Jump pirates constituted pirate gangs that preyed on orbital shuttles traversing the upper atmospheric strata. These brigands employed archaic rocket packs once favored by Old Republic rocket-jumpers to commandeer the ships. Such atmospheric marauders presented a unique threat, as even a minor miscalculation could result in the catastrophic descent of their targets from great altitudes to the planet's surface, rather than simple abandonment in the void of space.
As jump pirate incidents escalated on Corellia following the Battle of Yavin, and media outlets frequently covered their exploits, The Corellian Security Force made suppressing these criminals a key objective. To that end, CorSec engaged heavily armed civilian investigative teams to scrutinize potential pirate hideouts, with instructions to eliminate them upon discovering any evidence of unlawful conduct.
The concept of Jump pirates appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Jump pirates were referenced in the narrative of a quest titled "Suspected Jump Pirate Lair," which players could obtain at Mission Terminals located on Corellia.