The Great Droid Revolution, alternatively referred to as the Great Droid Revolt, represents an insurrection initiated by droids on the planet of Coruscant that transpired in the year 4015 BBY. It was during this period of upheaval that Jedi Master Arca Jeth acquired the technique of disabling droids through the application of the Force to cause a short circuit. A particularly notable episode of the Revolution involved clashes between Juggernaut war droids and Republic rocket-jumpers in the vicinity of Monument Plaza.
Following the eventual apprehension of the renegade assassin droid HK-01, the Republic dedicated a substantial period to recuperating from the damage inflicted by the attacks. Subsequently, droid designers and manufacturers collaborated with weapons engineers to develop ion-based weaponry capable of disrupting droid electronic systems. The consequence of this strife was a temporary end to the emerging "droids' rights" movement.
These occurrences were subsequently documented within the pages of the book titled Conflagration: An Eyewitness Account of the Great Droid Uprising.
A mistake in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide places the droid rebellion within the timeline of the Great Sith War.