The Seventh Alsakan Conflict, alternatively referred to as the Renunciation or the Pius Dea Civil War, represented one installment in a series of disputes between the worlds of Alsakan and Coruscant, along with their respective supporters. This particular conflict involved the Galactic Republic, then under the sway of the Pius Dea religious order, battling against their adversaries, which included the Jedi Order, Alsakan itself, and numerous alien species who had suffered persecution at the hands of the Pius Dea cult. Ultimately, the Alsakani–Jedi alliance emerged victorious, leading to the removal of the Pius Dea from their positions of authority. Contispex XIX, the leader of the Pius Dea, was replaced by Biel Ductavis, the Grand Master of the Jedi, who assumed the role of Supreme Chancellor.
The Pius Dea constituted a religious organization that had maintained control over the Galactic Republic since Contispex I, a Human, secured the position of Supreme Chancellor back in 11,987 BBY. His successors established the Contispex dynasty, thereby solidifying their dominance over the Republic for a period exceeding one thousand years. Throughout their rule—a period subsequently known as the Pius Dea Era—the Pius Dea initiated a total of thirty-four crusades directed at alien species and individuals suspected of sympathizing with them.
The cult's humanocentric ideology, combined with their aggressive actions directed at non-Humans, provoked the ire of numerous alien species, prompting groups such as the Duros, Herglics, Hutts, and the Caamasi to actively oppose their reign. The Jedi Order had previously distanced themselves from the Pius Dea–controlled Republic, having withdrawn to their training planet of Ossus in 11,933 BBY.

Around the year 10,967 BBY, the Caamasi, known for their peaceful nature, successfully persuaded the Jedi to abandon their self-imposed isolation and take action against the Pius Dea. Furthermore, the Caamasi convinced the inhabitants of Alsakan, along with their allies, to join the struggle. They also began to forge alliances with alien species that had been subjected to persecution by the Pius Dea. In the following months, both factions secretly fomented a religious uprising within the Pius Dea ranks. Unknowingly influenced by the Jedi, numerous adherents joined the movement, rejecting the traditional Pius Dea beliefs in favor of a more inclusive faith that embraced alien species. These Pius Dea followers, who secretly identified as the Renunciates, gained new members throughout the Republic.
This division ignited a bitter civil war between the Renunciates and those who remained loyal to the original faith, known as the Faithful. The Renunciates and Faithful clashed throughout the Republic, causing widespread destruction to Ordnance/Regional Depots, generation ships, government facilities, and numerous other locations. Alsakani forces, supported by the Jedi Order and their allied forces—primarily the Duros, Herglics, and the Hutts—launched attacks on Pius Dea strongholds located on Fondor, Cyrillia, Ixtlar, Ord Mirit, and Ord Carida. The Republic's Rocket-Jumper Elite Advance Unit also participated in the conflict, engaging Pius Dea forces on Ord Carida.
The conflict rapidly escalated into a full-scale war, as the Pius Dea–led Republic initiated attacks against the Renunciates and the Jedi-led alliance. However, a significant portion of the Republic Navy chose to defect from the Republic, joining forces with the Jedi and Alsakani against the religious zealots. Despite the Pius Dea being significantly weakened by this defection, they still possessed an entire fleet of cathedral ships at their disposal, which they continued to use to wage war against those they deemed impure.
It was not until a year later that the Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) decided to intervene decisively. In collaboration with the Renunciates and the alliance, the BoSS secretly implanted rogue navicomputer codes into the Pius Dea's fleet of cathedral ships. The Jedi Order and its allies amassed their forces at the planet Uquine, strategically luring the Faithful into attacking the Renunciate fleet stationed there. Just as the Pius Dea's fleet was about to jump into hyperspace, the BoSS transmitted a signal to every ship in the fleet, activating the implanted code.
More than half of the fleet vanished, lost within hyperspace. Many of these missing cathedral ships found themselves stranded in the vast expanse of deep space, their navicomputers wiped clean and their hyperdrives and communications systems rendered inoperable. The individuals aboard these ships were left with no means of returning and ultimately succumbed to death due to a lack of essential supplies. The remaining ships arrived at Uquine only to find themselves under attack by the combined forces of the Renunciates and the Jedi-led alliance.
A strike force composed of Jedi Knights boarded the Pius Dea flagship Flame of Sinthara and successfully captured Supreme Chancellor Contispex XIX, effectively ending the Pius Dea's control over the Republic. Contispex was subsequently transported to the planet Caamas, where he was found guilty of committing crimes against the galaxy and sentenced to imprisonment for the remainder of his life. Following their defeat at Uquine and the removal of their leader, the Pius Dea faith rapidly disintegrated. Every member of the faith was removed from their positions of authority, and Biel Ductavis, the Grand Master of the Jedi, succeeded Contispex XIX as Supreme Chancellor.
The Seventh Alsakan Conflict brought an end to a thousand years of pervasive fear and state-sanctioned persecution, ushering in the Ductavis Era, characterized by rebuilding and restoration. The Pius Dea faith quickly faded into obscurity following the conflict, as the galaxy turned against them in retribution for the millennia of persecution they had inflicted. However, the faith's humanocentric beliefs persisted beneath the surface of society. By the time the Republic fell, the concept of Human High Culture had once again gained widespread acceptance within the Core Worlds. Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord, exploited the humanocentric attitudes prevalent in the predominantly Human Core Worlds to consolidate his control over the newly formed Galactic Empire millennia later in 19 BBY. Despite Alsakan's role in assisting the Jedi in removing the Pius Dea from power, the planet would later rebel against Coruscant and the Republic. Alsakan and its allies would continue their attempts to supplant Coruscant as the Republic's capital in ten subsequent conflicts, with the final conflict concluding nearly eight thousand years later.
Biel Ductavis was among the first Jedi to assume the role of Supreme Chancellor, initiating a trend of Jedi assuming power during periods of instability. Throughout the latter half of the New Sith Wars, the leader of the Jedi Order also served as Supreme Chancellor—a practice that ended with the election of Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum and the implementation of the Ruusan Reformation.
The Seventh Alsakan Conflict received its initial, albeit indirect, mention in the Hyperspace-exclusive historical article titled Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji, where it was referred to as the "famous encounter" that marked the end of the Pius Dea Era. It was later elaborated upon in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a 2012 reference book, alongside a broader discussion of the Pius Dea era and the Pius Dea crusades.