The period known as the Pius Dea Era spanned from 11,987 BBY to 10,966 BBY within the galaxy. During this epoch, the Contispex dynasty of Supreme Chancellors launched the Pius Dea Crusades targeting various alien cultures situated on the fringes, thereby reversing a previous inclination towards integrating cultures. Those who faced persecution sought refuge in Hutt Space, which transformed the Rimward Slice into a strategic assembly point for military personnel, as well as a haven for individuals seeking to profit from the ongoing conflicts. Furthermore, the widespread establishment of Ordnance/Regional Depots served as a persistent reminder of the Galactic Republic's presence to those residing outside its borders.
- 11,987 BBY The Pius Dea faction orchestrates the impeachment of Supreme Chancellor Pers'lya, replacing him with their favored candidate, Contispex I.[1]
- 11,965 BBY The inaugural Pius Dea Crusade commences as Contispex I officially authorizes a military incursion into Hutt Space, marking the beginning of the Pius Dea Crusades.[1]
- 11,947 BBY Contispex I relinquishes his position as Supreme Chancellor, with his son, Contispex II, succeeding him.[1]
- 11,939 BBY The Third Pius Dea Crusade unfolds as Contispex II greenlights another invasion of Hutt Space, thereby initiating the Third Crusade.[1]
- 11,933 BBY The Jedi Order initiates its Recusal, withdrawing to Ossus and severing all connections with the Republic.[1] Jedi who remain loyal to the Pius Dea cult establish the Order of the Terrible Glare and take up residence on Garn.
- 11,920 BBY The Fourth Pius Dea Crusade is launched, targeting the Hutts.[1]
- 11,884 BBY The Seventh Pius Dea Crusade, also referred to as the Great Northern Crusade, is initiated against the Zabrak and other indigenous species inhabiting the northern regions of the galaxy.[1]
- c. 11,820 BBY The Sixth Alsakan Conflict erupts as the Alsakani form an alliance with the Duros, Herglics, and the Hutts to oppose the Pius Dea-controlled Republic.[1]
- 11,791 BBY The Tenth Pius Dea Crusade, also known as the Crusade of the Wilds, commences.[1]
- 11,708 BBY Traditional Tapani historians cite this year as the beginning of the Twelve Kingdoms Era.
- 11,707 BBY The Eleventh Pius Dea Crusade is launched against the Herglics.[1]
- 11,660 BBY The Twelfth Pius Dea Crusade takes place. Republic forces subject Zarracina III to orbital bombardment, transforming its surface into an irradiated wasteland and forcing the native Zarracines into a nomadic lifestyle.
- 11,600s BBY Republic settlers, seeking to escape the oppressive reign of the Pius Dea, discover and colonize the fourth planet within the Prefsbelt system.[1]
- 11,591 BBY The Fifteenth Pius Dea Crusade is initiated against the Baragwin.[1]
- 11,500s BBY Development of Cathedral ships.[1]
- 11,198 BBY The Twenty-Third Pius Dea Crusade is launched against the Bothans and the Lanniks.[1]
- c. 11,100 BBY The Inquisitions begin in the Core Worlds and the Colonies.[1] The Jedi Order concludes its Recusal, subsequently inspiring the heretical Renunciate movement from within the Pius Dea.[1]
- 11,057 BBY The Thirty-Fourth Pius Dea Crusade is launched against the Hutts.[1]
- 11,000 BBY Development of the Republic rocket-jumpers.[4]
- 10,970s BBY Admiral Pers Pradeux of the Renunciates—still operating covertly—discovers Prefsbelt and establishes the Renunciates' primary naval base on the planet.[1]
- 10,967 BBY The Seventh Alsakan Conflict—also known as the Renunciation—unfolds.[1] The Renunciates make their presence known and forge alliances with the Alsakani, Caamasi, and the Jedi Order, thereby causing a schism within the Pius Dea faith.[1] Renunciate forces engage in clashes with the Faithful at Fondor, Ixtlar, and Cyrillia, receiving support from the Jedi, Alsakani, Duros, Herglics, and Hutts.[1]
- 10,966 BBY The Bureau of Ships and Services infiltrates the Republic Navy with compromised navicomputer codes, causing the Pius Dea's ships to execute random hyperspace jumps, resulting in their permanent loss.[1] During the Battle of Uquine, Renunciate forces decisively defeat the remaining Pius Dea vessels. The Jedi apprehend Contispex XIX aboard the Flame of Sinthara, transporting him to Caamas where he faces trial and subsequent imprisonment.[1] Grand Master Biel Ductavis assumes the role of Supreme Chancellor.[1]