The Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion, found on, the official website for Star Wars, is a collection of articles. These articles were made available following the 2009 publication of The Essential Atlas and were written by its creators, Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace. The articles present lists of systems featured in the appendix of The Essential Atlas, enhanced with the sector location for many systems, a detail absent from the original print version. These lists were conceived as living documents, subject to updates and revisions aimed at correcting inaccuracies, enriching existing entries, and incorporating new locations as they appear in subsequent releases. Furthermore, the Online Companion showcased galaxy maps delineating the locations of sectors, crafted by the artist Modi.
According to Jason Fry, co-author of the Atlas, as revealed on's Jedi Council Forums, the Online Companion's system database cataloged star systems using names of well-known celestial objects, rather than official system titles. Fry clarified that this listing was not intended to establish new system names or contradict established continuity. He also expressed his intention to assign homeworlds to various species, drawing from contextual clues within their names.
A special map highlighting the Outer Rim sectors, derived from the original map in The Essential Atlas, along with a revised appendix, was released on September 10, 2009. Subsequently, on March 15, 2011, a map illustrating the Mid Rim sectors, accompanied by another updated appendix, was made available. This appendix incorporated sector information for Mid Rim systems, systems previously omitted, and newly introduced systems (including those from The Clone Wars).

Jason Fry later communicated via email that an updated appendix and a sector map detailing the Expansion Region were forthcoming. These updates were subsequently published on October 26, 2012. On June 11, 2014, Jason Fry exclusively shared a high-definition version of the previously released Expansion Region sectors map with Wookieepedia. He also disclosed that Lucasfilm Ltd. had approved the release of further appendix updates and sector maps.
- Carnovia system
- Circumtore system
- Cyax system
- Diyu system
- Far Pando system
- Gos Hutta system
- Groth system
- Kor Besadii system
- Kor Gejalli system
- Kor Hunamma system
- Kor Nasirii system
- Kor Oktanivii system
- Kor Usilic system
- Kor Vosadii system
- Nar Chunna system
- Nar Kaaga system
- Ord Ortag system
- Orondia system
- Pybus system
- Quesh system
- Sakidopa system
- Sleheyron system
- Valsedian system
- Varl system (Ardos system)
- Xolu system
- Zisia system
- Ashas Ree system
- Athiss system
- Begeren system
- Bhargebba system
- Bosthirda system
- Ch'hodos system
- Drezzi system
- Dromund Kaas system
- Hallion system
- Jaguada system
- Kalsunor system
- Khar Delba system
- Korriban system
- Korriz system
- Krayiss system
- Nfolgai system
- Nicht Ka system
- Rhelg system
- Savek system
- Stygian Caldera system
- Svolten system
- Upekzar system
- Ziost system
- Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (backup link)
- Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion Appendix in PDF format on (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Appendix in PDF format (backup link on
- The Essential Atlas and Galactic Cartography: Official Discussion on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board) (backup link) , with Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace
- Star Wars: The Essential Atlas — Mapping a Living Book on (backup link)
- Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Unstated Canon in Star Wars: The Essential Atlas on Blogspot (backup link)
- Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: The Essential Atlas (part 1 of 5) on Blogspot (backup link)
- Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: The Essential Atlas (part 2 of 5) on Blogspot (backup link)
- Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: The Essential Atlas (part 3 of 5) on Blogspot (backup link)
- Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: The Essential Atlas (part 4 of 5) on Blogspot (backup link)
- Daniel Wallace's Geekosity — Endnotes for Star Wars: The Essential Atlas (part 5 of 5) on Blogspot (backup link)
- Essential Atlas Extra: The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster on (article) (backup link)
- The Essential Atlas Extra: Outer Rim Sectors on (backup link)
- Essential Atlas Extra: Sectors of the Mid Rim on (backup link)
- Essential Atlas Extra: The Knight Errant Gazetteer on (article) (backup link)
- Essential Atlas Extra: Expansion Region on (backup link)
- The Further Adventures of Star Wars: The Essential Atlas on (backup link)