Dromund system

The Dromund system, alternatively known as the Dromund Kaas system, was a star system situated within the Esstran sector of the Outer Rim Territories, specifically located in the region of space referred to as the Sith Worlds. This system, comprised of five planets and a single star called Dromund, held historical significance for various Sith organizations. While Dromund Ixin and [Dromund Tyne](/article/dromund_tyne], two of the planets, were lifeless, and [Dromund Kalakar](/article/dromund_kalakar], a third, was a gas giant, the remaining two—the parched Dromund Fels and the terrestrial Dromund Kaas—were habitable. Dromund Kaas functioned as the capital for the reconstituted Sith Empire for over a millennium. For much of its history, the Dromund system remained largely obscure to the galaxy at large.


Contained within the Sith Worlds, a region of the Esstran sector within the Outer Rim Territories, was the Dromund star system. Its composition included one star, a yellow sun named Dromund, alongside five planets, these being Dromund Ixin, Dromund Kalakar, Dromund Kaas, Dromund Fels, and Dromund Tyne. The Kamat Krote hyperlane linked the Dromund system, positioned within the Stygian Caldera nebula, to Bosthirda and Jaguada. During his reign, the Sith Emperor of the reconstituted Sith Empire possessed a personal space station in orbit around Dromund Kaas; however, the Sith Lord Darth Malgus commandeered the space station following the Emperor's supposed death and relocated it to the Ilum system. The Stygian Caldera nebula's presence was visible from within the star system, imbuing the cosmos with a reddish-brown color.


Dromund Kaas and the Kamat Krote hyperlane

Prior to 6900 BBY, the Sith Empire, the civilization originating from the Sith species on Korriban, made the discovery of the Dromund system. Early in the Empire's history, Dromund Kaas underwent colonization. Nevertheless, both the colony and the entire system, along with the Kamat Kroke route, faded from historical records by the time of the Great Hyperspace War against the Galactic Republic in 5000 BBY. In 4999 BBY, researchers on Nathema, acting under the orders of the Sith Lord Vitiate, rediscovered the system. Vitiate then spearheaded the remnants of the shattered Sith civilization in an exodus from Korriban, a journey that spanned nearly two decades before culminating in the Dromund system. On Dromund Kaas, Vitiate—now the immortal Sith Emperor—reestablished the Empire, transforming the star system into the epicenter of this revitalized civilization.

In 3642 BBY, Jomar Chul, a Jedi Knight, conducted reconnaissance of the Dromund system to assess the defenses of the Emperor's space station. Although Imperial starfighters forced him to flee, the data he gathered enabled a Jedi strike team to infiltrate the system and confront the Emperor aboard his station. During the Galactic War between the Republic and the Empire in 3640 BBY, the Dromund system became the battleground for a conflict known as the Dromund Kaas Operation, fought between the Republic Navy and the Empire's First Defense Fleet. The Republic Navy's offensive served as a diversion, allowing the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython to infiltrate Dromund Kaas and eliminate the Emperor. Following the Jedi's success, the Republic fleet retreated to the Core Worlds.

A star chart of the system

By 2000 BBY, the Dromund system was once again deserted. Despite Dromund Kaas being the site of a battle in 1004 BBY between the Jedi Order and the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness, the system remained uninhabited until after 990 BBY, when the renegade Sith Lord Darth Millennial sought refuge on Dromund Kaas and established the Dark Force religion. Until 22 BBY, when the Sith Lord Darth Sidious discovered the Prophets on Dromund Kaas, the Prophets of the Dark Side, followers of the Dark Force, governed the sparse population of Dromund Kaas and remained unknown to the wider galaxy. Shortly before this, a Human attempted an uprising against the Prophets but was killed. Consequently, his son Roly Melusar harbored a deep resentment for Force-sensitives and propagated the belief that the Dromund system was a myth. While the galaxy largely considered the system and its planets mythical, Yoda, the Jedi Grand Master, verified its existence during the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the conflict, the Republic's 327th Star Corps engaged in a battle on Dromund Kaas.

In subsequent decades, members of the New Jedi Order visited the system at least twice. The first instance occurred in 10 ABY, when Mara Jade rescued her mentor Kyle Katarn from Dromund Kaas after the Jedi Knight succumbed to the dark side's influence on the planet. The second visit took place in 44 ABY, when Luke Skywalker, the Grand Master, along with his son Ben Skywalker, Jaina Solo, and Vestara Khai, were ambushed on Dromund Kaas by a group of Sith Sabers led by Vestara's father, Gavar Khai.

Orbital bodies

Dromund Ixin

Dromund Ixin, devoid of satellites, was the barren planet closest to the star Dromund.

Dromund Kalakar

The second planet from Dromund, Dromund Kalakar was a gas giant with six orbiting moons. Kalakar Six, a volcanic moon, served as a mining colony for the reconstituted Empire until an eruption buried the settlement. Millennia later, the Prophets of the Dark Side enticed Darth Vader to this moon, a potent dark side nexus, where they orchestrated a confrontation between Vader and a doppelgänger of Darth Maul.

Dromund Kaas

Dromund Kaas

Positioned as the third planet in the Dromund system, Dromund Kaas, with its two moons, was a world characterized by jungles and swamps. Throughout much of galactic history, it served as a significant hub for Sith activity. Due to Sith magic performed by the Emperor of the reconstituted Sith Empire, the planet's atmosphere was perpetually engulfed in storms, and it functioned as a powerful dark side nexus. Originally a colony of the first Sith Empire, Dromund Kaas was rediscovered by the reconstituted Empire and served as its capital for over a thousand years, although it was later largely abandoned, hosting only scattered populations of Sith and dark side adherents.

Dromund Fels

Orbiting Dromund in the fourth position, Dromund Fels was an arid planet with one moon. Darth Igrol, a member of the reconstituted Empire's Dark Council, maintained a residence on Dromund Fels during his lifetime. The Imperial Reclamation Service conducted numerous archaeological excavations on the planet throughout the Empire's history.

Dromund Tyne

Dromund Tyne, the fifth planet in the Dromund system, was a barren world akin to Dromund Ixin, lacking any moons.

