Budhila Hestilic Amura

The Hutt known as Budhila Hestilic Amura, a member of the Hestilic clan, existed at the dawn of the Kymoodon Era. This Hutt, around 15,000 BBY, functioned as the chief negotiator on the planet of Evocar. This was the world where the Hutts settled after they abandoned their ruined homeworld of Varl. Budhila conceived the philosophy of kajidic in order to avert a recurrence of the Hutt Cataclysms. Kajidic advocated for the Hutts to eschew direct warfare and forceful conquest, instead favoring the acquisition of control over organizations and planets through subtle influence. Furthermore, to uphold this philosophy and govern Hutt society, Budhila founded the Hutt Council of Elders. Millennia afterward, Budhila Plaza on Nar Shaddaa, the moon of Nal Hutta, was named in honor of the originator of kajidic.


A new homeworld…

Budhila Hestilic Amura lived around 15,000 BBY, during the time when Hutts relocated their homeworld from Varl to Nal Hutta.

Budhila Hestilic Amura, a Hutt, existed at the start of the Kymoodon Era, a time period that stretched from approximately 15,000 BBY to about 12,000 BBY. He belonged to the Hestilic clan; another member of this clan was Boonta Hestilic Shad'ruu, a celebrated military commander who had guided Hutt forces to victory against the Tionese ruler Xim around 25,100 BBY.

Budhila lived through a turbulent era for the Hutt species. By 15,000 BBY, the Hutt Empire had crumbled following a string of disasters and wars known as the Hutt Cataclysms. These events rendered Varl, the species' formerly verdant homeworld, desolate and devoid of life. In the wake of these calamities, some of the surviving, powerful Hutt clans amassed their remaining slave species to assist them in colonizing a new homeworld. They rediscovered Evocar—a thriving planet previously settled by the Hutts centuries earlier but left under the control of its native inhabitants, the peaceful Evocii. The Hutt clans then migrated en masse to Evocar aboard the remnants of the Hutt Empire's fleet. Subsequently, the Hutts and their Vippit servants bartered trinkets and useless pieces of advanced technology with the Evocii in exchange for vast tracts of land. Soon, the newcomers controlled nearly the entire planet, transforming it into a new Hutt homeworld and renaming it "Nal Hutta." The Evocii were then enslaved and largely relocated to the planet's moon, Nar Shaddaa.

…and a new philosophy

Budhila Hestilic Amura served as the primary negotiator on Nal Hutta.

Around the period of the Hutt settlement of Nal Hutta, Budhila Hestilic Amura worked as the main negotiator on the planet. Budhila, seeking to prevent a repetition of the Hutt Cataclysms, drew inspiration from the Hutt acquisition of Nal Hutta from the Evocii—an event the Hutts regarded as an entrepreneurial lesson—to develop the philosophy known as kajidic. In Huttese, the concept's name literally translated to "the means by which we prosper," and it was also associated by the Hutts with their saying, "Someone's got to have it, why not us?" Millennia afterwards, Professor S. V. Skynx observed in the third edition of The Despotica Reader that it was believed Budhila was also inspired in the creation of the kajidic by the sabotage and subterfuge strategies employed by Hutt Clan-General Kossak Inijic Ar'durv, who had led the overall Hutt campaign against Xim.

Kajidic directed the Hutts to favor aggressive but non-military internal rivalries, rejecting outright war and territorial conquest. The philosophy also instructed the Hutts to dedicate themselves to gaining control over organizations and worlds, such as those of the Galactic Republic, through indirect means in order to achieve rule from within. To enforce kadijic, govern Hutt society, and prevent a recurrence of the mistakes that had doomed the Hutt Empire, Budhila also established the body known as the Council of Elders, which comprised five members from the oldest Hutt Clans.

Over time, kajidic became so deeply embedded in Hutt culture that the traditions of the Hutt Empire era became known as the Old Ways and relegated to myths. Eventually, the term "kajidic" became so intertwined with the Hutt clans that the two concepts sometimes became synonymous. By 19 BBY, the name of the creator of kajidic had been immortalized in the name of Budhila Plaza, a location situated on Nar Shaddaa.

Personality and traits

Budhila Hestilic Amura possessed insight and did not desire a return to the excesses and disorder of the collapsed Hutt Empire for his people.

Skills and abilities

Budhila Hestilic Amura possessed the diplomatic acumen necessary to serve as the primary negotiator on Nal Hutta around the time the Hutts settled the world.

Behind the scenes

Budhila Hestilic Amura was a creation for the 2009 reference work The Essential Atlas, penned by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry. The Hutt's name was derived from two Sanskrit terms associated with wisdom.

