's unannounced arrival. The majordomo reminds Shaiz that Fett is the new Daimyo. Fett demands to know the reason for the mayor's assassination attempt. Shaiz explains that the assassin is affiliated with the Order of the Night Wind. When Fett questions whether this constitutes an admission, one of the mayor's guards shoots the assassin.

With the majordomo providing translation, Shaiz states that the Order of the Night Wind is prohibited from operating outside Hutt Space and expresses his gratitude to Fett for apprehending him. He instructs his guards to retrieve Fett's reward. Fett clarifies that he is not a bounty hunter, but Shaiz claims to have heard otherwise. Shaiz points out that Fett occupies the throne of his former employer, prompting Fett to retort that Bib Fortuna was not his employer. Shaiz clarifies that he was referring to Jabba.

Fett responds that he will accept his payment as overdue tribute. He adds that the mayor should remember that his position is contingent on the Daimyo of Tatooine's approval. Shaiz requests that Fett consider who truly dispatched the Night Wind assassins, asserting that he has no reason to harm Fett. Shaiz says that he serves at his pleasure. Fett warns him that he is not naive and that those who have wronged him are no longer alive. Shaiz advises Fett to visit Garsa Fwip's Sanctuary to gain insight into the complexities of his situation.

Jabba's Relatives

Fett and his entourage visit Garsa's Sanctuary, which is bustling with droids and patrons. Fett removes his helmet and meets with Garsa, who offers him a table. Fett explains that Mayor Mok Shaiz directed him here, suggesting that there is something he should be aware of. When Garsa appears uneasy, Fett remarks that she is perspiring excessively. Garsa reveals that "the Twins" have claimed their late cousin Jabba's inheritance. Fett responds that he believed the Twins were too occupied with Nal Hutta to concern themselves with Tatooine.

The cantina falls silent as the sound of drums fills the air. Fett, Shand, and the Gamorreans step outside to witness a procession carrying two Hutts on a litter. As the litter approaches Fett's group, the Hutt brother informs Fett that they have matters to discuss. Fett asserts that this is his territory, prompting the Hutt brother to reiterate that this is Jabba's territory and now theirs. One of the drummers presents a tablet outlining the Hutts' claim to Tatooine.

Fett rejects their claim, declaring himself the Daimyo of Mos Espa. The Hutts laugh, with the brother questioning the validity of this claim. An armed black Wookiee named Krrsantan, wielding a heavy blaster, approaches Fett and his entourage. Fett remains unfazed, stating that this is not the death pits of Duur, and that he is not a sleeping Trandoshan guard. Fett reiterates that Mos Espa is his territory and instructs them to return to Nal Hutta. The Hutt sister speaks in Huttese. Her brother responds that Fett has angered his sister, who desires his death, while he is more patient.

As Shand and Krrsantan prepare their weapons, Fett explains that Jabba is deceased and that his former majordomo, Bib Fortuna, usurped his territory. Since Fett killed him, all that belonged to Fortuna now belongs to him. Fett states that they will have to kill him to take it. The two Hutt siblings converse. The Hutt brother suggests that bloodshed is detrimental to business and that this matter can be resolved later, but he warns Fett to remain vigilant.

As the drummers continue to beat their drums, the two Hutts depart. Krrsantan growls at Fett before also leaving. Shand informs Fett that they will need permission to kill the Hutts. Fett suggests that the matter is settled, but acknowledges that it is not yet over.

Life Among the Sandpeople

While Fett is immersed in his bacta tank, he experiences a flashback to his time with the Tusken Raiders. As a bantha tills the desert, he learns to wield a gaderffii stick from a Tusken. The older Tusken instructs him on the proper grip before demonstrating parrying techniques. She disarms Fett and instructs him to practice again. He requests a demonstration from the Tusken. Other Tuskens search the desert sands for gourds.

During their practice session, a massiff discovers a worrt in the desert. The worrt flees into the desert, pursued by the Tuskens' massiff hounds. A Tusken uses a rifle to kill the worrt. The massiffs devour the creature. An animal's roar can be heard in the distance. The Tuskens prepare for the arrival of an armored hovertrain. Blaster fire from the armored train kills a bantha and several Tusken Raiders. The train then speeds away into the desert. Several Tuskens are killed and wounded by the gunners. Fett observes the Tuskens tending to their wounded and mourning their dead.

Delivering Justice

Later that night, the Tuskens cremate their fallen. Fett personally carries the remains of a young Tusken. His parents toss his remains over a fire. Fett is visibly affected by the plight of the Tusken Raiders. He drinks from a black melon and observes several speeder bikes passing their encampment. Fett addresses the tribal Elders, pledging to stop the train with a rifle and stick. He promises to return by morning. The chieftain is skeptical of Fett's chances but allows him to embark on his mission.

Fett travels to Tosche Station, a popular hangout for the Nikto speed biker gang known as the Kintan Striders Gang. Among the patrons are Camie Marstrap and Laze Loneozner. One of the Kintan Striders steals food and drink from their table. Laze protests, prompting the Nikto to inquire if he said something. Laze stands and repeats himself louder, much to Camie's dismay. The Kintan Striders restrain Laze and Camie. One of the Niktos beats him with a stun baton. However, Fett interrupts them.

Fett enters the cantina armed with a gaderffii stick and rifle. The Kintan Striders retrieve melee weapons and attack Fett. Fett disarms one of his attackers. A second miner shoots at him but Fett shoots him first. Laze and Camie seize the opportunity to escape. Fett battles the remaining gang members, wounding and killing some with his gaderffii stick. He throws one more through a window before pausing to drink. Fett then exits the cantina and examines their speeder bikes.

Training the Tusken Raiders

The following day, Fett departs Tosche Station with several speeder bikes in tow. He returns to the Tusken Raiders' camp. His arrival initially alarms the Tuskens, who grab their rifles and assume defensive positions. The chief recognizes Fett and instructs them to stand down. The chief welcomes Fett, who informs them that the bikes are a gift. The Tuskens attempt to dismantle the bikes, but Fett explains that he will teach them to ride so that they can stop the train.

Later, Fett instructs the Tusken Raiders on how to operate the accelerators and brakes, comparing the bikes to a bantha. A young Tusken attempts to ride the speeder bike but reverses. Fett then leads the Tuskens on their first ride. The Tuskens initially struggle but eventually learn how to operate the bikes. He also trains them how to leap from bikes and to signal using a mirror. Fett also teaches them how to accelerate their speeder bikes through the desert. The Tuskens improve their handling of the bikes and their leaping abilities. Fett also continues his gaderffii stick practice and learns how to disarm his opponents.

Eliminating the Hovertrain

A Tusken sentry spots the approaching hovertrain. The Tuskens grab their weapons and mount the speeder bikes. Others take up positions in the desert. As the Tuskens in the trenches exchange fire with the Pyke gunners, Fett and other Tuskens riding speeder bikes pursue the train. A Tusken signals to other Tuskens hidden in the hills. Hidden Tusken snipers eliminate several of the gunners. Some of Tuskens on bikes manage to board the train but face resistance from the gunners. Some are killed.

Fett rescues one and uses a grappling hook to latch onto the hovertrain. He also kills one of the Pyke gunners. They jump across carriages and fight several of the emerging sentries. As they approach the train engine, the Pyke guards prepare to defend the train and fire on the advancing Tuskens, taking down some. A Tusken rams her bike into one of the carriages, damaging one of the connectors. However, she fails to split the train's carriages. The driver droid accelerates the engine, causing the hovertrain to accelerate rapidly.

Still, she manages to board the train and proceeds to fight the Pyke gunners onboard, killing and throwing out several. She takes out the lead Pyke gunner and his companions. Realizing that the Tuskens are winning, the driver droid fires up the engine, causing a blast to knock off one of Fett's Tusken allies. Fett fights with more Pyke guards near the train engine. In the process, one of the Pykes is blasted by the engines and thrown to the ground, crushed to death by the carriages.

Fett forces his way into the train engine where he orders the driver droid to stop the vehicle. The spidery droid instead jumps out into the desert. Fett struggles to stop the train but finds the brakes. He uses his gaderffii stick to disable the ship's engines, causing it to brake in the desert. The Tuskens shout in victory before proceeding to loot the train of weapons and merchandise.

Several Tuskens guard the surviving captive Pyke gunners and guards. Fett demands to know who is the leader. The leading Pyke stands up and removes his mask. He asks Fett if he is going to kill them. Fett replies that it depends on how he answers his question. When Fett asks if he is carrying spice, the Pyke leader asks what he means by spice. Fett asks if he is carrying sansanna spice from the slave mines of Kessel. The Pyke leader asks what does spice look like. Just then, two Tuskens discover a crate of spice.

Fett replies this is not looking good for him. The Pyke leader says that they assumed that Tuskens were uncivilized raiders and says that they were just trying to protect their route. Fett replies that the Dune Sea is no longer free for the Pykes to pass since the Tuskens claim the territory as ancestral ground. He says that if they want to pass, a toll has to be paid to the Tuskens. He warns that any death dealt by traveling trains will be returned ten-fold. Fett orders the Pyke leader to return to the Pyke Syndicate with these new terms and adds that their lives are a gesture of their civility. He tells the Pykes to walk single file in the direction of the high sun, explaining that it will lead them to Anchorhead by sunset.

When the leader protests that they will be killed, Fett reassures him that he will be traveling under the protection of the Tuskens and that no harm will come to them. When the Pyke leader protests that they will die of thirst without the water car, Fett promises that they will each be given a black melon, stating that they will survive on its milk as these people do. The Pykes leave while the Tuskens plunder the water cart.

Transformation and Acceptance

Later that night, the Tusken chief explains that since the oceans of Tatooine have dried up, they have stayed hidden. He says that the other tribes have survived by killing. Fett replies that they shouldn't have to hide since they are warriors. The Tusken chief replies that the offworlders have machines. Fett reassures him that they now have machines and that they know every grain of sand in the Dune Sea.

The Tusken chief gives Fett a gift, stating that he is a good guide. The gift turns out to be a gekko in a basket. The lizard climbs into Fett's nostrils. The chief explains that the lizard will guide him from inside his head. Fett's vision becomes blurry and his body convulses. He finds himself walking through the deserts of Tatooine and sees a vision of trees and oceans. There are creatures with red eyes. Fett also experiences flashbacks of climbing out through the maw of the sarlacc as well as his childhood on Kamino, watching his father leave on the Slave I. The vision ends with him emerging while the ocean roars.

The following day, Fett returns to the Tusken camp, where he is greeted by the young Tusken youth he befriended and his massiff. Fett is greeted by the Tusken chief and his followers. The lizard emerges from his nostrils. Fett remarks that he thought it was part of the dream. The Tusken chief asks him to show him a branch. Fett presents the branch from his night journey to the Tuskens. They lead him inside a tent where Tuskens clothe him with Tusken robes, scarves, and bandages.

The cloaked Fett emerges from the tent and faces his Tusken friends. The young Tusken walks beside him and the two head into the desert towards a wrecked site. One of the Tusken forges the branch into a new gaderffii stick. Fett helps him to carve the weapon, which is also heated in an oven. Pieces of metal are added to the gaderffii stick, giving it an armored plating. The metal is dipped into an oven.

Later that night, Fett presents his new gaderffii stick to the rest of the clan. He parries with the other Tuskens, who gather before a camp fire. They dance around the fire.


