Juggernaut war droid

The Juggernaut war droid was a battle droid produced by Duwani Mechanical Products. It was specifically engineered for the Republic rocket-jumper corps.


Juggernaut war droid and K-X12 probe droid exchange fire.

This juggernaut droid was designed with a two-legged form, but it also possessed a pair of alternative movement systems. It could use a set of twin jets, mounted as outriggers, to launch itself into the air for brief periods of up to a minute. Alternatively, these jets could be reconfigured into intake propellers for underwater travel. A design flaw, unfortunately, meant the droids propellers were prone to seizing up, leading to the droid's submersion. The juggernaut's arsenal included a wide-beam sonic stunner and a powerful shatter beam, although its main armament was the pulse-wave rifle.


Supreme Chancellor [Vocatara] (/article/vocatara) first ordered them in 4800 BBY. They were quickly deployed in the Gank Massacres. During the Great Sith War, Juggernaut war droids were very useful to soldiers of the Galactic Republic by providing crucial supplies; their versatile jet packs allowed them to reach Republic troops far behind enemy lines. However, during the Great Droid Revolution, HK-01 utilized them to devastating effect, decimating Republic rocket-jumpers in aerial combat over Monument Plaza. Following HK-01's deactivation, most of these droids were promptly taken out of service.

During the Jedi Civil War, Czerka scientist Joni Ree experimented on Juggernaut war droids at the Czerka 431 research facility on behalf of the Sith Empire. Ree, being against the Sith, revealed the facility's location to the Galactic Republic and intended to use the Juggernauts to escape during a Republic attack.

Ilum, an Iron Knight, and her twelve children took up residence inside the shells of Juggernaut war droids. Arden Lyn's cybernetic arm was constructed using parts from Juggernaut droids.

The Mandalorians would later employ the JU-9 Juggernaut War Droid.

Behind the scenes

The Juggernaut war droid's design was originally considered for the B2 super battle droid.

