Kymoodon Era

The Kymoodon Era represents a period within the galaxy, commencing around 15,000 BBY. This epoch is characterized by a resurgence in expansion, echoing the earlier Great Manifest Period. The utilization of hyperspace travel became more prevalent during this timeframe, and several prominent starship manufacturing companies trace their origins back to this era.

During the concluding centuries of this era, Republic settlers ventured beyond established borders into what was then considered Wild Space, situated between the Republic and Hutt Space. The Hutt clans orchestrated numerous incursions against these newly established worlds, intending to enslave the inhabitants. Colonies such as Lexrul, Drogheda, Hathrox, Imram, and Parcovey Minor were among those targeted. The successful defense of Parcovey Minor offered a rare moment of triumph for the colonists amidst these hostile raids. From Farm-Wife to Warrior provides a contemporary record of the slavery practices of the time.

The Kymoodon Era spanned from the termination of the Indecta Era at 15,000 BBY to the advent of the Pius Dea Era, which was inaugurated by the selection of Contispex I as Supreme Chancellor in 11,987 BBY.

Chronology of Events

  • Circa 15,000 BBY: The commencement of the Kymoodon Era. [4] The Anomid species from Yablari are integrated into the Republic.[5] The Hutt Cataclysms cease; by this point, the Hutt's original home of Varl and their other colonies are desolate, compelling the Hutts to move to Evocar.[4] The Galactic Senate answers calls to rebuild the Republic Navy.[1] The Cremlevian War concludes, following the Yuuzhan Vong's conquest of numerous planets in their own galaxy before turning on each other; their homeworld Yuuzhan'tar removes their ability to use the Force.[6] The Aquala and Quara species engage in a civil war, but unite when an exploratory vessel from offworld lands on Ando. The united Aqualish eliminate the explorers, commandeer their ship, and learn to replicate it.[7] Some decades later, the Aqualish begin a campaign of conquest, but are promptly halted by the Republic.[7]
  • 14,743 BBY: The Herglic Crush unfolds; the Caliginous Automaton on Tomo-Reth is among the casualties.[4]
  • Circa 14,500 BBY: The Third Alsakan Conflict is initiated with the Commenor Run Campaign.[1]
  • 14,450 BBY: The Cleansing of Rucapar happens, a battle resulting in the destruction of the Alsakan Mosaics in Rucapar by Republic forces.[1]
  • 14,300 BBY: The Third Alsakan Conflict draws to a close; the Duros Red Credit Brigade is defeated during the concluding engagements.[4] Nikato's Bootheel is established, centered around the planet Raxus Prime.[4]
  • Circa 14,000 BBY: A group of Sith establish a temple-library on Krayiss Two, where they enter a state of slumber, and their spirits linger for the next 10 millennia.[8] The Korden family makes its first appearance.[9]
  • Circa 13,800 BBY
  • 13,649 BBY: The Defence of Drogheda is fought.[1]
  • 13,220 BBY: The Conquest of Manaan takes place.[1]
  • Circa 13,200 BBY: The Fourth Alsakan Conflict ends.[1]
  • Circa 13,050 BBY: The Fifth Alsakan Conflict commences.[1]
  • Circa 13,000 BBY: The Herglic Trade Empire becomes a part of the Republic, encouraging growth around the Hidakai Pool route.[4] The planet Ailon gains membership in the Republic.[10]
  • 12,980 BBY: Admiral Hirken defends Alsakani colonies in the Northern Dependencies, a campaign that proved to be a major turning point in the conflict.[1]
  • Circa 12,700 BBY: The Resistance on Cyrillia unfolds.[1] The Fifth Alsakan Conflict concludes.[1]
  • Circa 12,293 BBY: An expedition led by Doctor Beramsh performs the initial surveys of Tandun III.[11]
  • Circa 12,000 BBY: Ithorian herdships achieve first contact with the Republic.[4] Explorers and colonists from Corellia settle the planet Ord Mantell, and the planet evolves into an Ordnance/Regional Depot, which later forms the basis for the Seventh Pius Dea Crusade.[4] Originating from Gyndine, scouts begin to establish the Ootmian Pabol route, which bridges the gap between the Republic and Hutt Space.[4] Haddius Korden, a prosperous merchant from Corulag, transformed his family's business into Korden Outfitting and Surveying, which supplied a diverse array of equipment to colonists heading to the furthest reaches of the known galaxy.[9]
  • 11,987 BBY: Supreme Chancellor Pers'lya is impeached by the Pius Dea, a religious organization who install the Human follower Contispex. Contispex's election marks the beginning of the Pius Dea Era.[1]


  • The Essential Atlas
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare
  • Essential Atlas Extra: The Knight Errant Gazetteer on (article) (backup link)
  • Suns of Fortune
  • Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 5: Zenith of the Republic on (article) (backup link)

Additional Information
