The Hutt sector, alternatively referred to as Hutt Space, constituted an independent zone of the galaxy. It sat along the borderlands dividing the Mid Rim and the Outer Rim Territories, situated close to the gateway leading into Wild Space. The area incorporated the Si'Klaata Cluster and shared a boundary with the Tion Hegemony. The name Hutt Space came from the Hutt species, the dominant inhabitants of the region. Estimates regarding the number of planets within Hutt Space varied, but typically ranged from several hundred to as many as one thousand inhabited planets.
The Hutts began on the planet Varl during the Pre-Republic era. Discrepancies in historical records leave it unclear whether the Hutts independently developed interstellar technology or acquired it from another civilization. As an aggressive and expansion-minded warrior race, the Hutts launched invasions against numerous outlying worlds, resulting in the extermination or enslavement of hundreds of other species. The Hutt Empire was established within Hutt Space sometime after 25,200 BBY, and for the subsequent two centuries, it stood as the most influential governing power in the galaxy.
The Human/Tionese warlord Xim contested the Hutts' dominance in 25,102 BBY, having built a considerable interstellar empire in the Tion Cluster. After a devastating conflict, Kossak the Hutt decisively defeated Xim's forces at the Third Battle of Vontor in 25,096 BBY. The Hutts had amassed a large mercenary force consisting of Nikto, Vodran, and Klatooinian warriors. Their leaders had ratified the Treaty of Vontor, which committed these three species to perpetual servitude. With Xim gone, the Hutts proceeded to invade and wreak havoc on much of the Tion Cluster. The Tionese were left so weakened in terms of military and economy that they posed no significant threat for a considerable period. Nevertheless, within a century of Xim's defeat, the Hutts had ceased to be recognized as an Empire.
The Galactic Republic, based in the Core Worlds, first encountered Hutt Space and the Tion Cluster in 24,000 BBY when it discovered the Perlemian Trade Route. The Tionese War arose from conflict between the Republic and the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion, ultimately favoring the Republic after its agents incited unrest in Hutt Space. The Hutts then launched an invasion of the Tion Cluster, leading to the extermination of many Tionese. The surviving Tionese sought protection from their former Republic adversaries, and the majority of Tionese worlds subsequently joined the Republic. With their human enemies united, the Hutts prepared for a war that never materialized.

Around 15,000 BBY, the Hutt Cataclysms caused widespread devastation across much of Hutt Space, rendering Varl, the Hutt homeworld, and other colony worlds barren and uninhabitable. The surviving Hutt clans relocated their capital to Evocar, which they renamed Nal Hutta, displacing and exiling the native Evocii to its moon, Nar Shaddaa. Budhila Hestilic Amura established the Hutt Ruling Council to oversee the activities of the Hutt kajidics and to mitigate rivalries. He also developed the philosophy of kajidic, which promoted fierce inter-clan rivalry and infiltration of institutions in favor of war and expansionism.
In 12,000 BBY, the Humanocentric theocratic sect Pius Dea gained influence over the Republic, installing Contispex I as Supreme Chancellor. Capitalizing on the Hutts' unpopularity among Republic citizens, Constipex sanctioned a crusade against them. Over the ensuing centuries, his descendants authorized several crusades against rival alien sects in the Outer Rim, resulting in a continuous cycle of alternating hot and cold wars across the galaxy. The anti-alien nature of these crusades triggered an exodus into Hutt Space, which lasted until the end of Pius Dea rule in 11,000 BBY. The repercussions of these crusades strained relations between the Core and the outlying regions for millennia.
In the centuries that followed, the Hutts and the Republic ratified treaties that defined the boundaries between the Republic and Hutt Space. Spacers also discovered the Ootmian Pabol trade route, which connected the Republic frontiers with Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa. Due to increased trade with the Republic, its capital rivaled Coruscant as an interstellar trade hub. However, a supernova that destroyed the Kyyr system in 4000 BBY and created the Thornhedge Nebula disrupted trade along the Ootmian. Coupled with the rise of the Corellian Run, this ended Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa's existence as a legitimate trade center, and over the millennia, it devolved into a crime haven. Despite the Republic's expansion into the nearby Mid Rim and Outer Rim, the Hutts offered little resistance, instead infiltrating and taking control of the economies of these colonies.
During the Clone Wars, Hutt Space maintained neutrality, playing both the Republic and Separatists against each other. However, in 22 BBY, after rescuing and returning Rotta to Jabba on Tatooine in the neighboring Arkanis sector, they permitted the Republic to transit through the sector, unlike the CIS.
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, portions of Hutt Space were reorganized into various sectors governed by Moffs, although their authority was generally weak or nonexistent. One such sector was the Baxel sector, governed by Moff Sarn Shild, and later by Moff Yref Orgege. While the Empire made some efforts to curb slavery, the Hutts and several corporations were exempt from these regulations.
Since the Hutt kajidics generated substantial tax revenue to support the greatly expanded Imperial Military, the Empire largely left Hutt Space undisturbed, although it did establish some manufacturing facilities in certain areas. Nevertheless, the Empire used its military strength as leverage in its relations with Hutt Space. In 1 BBY, Sriluur and its surrounding territories were annexed by the Empire, while a small Imperial force unsuccessfully attempted to destroy Nar Shaddaa shortly before the Battle of Yavin. Imperial forces also conducted police actions against individual kajidics that collaborated with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Following the fragmentation of the Empire, Hutt Space remained largely autonomous, even during the New Republic period. During the fighting between the Republic and the Imperial Remnant, most Hutts remained neutral.
Much of Hutt Space was devastated during the Yuuzhan Vong War in 26 ABY as retribution for the Hutts' double-dealing with the Yuuzhan Vong and the New Republic. Several prominent Hutt worlds, including Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa, and Ilos, were either devastated or "Vongformed" by the invaders. The surviving Hutt kajidics were forced to relocate to Tatooine, and Hutt territory was laid waste in the process. However, the worlds in the heart of Hutt Space, known as Bootana Hutta, managed to resist the invaders due to the protection of Hutt warships, a rare sight in other regions. Additionally, the Hutt worlds mysteriously proved resistant to Yuuzhan Vong terraforming efforts. It was rumored among Galactic Alliance scientists and spacers that these secluded worlds were the source of a biotechnology that allowed the Hutts to resist "Vongforming".
With the Yuuzhan Vong's defeat in 29 ABY, the Hutts reasserted control over many of their worlds, particularly Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, and sought to dominate regional reconstruction efforts. The Bootana Hutta world of Mulatan, became the third at last known capital of the oversector. In 39 ABY, Hutt Space declined to join the Five Worlds and remained independent from both the Five Worlds and the Galactic Alliance. However in 40 ABY, when the Confederation was formed, Hutt Space joined the organization, and eventually the Hutts themselves joined the members of the Oversector during the great conflict with some kajidics, who only remained in the Bootana Hutta, contributed warships.
By 44 ABY, the Klatooinians began to resent their status of eternal servitude to the Hutts as decreed by the Treaty of Vontor in exchange for the Hutts protecting their sacred Fountain of the Ancients on their homeworld of Klatooine. Tensions reached their climax when the Lost Tribe of Sith led by Sarasu Taalon attacked the Fountain in an attempt to secure samples of wintrium. The Sith were quickly overpowered and sentenced to their death by the Klatooinians, whom then sought to liberate themselves from Hutt servitude by claiming that the Hutts violated the Treaty. Despite the mediation efforts of Lando Calrissian and Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, the Klatooinians began a full-scale uprising across Klatooine resulting in planet-wide skirmishes and firefights. The revolt rapidly gained galactic-wide attention particularly Chief of State Daala who was concerned by the chaos caused by many anti-slavery uprisings across the galaxy.
By 137 ABY, a New Galactic Empire under the control of the Sith had usurped control of the Galaxy. For unknown reasons, Hutt Space provided covert help to the Galactic Alliance Remnant, one of the new Empire's major opponents. Later, the Sith's poisoning of Da Soocha and the destruction of the Hutt Temple Maya Armus on Napdu prompted the Hutts into entering the conflict against the Sith on the side of the Alliance and Imperials.
Hutt Space represented the remnants of the ancient Hutt Empire, which predated the era of Xim the Despot. The Hutt Ruling Council governed the region by overseeing the operations of the Hutt clans (kajidics) and their criminal organizations. It was regarded as a lawless territory within the Outer Rim Territories, controlled by the most powerful and corrupt Hutt clans. As a result, it had a notorious reputation due to the widespread smuggling, piracy, and overt criminal activities.
At the heart of the region lay the Bootana Hutta, the "Garden of the Hutts," which encompassed the various Kajidic throneworlds. Even during the Empire's reign, this area remained shrouded in secrecy to outsiders, known only through rumors.
Relations with the Galactic Republic were typically strained, as this area served as a base for much of the criminal enterprise in the galaxy. The economic and strategic benefits of their relationship often encouraged both sides to compromise however, notably the Hutts sided with the Republic during the Clone Wars and were prevented from siding with them in the Great Galactic War only by the hard fought actions of Imperial Intelligence.
Their relationship with the Jedi Order were less cordial, with Jedi Padawan Naat Reath stating that Hutts had no love for Jedi. This was mostly due to the nature of a Jedi's work. The criminals they hunted would often flee into Hutt Space and the Hutts would be forced to deal with the imposition of a law enforcement official in their territory who they could neither bribe nor kill without consequence. However in practice the Jedi normally tried hard to avoid antagonizing the Hutts any more than they had to, standard operating procedure was to keep their presence very quiet or announce their presence to the local Hutt leader before proceeding. Though Hutts did not like Jedi messing with their affairs, some would find their presence an amusement or an opportunity, and many were eager to help them finish their business quickly and leave.