In the year 10,966 BBY, the Pius Dea Civil War reached its conclusion with a significant battle that unfolded at the Uquine celestial body. This confrontation marked the end of the Galactic Republic's domination by the Humanocentric Pius Dea cult, a reign that had persisted for a millennium. A coalition, formed by the Caamasi species; the Jedi Order; the independent world of Alsakan and its allies; and the Renunciates, former Pius Dea members secretly opposed to the cult, conspired to overthrow the Republic's leadership.
The resistance effort gained momentum when the Bureau of Ships and Services was swayed to join their cause. They strategically implanted compromised navigation computer code into Pius Dea cathedral ships. This code was activated a year after the Renunciates openly challenged the Pius Dea Faithful, sparking a civil war. The Pius Dea warships, including the vessel carrying Republic Supreme Chancellor Contispex XIX, were tricked into entering hyperspace and subsequently arrived at Uquine. There, a waiting fleet of Renunciate battleships utterly destroyed them. Simultaneously, the Jedi successfully captured Contispex XIX, paving the way for the end of Pius Dea's control over the Republic.
The rise of the Humanocentric Pius Dea religious faction began with the election of Contispex I as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic in 11,987 BBY. Under Contispex I and his dynastic successors, the Republic quickly fell under the sway of zealous Pius Dea followers. For a millennium, these Chancellors initiated a series of crusades, targeting alien species along the Republic's borders. Starting around 11,100 BBY, the Pius Dea Inquisitions also conducted mass trials, condemning and executing Republic citizens deemed "impure."

In 11,933 BBY, the Jedi Order, the Republic's longtime protectors, declared their independence from the Republic in protest of the Pius Dea's actions. Approximately eight centuries later, members of the Caamasi approached the Jedi, urging them to abandon their isolation and help end the Pius Dea's oppressive rule. Subsequently, the Caamasi, the Jedi, and operatives from the independent world of Alsakan and its allies began to disseminate a secret faith within the Pius Dea ranks, turning converts into Renunciates. The Caamasi also convinced the Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) to abandon its traditional neutrality and assist the anti-Pius Dea alliance, which had been secretly planning for a century. Viewing the Pius Dea as a disease ravaging the galaxy, the BoSS infiltrated the memory banks of Pius Dea cathedral ships with malicious navigation computer code.
Finally, in 10,967 BBY, the Renunciates revealed their existence, triggering the Pius Dea Civil War and battling the Pius Dea Faithful with the support of Alsakani, Jedi, and alien navies. A year later, with the Faithful seemingly gaining the upper hand, the BoSS activated the hidden code aboard the Pius Dea warships, causing thousands of them to jump into hyperspace. Many of these vessels found themselves stranded in interstellar space with their hyperdrive and communications systems disabled.
Instead of reaching their intended destinations, the lead ships of the Pius Dea, including the Flame of Sinthara carrying Supreme Chancellor Contispex XIX, materialized near the Colonies world of Uquine. There, a massive fleet of Renunciate battleships lay in wait. Caught completely by surprise, the cathedral ships found their offensive and defensive capabilities compromised, allowing the Renunciates to systematically obliterate the Pius Dea ships. Simultaneously, the Jedi successfully apprehended the Supreme Chancellor on the bridge of his vessel.
Following his capture, Contispex XIX was put on trial and imprisoned. Biel Ductavis, the Jedi Grand Master, assumed the position of Supreme Chancellor. Under his guidance, the Pius Dea's dominion came to an end, ushering in the Ductavis Era, a time of reconstruction for the Republic that spanned from approximately 11,000 BBY to 9000 BBY. After the victory at Uquine, Admiral Pers Pradeux and his fellow officers, gathered at the world of Prefsbelt, where they reorganized and rebuilt the Republic Navy. By aiding in Contispex XIX's overthrow, the Navy partially redeemed its honor after previously serving the Pius Dea. Pradeux played a key role in establishing naval traditions that would endure for millennia. In 104 ABY, Doctor Gabrel Treon made a subtle reference to the battle of Uquine in his article, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes," published in the Byblos Journal of Historical Science, describing it as a "famous encounter" that was still well-remembered.

The "famous encounter" that brought an end to the Pius Dea's control over the Galactic Republic first appeared in "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji," an article written by Nathan O'Keefe and published on as part of the Hyperspace feature on February 5, 2009. O'Keefe deliberately kept the mention vague, allowing future Star Wars novelists or comics writers to further expand on the event. The battle was later detailed in the reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart, released on April 3, 2012.
The battle of Uquine was also highlighted in the article "10 Key Battles," penned by Fry and Urquhart and featured in the 133rd edition of Star Wars Insider magazine on May 1, 2012. In this article, the battle was ranked fourth in significance, following the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor from the original trilogy films Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, respectively, as well as the Battle of Ebaq from Star Wars: The New Jedi Order novel series.
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (First mentioned)
- The Essential Guide to Warfare (First described)
- " 10 Key Battles " — Star Wars Insider 133
- " 10 Great Military Leaders " — Star Wars Insider Special Edition 2013