Indecta Era

The Indecta Era spanned the years 17,018 BBY through 15,000 BBY. A notable aspect of this era was the introduction of assassin droids by the Judicial Department.

Indecta Era: A Chronological Overview

  • 17,018 BBY: The beginning of the Indecta Era.[1] The First Alsakan Conflict commences, initiating a fourteen-millennium period of conflict between Alsakan and Coruscant. Alsakan, with its Axis world supporters, obstructs the southern expansion of the Grand Companies of the Spin, while Duros merchant barons and the Coruscant-dominated Republic support the trading conglomerates.[1] Republic forces achieve victory on Virujansi.[1]
  • 17,012 BBY: Alsakani forces retake Virujansi.[1]
  • c. 17,000 BBY: Rebellious Arkanian scientists relocate a group of Xexto to the Quermia system, transforming Quermia into a paradise and genetically modifying the Xexto, leading to the evolution of the Quermian species.[2]
  • 16,921 BBY: The Battle of Kes, the sole instance of direct military engagement between the Republic and Alsakan during the early Alsakan Conflicts, takes place.[1]
  • 16,820 BBY: The First Siege of Porus Vida happens.[1]
  • 16,782 BBY: The founding of the Celebratus Archive on Obroa-skai.[3]
  • c. 16,800 BBY: The Siege of Belasco is waged.[1]
  • c. 16,700 BBY: The First Alsakan Conflict concludes as the Bureau of Ships and Services enforces a peace by threatening to deny access to hyperspace beacons.[1]
  • c. 16,200 BBY: The Second Alsakan Conflict breaks out.[1]
  • c. 16,100 BBY: The Second Siege of Porus Vida is carried out.[1]
  • c. 16,000 BBY: The Gizer Campaign, a component of the Second Alsakan Conflict, occurs.[1]
  • c. 15,600 BBY: The Core Campaigns, also within the Second Alsakan Conflict, unfold.[1]
  • 15,500 BBY: The Duinuogwuin Contention: Republic scouts encounter the Duinuogwuin, also known as Star Dragons, near Murkhana, provoking their anger. The Star Dragons then launch an attack on Coruscant, triggering widespread panic,[1] but Supreme Chancellor Fillorean makes contact with the attackers and, upon realizing their sentience, negotiates a peaceful resolution with the philosopher Borz'Mat'oh.[4] Fillorean and Borz'Mat'oh work together to establish the University of Coruscant.[4]
  • 15,480 BBY: The Strontium Raid targets Abhean.[1]
  • c. 15,400 BBY: The Second Alsakan Conflict ends.[1]
  • c. 15,000 BBY: The Anomids of Yablari become part of the Republic.[5] The Hutt Cataclysms draw to a close; by this point, Varl, the Hutt homeworld, and other colony worlds are desolate, compelling the Hutts to move to Evocar.[3] The Galactic Senate responds to calls for the reinstatement of the Republic Navy.[1] The Aquala and Quara species engage in a civil war, but unite when an exploratory vessel from another world lands on Ando. The united Aqualish eliminate the explorers, seize their ship, and learn to replicate it.[6] The Kymoodon Era dawns as the Indecta Era comes to an end.[3]


  • The New Essential Guide to Droids
  • The Essential Atlas
  • The Essential Guide to Warfare

Additional Information
