The Republic Elite Advance Unit of Rocket-Jumpers (R-EAU), more frequently called the Republic rocket-jumpers, represented an elite military force. These soldiers were outfitted with a rocket pack, by the Galactic Republic thousands of years before the Empire's ascent. They were a component of the organizational structure of the Republic Army.

On the battlefield, the rocket jumpers had two main objectives. Their initial task involved maintaining their position until the arrival of Republic reinforcements, or the provision of support from either heavy artillery or starships. Their second designated task was to offer limited reconnaissance, along with performing rescue missions and rapid response actions. As their standing as an elite fighting group grew, the rocket-jumpers started taking part in specialized missions. These included extracting VIPs and destroying enemy weapon sites. Additionally, Republic rocket-jumpers were sent in to resolve deadlocks and sieges by directly entering intense combat zones. While the unit typically served these purposes, they were also known to participate in large-scale battles, acting as a forward response element.
Because this was an elite unit, and considering the risks involved in their missions, only the most proficient combat officers and soldiers were considered for membership. Of those who applied, only 8% were successful in securing a position as a rocket-jumper. The soldiers within this unit gained notoriety for their peculiar conduct during off-duty hours, which included drinking, fighting, and various daring stunts. It became common knowledge that most people avoided areas where rocket-jumpers gathered, and insuring businesses in those locations within Galactic City was extremely difficult.
However, they were committed soldiers while actively on a mission, and they upheld that level of discipline in combat. They were expected to achieve success on the battlefield, or perish in the attempt. Their high level of discipline meant that they would not fail or surrender under any circumstances, prioritizing mission objectives above all else. As a result, only the most qualified and dedicated soldiers were permitted to serve the Republic as rocket-jumpers.
Their equipment included a Zim Systems ROCKET personal rocket pack, protective armor, 0033X grenades, and a pulse-wave rifle.

The unit was initially established around 11,000 BBY, coinciding with the development of reliable jet-propelled packs. During the Pius Dea Civil War, which brought an end to Pius Dea's control over the Galactic Republic, rocket jumpers were instrumental in the Jedi victory over Pius Dea forces on Ord Carida. Subsequently, they participated in significant battles, including the Second Herglic Feud, the Waymancy Storm, the Gank Massacres, and the Quesaya Border Conflict. Before becoming Minister of Defense, Senator Netus served within their ranks. They suffered a defeat against Juggernaut war droids during the Great Droid Revolution in a battle for Monument Plaza on Coruscant. Ironically, Supreme Chancellor Vocatara, a decorated rocket-jumper veteran, had originally commissioned those droids during the Gank Massacres.
Following a request for assistance from the Republic by Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma during the Freedon Nadd Uprising on Onderon, they were deployed from rocket-jumper troopships above the capital city of Iziz. The rocket-jumpers supported the Beast Riders of Onderon in battle against Naddist forces by descending through intense artillery fire to engage the enemy on the ground.
The unit was eventually disbanded in 1000 BBY, after the Ruusan Reformation led to the elimination of the Republic Army and its replacement with the Judicial Forces. While the unit was no longer active, their tactics continued to be used. During the Clone Wars, the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic used clone jet troopers who employed the same rapid tactics used by the previous rocket-jumper divisions. The Galactic Empire continued this practice by establishing Airtrooper military units. In later times, the Republic rocket-jumpers were recognized as one of several special forces in the galaxy's history, alongside units such as the Freedom Warriors and the Atrisian Assault Corps.
Centuries later, during the time of the Galactic Empire, stormtrooper TX-5532 identified the Republic Elite Advance Unit of Rocket-Jumpers as the closest equivalent to the Stormtrooper Corps in terms of elite, first-attack soldiers.
During the Galactic Civil War, a band of pirates utilized old rocket packs from the Republic rocket-jumpers to attack orbital shuttles as they moved through the upper cloud layers of Corellia's atmosphere.