Imram was a planet situated in the Mid Rim region, specifically within Lannik Space. During the Kymoodon Era, colonists from the Galactic Republic established a settlement on Imram, an action that the Hutt species considered an act of aggression.
Consequently, the Hutts provided support for attacks on Imram and other Republic colonies, which resulted in the enslavement or death of numerous colonists. The events that transpired on Imram were documented in a report that eventually found its place within a government archive located on the planet Belasco.
Imram existed as a world residing within the Imram system. It formed a component of the sector referred to as Lannik Space, positioned within both the Mid Rim and the Slice regions.

Sometime during the Kymoodon Era, spanning from 15,000 BBY to 12,000 BBY, Republic colonists settled Imram, a world situated beyond the Galactic Republic's frontier at that time. The Hutt species considered this planet as part of their outer territories, viewing the Republic's colonization as a declaration of war. As a response, the Hutts sponsored raids on Imram and other similarly settled planets, leading to the enslavement or death of many colonists.
Subsequently, the occurrences on Imram were chronicled in a report formulated as background information for a public advisory against Republic colonization Rimward. This report was eventually stored in a government archive on the planet Belasco. In 5 ABY, remnants of the Belascoan archive report were unearthed. This discovery prompted Thunys Albegron, an Academician of Popular Studies, to mention Imram during the Obroa-Skai Conference on Popular Entertainment a year later.
The original intention was for Imram to be referenced in the 2012 reference book titled The Essential Guide to Warfare, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. However, the sidebar containing information about the world was removed before the book's publication. The details regarding Imram were later made available in 2014 as a component of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, a collection of articles featured on the Blog by Fry and Erich Schoeneweiss, which included various segments of content that had been omitted from The Essential Guide to Warfare. The Online Companion to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, accessible via, positioned the Imram system, and consequently the planet Imram, within grid square R-13.