Dromund Fels, a desolate planet, was the fourth planet from the star called Dromund. This star was located within the Dromund system, which itself existed as a star system within the Sith Worlds region of the Outer Rim Territories's Esstran sector. A single moon circled the planet. Before its fall, the Old Sith Empire held dominion over this world. Millennia later, the reconstituted Empire conducted multiple archaeological digs on Dromund Fels.
Positioned as the fourth planet within the Dromund system, Dromund Fels resided in a star system located in the Sith Worlds. The Sith Worlds were a section of the Outer Rim Territories's Esstran sector situated inside the Stygian Caldera nebula. Dromund Fels, a barren yet habitable world, had one moon orbiting it.
Prior to its demise, the Old Sith Empire exerted control over Dromund Fels. At some point during the Empire's reign, some slaves mounted a rebellion against their masters. The reconstituted Empire seized the planet again before 3954 BBY. By that year, Darth Igrol, a member of the Empire's governing Dark Council, was living on Dromund Fels. Before 3678 BBY, Darth Marr, a Sith Lord, discovered the lightsaber belonging to the ancient Sith Tulak Hord on Dromund Fels. In the decades that followed, the archaeologists of the Imperial Reclamation Service performed several excavations on the planet. One notable find by the Reclamation Service was a oubliette, a tomb containing a Sith prisoner who had been entombed alongside numerous Sith artifacts and treasures. Another dig unearthed the remains of rebellious slaves from the era of the old Empire. By the time of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Empire, Dromund Fels also harbored a substantial criminal element, and Anti-Imperial rebels were active, aided by the Exchange crime syndicate.
Dromund Fels made its debut in the 2005 online article "The Dark Forces Saga". It went unmentioned until the 2011-2012 period, when it was referenced in various materials related to the metaseries surrounding the BioWare-LucasArts video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.