Biel Ductavis

Biel Ductavis was a male Jedi Master who, as Grand Master, headed the Jedi Order near the conclusion of the Pius Dea Crusades. These conflicts commenced in 11,965 BBY and went on for almost a millennium. After the Galactic Senate was suspended by the Order following the arrest of Supreme Chancellor Contispex XIX in 10,966 BBY, Ductavis took on the leadership of the Galactic Republic in an effort to reconstruct the galactic government.


As a male, Biel Ductavis underwent training in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order. He ultimately reached the status of Jedi Master during the time known as the Pius Dea Era. Ductavis, along with his fellow Jedi, stayed on the planet Ossus while the Galactic Republic's Supreme Chancellors, who were adherents of the Pius Dea religion, ravaged the galaxy via the Pius Dea Crusades, initiated in 11,965 BBY. Almost a millennium later, during the rule of Chancellor Contispex XIX, the Order started collaborating with Caamasi peacekeepers, hoping to put an end to the oppression caused by the Pius Dea-controlled Republic.

Following years of preparation, the Order successfully overthrew the Chancellor, arresting Contispex on his flagship, Flame of Sinthara, and then suspending the Galactic Senate in 10,966 BBY. After Contispex's trial and subsequent imprisonment on the planet Caamas, the Jedi High Council placed Ductavis in the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. Simultaneously, Ductavis held the position of Grand Master of the Jedi Order, leading both the Republic and the Jedi Order. During his life, Ductavis made a holocron, known as the Ductavis Holocron, which was kept in the vaults beneath the Great Jedi Library on Ossus after his eventual death. However, when Ossus was being evacuated before the Cron Supernova that destroyed the Library, the Jedi were unable to access the vault containing the Ductavis Holocron, resulting in it and the vault being buried under debris.

Personality and traits

Biel Ductavis, a male, gained enough trust that he was able to lead both the Republic and the Jedi Order following the Pius Dea crusades.

Powers and abilities

Ductavis possessed sensitivity to the Force, ultimately achieving the rank of Jedi Master.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Biel Ductavis occurred in The Essential Guide to Warfare, penned by Jason Fry and published in 2012. Ductavis was featured as part of the backdrop for the Pius Dea crusades. A codex entry within the PC video game Star Wars: The Old Republic implies that Ductavis was elected to the role of Supreme Chancellor, which appears to contradict the details provided in The Essential Guide to Warfare.

