Imperial Reclamation Service

The Imperial Reclamation Service functioned as a military branch within the Imperial Army of the reconstituted Sith Empire. Its primary duty involved conducting archaeological investigations and launching field expeditions to unearth long-lost artifacts and technologies. Spanning over 1,300 years, starting after the Sith re-established themselves on Dromund Kaas and continuing through the Sith Wars, the Service undertook excavations and other archaeological endeavors across both Imperial and non-Imperial planets throughout the galaxy. These archaeological ventures and the securing of potent relics aimed to amplify the might of the Sith, yet frequently necessitated the Service to confront dangers posed by the relics themselves.


The Reclamation Service was a component of the Sith Empire's Imperial Army, led by a general. From its inception until Empress Acina's Dark Council reforms, the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge within the Sith Order oversaw the unit's archaeological activities. Following the reforms, the newly formed Sphere of Sith Doctrine took control of the unit's operations. The Service routinely assembled temporary expeditionary and excavation teams for specific tasks, disbanding them upon mission completion. However, a trackers' committee remained a permanent fixture within the unit.

The Dark Council established the Service to locate formidable Sith artifacts scattered across the galaxy. Initially, its mandate expanded to encompass any ancient religious or technological relics from any civilization that could potentially bolster the Empire's strength. While Sith Lords and senior officers acknowledged its potential to significantly impact the Empire's conflict with the Republic, the Service sometimes faced skepticism or disdain from regular soldiers.


Organized expeditions were the primary means by which the Service carried out archaeological activities such as surveys and digs. These expeditions were created for a specific purpose and were disbanded once that purpose was achieved. A military officer from the Reclamation Service or a highly ranked scientist or scholar usually led these expeditions. The makeup of these expeditions frequently included archaeologists, researchers and their assistants, historians, consultants, foremen, laborers, explorers, engineers, salvagers, security personnel, and other scientific and support roles. Occasionally, slave labor was used for more physically demanding and repetitive tasks.

From its beginning, the Reclamation Service launched archaeological expeditions during both times of peace and war, although its overarching goal was to fortify the Empire in its battles against its long-standing adversaries, the Republic and the Jedi. Expeditions were sent to planets under Imperial control, those that were neutral or unaligned, and even hostile territories. The Service could conduct large-scale excavations on Imperial planets because it had authority and access to resources, which allowed it to unearth valuable artifacts. To avoid being discovered and to prevent hostile forces from obtaining artifacts, the Service operated covertly on neutral and hostile planets.

Before 3643 BBY, Captain Barden Golah of the Reclamation Service had commanded expeditions to Ziost, Malachor II, and Nim Drovis. In 3643 BBY, following an unauthorized intrusion into the Dark Temple by ambitious Sith Lords, the Dark Council authorized subsequent expeditions to assess the temple's condition; one of these was led by Major Swaine Lothar of the Service to excavate potent relics near the temple. Later that year, Cpt. Golah led an expedition to Tatooine to investigate leads pointing to a Czerka base that housed a Rakatan mind prison containing an ancient intelligence. Prior to 3641 BBY, Lieutenant Talos Drellik of the Service participated in an expedition to Krayiss II where they encountered deranged Force apparitions. In 3641 BBY, Lt. Drellik led a team to look into the possibility of a hidden Sith temple on Hoth. Shortly after that, Doctor Auselio Gann, a well-known scholar with the Service, embarked on a solo expedition to Aduba-6 in search of the tomb of Vaius Antinus' apprentice, but he was killed while defending its secrets from the Sith and Jedi. Before 3640 BBY, a Service expedition in the Dead Corals region of Rugosa came across mentions of an ancient Rakatan warlord. Around 3631 BBY, the Dark Council tasked Talos Drellik with leading an expedition to Yavin 4 to identify technological parallels with the former Sith Emperor in order to better understand Zakuulan technology.


Reclamation Service personnel employed a diverse array of tools and equipment during their archaeological field operations. These resources aided them in various tasks, from surveys and excavations to analysis and research. Scanners were frequently used to gather readings and other scientific information about items of interest. Sonic excavators were available to facilitate site excavation. Holopads, signaling devices, and other communication tools were regularly used. For excavation or containment purposes, explosive materials like baradium were utilized. Certain missions necessitated the use of materials tailored to the operating environment, such as salt in snowy or icy regions. Reclamation Service personnel also carried identification cards.

The Service utilized numerous droid types and models to carry out a range of tasks. These droids included hauler, salvage, recon, protocol, and others. Among the models employed were the Shalora probe droid, the Seneschal-series factotum droid (like AD-304), K-X29 Excavator excavation droids, OT-13 Exterminator security droids, and P-B12 Detonator remote blasting droids.

Reclamation Service uniforms were easily distinguishable by the tan colored caps and trousers.

The distinctive color scheme of their military uniforms made Reclamation Service personnel easily identifiable. The tan or brownish hue of the cap and trousers clearly indicated the wearer's affiliation with the Service.

Areas of study

The Reclamation Service's mission mandated that its members acquire extensive historical and scientific knowledge of various ancient civilizations and cultures. Because the Service was initially established to find powerful artifacts primarily associated with the Sith, that was the culture that many of its personnel specialized in, and their operations were centered on it. Many archaeologists and scholars within the Service specialized in Sith history and archaeology, spanning from before the Great Hyperspace War to its more recent history following the re-establishment of Dromund Kaas. Similarly, the Service engaged in activities related to Sith who were not directly connected to their own empire, such as the fallen Jedi Darth Revan and Exar Kun. Since the Sith wanted the Reclamation Service to find and study powerful ancient objects, frequently connected to the Dark Side, for their own use, the Rakata and their technologies were another area of common study for Imperial archaeologists. The Service focused on powerful relics and artifacts, including those from non-Dark Side cultures like the Gree and Jedi, that had the potential to enhance the power of the Sith and help them in their wars.

In addition to the cultures it investigated, the Reclamation Service also engaged in various types and fields of historical and archaeological study. These included xenoarchaeology, military history, antique weaponry, and archaeological warfare.


Over the decades, the various archaeological expeditions launched by the Reclamation Service have resulted in the discovery of significant archaeological finds and artifacts. Following their discovery, many of these relics were transported to Dromund Kaas for further examination.


The Reclamation Service operated various installations throughout the galaxy to support their local archaeological activities such as Outpost 701 on the desert planet Tatooine (pictured).

Like any military organization, the Reclamation Service utilized a range of facilities to serve as operational bases in areas where they carried out archaeological work.

During the Cold War, the Imperial Special Ops Center on the Hutt-controlled moon of Nar Shaddaa was one of the Service's active facilities. From this location, they attempted to gain access to a facility containing a relic linked to Darth Revan. The Service established multiple bases on the desert planet Tatooine to support their primary expedition there. These bases included their research center in the town of Mos Ila, a forward outpost in the Jundland Chasm, and an abandoned base in the Southern Jundland Wastes.


Darth Zavakon founded the Service sometime after the establishment of the Dark Council following 4980 BBY. The Service was tasked with scouring the galaxy for ancient relics.

Sometime between the Service's founding and the Cold War, Renigus Wight, a former commander in the Service, invented lightning spires as safety measures to shield future Service excavation teams from the severe weather on Dromund Kaas.

Cold War

The Reclamation Service was able to expand its operations to planets throughout the galaxy that had previously been inaccessible due to the Sith Empire's resurgence at the start of the Great Galactic War. The widespread k'lor'slug infestations hampered the Service's exploration of Sith tombs on Korriban, though the availability of acolytes from the Sith Academy somewhat mitigated this. The Reclamation Service had information indicating that the Killiks of Alderaan, who had lived there for thousands of years, might have possessed knowledge that could be used for extensive historical cross-referencing.

Dromund Kaas

By 3643 BBY, the Service maintained at least two archaeological camps in the Riverfall Wilds southeast of Kaas City, just outside the city limits. In that year, a starship transporting Galactic Republic infiltrators crashed close to one of the camps. The survivors, posing as spacers, went to the nearby camp and tried to get archaeological equipment and uniforms from Shellaster, a Service archaeological researcher. Shellaster, preoccupied with his work, directed the "spacers" to the next camp, which was led by Director Nashal. The infiltrators went to the next camp, attacked it, killed Nashal and all but one member of the camp, a research assistant named Starforth, and stole the uniforms, IDs, supplies, and a map of the archaeological researchers in order to infiltrate Kaas City while disguised as Reclamation Service researchers. The map showed the location of the Jurgoran Maw, a secret cave at the base of a nearby waterfall, where the infiltrators went to regroup. Around this time, four Imperial heroes discovered a datapad with apparent Republic encryption methods at the infiltrators' crashed ship, indicating that they were headed toward the nearby camp. The heroes followed the infiltrators to the first camp, where Shellaster similarly sent them to Nashal's camp. The heroes arrived at the next camp and met Starforth, who directed them to the Jurgoran Maw, which they attacked, recovered the stolen supplies, and returned them to Starforth, averting a security crisis.

Sergeant Molcarrus of the Third Recon Company was responsible for the security of these Reclamation Service camps as well as the scientists and slaves who worked there. Around this time, local predators, primarily vine cats and yozusks, had been attacking his men and the slaves under their care, which had effectively halted the camp's operations. Officials in Kaas City issued a bounty on the beasts in response to Molcarrus' request for assistance. Molcarrus enlisted the help of the four Imperial heroes, who killed at least ten of the beasts close to the camps and gave Administrator Reese in Kaas City trophies from each as proof in order to collect the bounty. This effort significantly reduced attacks by jungle predators on archaeological camp personnel.

Dozens of Reclamation Service personnel succumbed to the influence of the Dark side near the Dark Temple and were possessed by the spirits of long dead Sith Lords.

Around this time, a group of ambitious Sith Lords and their followers launched an unauthorized expedition and broke into the previously sealed and restricted Dark Temple. None of the expedition members had returned by the end of the first week following the temple's opening, so the Dark Council authorized follow-up expeditions to be sent to the temple to determine its status.

One of these expeditions was an excavation team led by Reclamation Service Major Swaine Lothar. This team discovered a number of potent Sith relics in the Dark Temple pass caverns, but they were attacked by other Imperials who were affected by the oppressive Dark Side influence emanating from the temple. The possessed Imperials murdered the team and transported the relics to the temple grounds. When the four Imperial heroes ran into Lothar outside the Kaas City expansion district, he told them that his team was overdue by several days and asked for their help in finding the team, getting the relics back, and giving them to Sith Lord Duen, who was in charge of the nearby Outpost Warden. The heroes entered the cavern and fought their way through possessed Imperials and Sith, discovering a holopad that revealed the archaeological team's fate. The heroes proceeded to the Dark Temple grounds, where they defeated a number of possessed and delusional Imperials and Sith, including Reclamation Service foremen and archaeologists, recovered the relics in their possession, and delivered them to Lord Duen, who quarantined them for further investigation.

In the meantime, Captain Fizik of the Imperial Military, operating from Outpost Warden, had sent three expeditions, mostly made up of slaves, into the Dark Temple to gather information on an increase in seismic activity in the area, but none of them had returned. When the Imperial heroes entered the temple and went to the last known coordinates of the last expedition, they came across a slave named Dorian who had been sporadically possessed by the spirit of the long-dead Sith Lord Nil Venerous. The heroes made a deal with the slave in which they would retrieve stone tablets bearing Venerous' mark in exchange for the data the Empire was looking for. Other Imperials and Sith in the temple who were possessed by the spirits of Venerous' enemies, whom the heroes were forced to kill in order to obtain the tablets, had stolen the tablets that Dorian desired. This included possessed Reclamation Service explorers.

During the same incursion into the temple, the Imperial heroes accepted a mission from Sith Lord Alaric to retrieve a plasma torch from the temple and seal three tombs of buried dead Sith Lords within. The heroes defeated nearly forty insane Imperials and Sith who had already escaped the temple while securing the Sith Lords' chambers. This included possessed Reclamation Service foremen, archaeologists, and explorers.

While completing other missions in the temple, the Imperial heroes encountered another possessed slave calling himself "Lord Pharshol." Pharshol sent the heroes to search the temple for his apprentice, Anyarah, and send her back to him. He claimed she had been led away by his rivals in the Dark Path. The heroes discovered Anyarah on the temple's second level in the Unquiet Chamber. To get to her, the heroes were compelled to defeat around ten Sith and Reclamation Service explorers possessed by Dark Path adepts and assassins.

Nar Shaddaa: Infinite Engine discovery

Darth Revan had built a complex on Nar Shaddaa centuries earlier, sealing a mysterious device and many alien slaves inside. No one had entered or left the facility since then because of its fortifications, which included self-repairing automated defense turrets and an apparently endless supply of assassin droids. As early as 3653 BBY, the Sith Empire tried to break into the complex but failed repeatedly, losing over 1,000 men and 10,000 probe droids. Finally, around 3643 BBY, the Sith Emperor appointed Reclamation Service General Kolvin as the mission leader of the Imperial Special Ops Center in Nar Shaddaa's Upper Industrial Sector near Revan's complex and ordered him to reveal its secrets. Kolvin discovered that three reactors in the sector, operated by factions hostile to the Empire, powered the complex's defenses. He recruited the four Imperial heroes as a special strike team to attack and shut down the reactors in order to significantly reduce the risk of accessing Revan's complex.

The strike team defeated members of each enemy faction guarding the reactors while disabling them, including about ten members of the Exchange, five Hutt Cartel droids, and ten Republic Special Forces soldiers.

After successfully shutting down the reactors and disabling the complex's defenses, the strike team reported back to Gen. Kolvin, who sent them to investigate Revan's complex. Although the majority of the facility's defenses were disabled after the reactors were shut down, a large number of droids continued to patrol the complex. Upon entering the facility, the strike team destroyed at least fifteen of the droids in order to clear the way for the Empire to secure the facility. While investigating the facility, the strike team discovered three recordings made over the centuries by Revan's alien slaves, as well as Revan's own journal, which contained information about the mysterious device contained within the complex, its history, and the history of the slaves. The team eventually encountered Ongree slaves guarding Revan's device. One of the aliens, Azraj-Nug, approached the team and revealed that the descendants of Revan's slaves were still alive and nurturing the mysterious object known as the Infinite Engine, a relic associated with the Rakatan Star Forge. The team defeated the handful of slaves and delivered the Infinite Engine to Gen. Kolvin, who arranged for its transportation to Dromund Kaas for further investigation.

The Infinite Engine.


Around the same time, the Empire came across a damaged shuttle in the vastness of space. This shuttle had originated from a Czerka Corporation base located on Tatooine. Czerka made claims that they had powerful local artifacts. The base vanished not long after the shuttle's departure, and Czerka never made a return. The Sith Lord Darth Silthar and Reclamation Service Captain Barden Golah spearheaded an expedition to Tatooine with the goal of locating the base and the artifacts it housed. The Imperial military took control of the Tatooinian settlement known as Mos Ila, utilizing the city as the central hub for the expedition's operations.

The expedition dispatched the Imperial heroes to a Sons of Palawa settlement that was located near the city. Their mission was to acquire the verbobrains from experimental battle droids. These droids were thought to have originated from Czerka, and the verbobrains were needed to help pinpoint the location of the Czerka base. Following this, the heroes transported the verbobrains to a nearby Jawa camp. The expedition had discovered that the Jawas had traded the droids to the Sons. From the Jawas, they obtained a Czerka lockbox that contained a device of unknown purpose. Subsequently, the heroes trailed Silthar into Sand People territory. They found him mortally wounded inside a cave, but he had successfully determined the general area of the Czerka base in the Dune Sea. While analyzing the Czerka device acquired from the Jawas, an accident occurred that triggered an outbreak in a nearby Palawa village. This outbreak was contained before the expedition moved forward. Cpt. Golah sent the heroes to the Dune Sea to uncover proof of Czerka's presence, which ultimately led to the discovery of the base.

Within Imperial-occupied Mos Ila, Exchange smugglers were involved in the theft of Imperial explosives. They were selling these explosives to the Republic. Reclamation Service Lieutenant Trason sought the help of the four Imperial heroes to retrieve the stolen explosive chemical compounds and dismantle the criminal smuggling operation within the city. The heroes acquired a signaling device that was used to alert the smugglers from an Exchange criminal. They activated this device at the gang's warehouse within the city and launched an ambush on the Exchange forces. The heroes also destroyed ten Exchange security droids inside the warehouse to further disrupt their activities.

The Reclamation Service discovered an abandoned Czerka compound near the settlement of Mos Anek. A group of Jawas entered the compound and stole all of the old droids that were stored there. The droids became active and began occupying the area surrounding the Jawas' sandcrawler. Reclamation Service Lieutenant Whist monitored the droids' evolving behavior. As the Imperial heroes passed through the settlement, he enlisted their assistance to destroy some of the droids and scan their memory cores. This was done to secure their technology for the Empire.

In the Dune Sea, Reclamation Service officer Vengo and his team were escorting prison laborers to a Czerka dig site. They were ambushed by Republic forces, led by Jedi, who freed the prisoners. These prisoners were Republic officers who were being held illegally, violating the terms of the Treaty of Coruscant. Vengo overloaded the prisoners' shock collars, causing them severe injuries and forcing them to seek shelter near the wreckage of the Tarsis'Krall. Vengo recruited the Imperial heroes to track down and eliminate the escaped prisoners and their Jedi rescuers.

Following the successful Reclamation Service expedition on the planet, the Imperial heroes were recruited by Moff Merile Yurrion, the Imperial governor of the Arkanis sector. Their mission was to help establish Tatooine as an Imperial stronghold in the region. In the final phase of this campaign, the heroes accepted a mission from Reclamation Service Captain Tremont to remove the Exchange from an abandoned Reclamation Service base that they had transformed into an ammunition stockyard in the Jundland Wastes. At the abandoned base, the heroes encountered a survivor from one of the previous Imperial Special Forces teams. These teams had been sent to destroy the Exchange's ammo stockpiles. The heroes obtained the survivor's explosives and used them to destroy the stockpiles. To deal a significant blow to the Exchange, the heroes defeated over thirty Exchange members and droids at the base, destroyed several of their weapons caches, and killed the local Exchange division commander. They retrieved the Exchange's shipping records from his body, which detailed weapons and ammo shipments that the Exchange had routed through Tatooine, and handed them over to Imperial authorities.

While at the abandoned Reclamation Service base, the heroes also destroyed a stockpile of spice that the Exchange was selling to Imperial troops. They also destroyed their anti-aircraft defenses, which allowed Imperial reinforcements to seize their shipping warehouse. The Exchange had also taken control of several satellite uplink towers within the base, using them to infiltrate Imperial databases. Reclamation Service Ensign Rosha requested the assistance of the Imperial heroes to acquire satellite uplink access codes from Exchange personnel and sabotage the links. A tracer that the heroes planted revealed that the Hutts were providing payment for information on the Imperials, which was being gathered by the Exchange.

Near the abandoned Service base were ruins that Reclamation Service Lieutenant Berrig and his team had been assigned to investigate. However, they were driven out of the area by Republic archaeologists and their Republic Special Forces escort, who were also seeking to excavate the same site. Berrig enlisted the aid of the Imperial heroes to defeat a number of the Republic archaeologists and their armed escort. This was done to clear the area so that his team could resume their work.


During the Galactic Republic's final push to support the resistance on Balmorra in 3642 BBY, the occupying Imperial forces shot down the Corvani. This ship was piloted by freelance smuggler Ari Skyff, who was transporting weapons and medical supplies to the Republic. Skyff convinced four Republic heroes to travel to the Corvani's crash site, located in the Gorinth Canyon. There, they retrieved the supplies from encroaching Imperial salvage teams led by Reclamation Service officers. The heroes defeated multiple Reclamation Service officers and their salvage droids while recovering the supplies.

The Foundry

The Foundry.

As the four Imperial heroes advanced through the facility during the Battle of the Foundry, they collected data from a multitude of ancient terminals. This data was intended to provide Reclamation Service officers with insights into the facility's inner workings. The Reclamation Service held the belief that the Foundry employed a network of tractor beams. These beams were used to retrieve and break down asteroids in the vicinity, providing raw materials for its continuous mass production.


Around 3641 BBY, service Lt. Talos Drellik was in command of a team on the icy planet of Hoth. Their mission was to locate a mythical Sadow'een temple. The Sith Lord Kallig made his way to the planet after hearing rumors of a Force ghost being present. He took command of Drellik's team to assist in the search.

Lt. Talos Drellik led a Reclamation Service team to Hoth in search of a Sadow'een temple.

Drellik and his team were successful in helping Kallig pinpoint the location of the Sith temple they had initially been searching for. The Force ghost that Kallig sought directed them to the temple. In exchange for the ghost's assistance, they were to desecrate its contents. The mission was successfully completed with the discovery of the temple and the retrieval of the ancient ghost's sarcophagus.

Around this time, the Empire had been attempting to provoke the Jedi on the planet into a confrontation for months, but without success. Eventually, several Jedi masters were spotted leading a detachment of Republic commandos to a site at the north end of the Star of Coruscant. From Frostwake Outpost, Chiss Expansionary Defense Force Captain Vujaar, who was assigned to the Reclamation Service, enlisted the four Imperial heroes to proceed to the Jedi encampment and recover anything they could find. The heroes defeated a large number of Jedi and Republic assault troopers and recovered several Sith artifacts. Upon returning the relics to Vujaar, the Chiss officer identified them as being associated with the Sadow'een. He suggested that they contained the locations of several Sadow'een temples scattered throughout the galaxy.

In the Starship Graveyard, White Maw pirates were scavenging cargo manifests from crashed ships in order to gather information about their cargo. This information was highly valuable to Reclamation Service excavation teams. The four Imperial heroes defeated numerous White Maw forces in the area, looted their encrypted datapads and a decryption key from their keyholder, and passed these materials on to Imperial Intelligence for decryption. The data was then forwarded to the Service.

As part of the Empire's final push to remove the White Maw from the planet, the four Imperial heroes investigated a pirate hideout known as Loramarr. There, they discovered a battle droid neural chipset, which was believed to have been designed by the inventor Loramarr. Admiral Holtz and Fixer 308 alerted the Reclamation Service to the area after it had been cleared, in case anything else of value could be found.

Galactic War

Auselio Gann's last expedition

Doctor Auselio Gann, considered to be the Empire's foremost expert on Naga Sadow, met with his pupil, Lt. Drellik, on Nar Shaddaa just before Drellik departed for his expedition to Hoth. Gann informed Drellik that he was leaving for Malachor III and gave Drellik a medallion before his departure.

The outer layer of the medallion reacted to heat, melting away to reveal a heat-resistant casing that contained a datachip. The chip held information that revealed Gann was searching for the tomb of Vaius Antinus on Alderaan.

The medallion was attached to a newer chain that contained a holofrequency. Gann had recorded a message for Drellik using this frequency. In the message, Gann revealed that after visiting Antinus' tomb, he had traveled to Aduba-6 to the tomb of Antinus' apprentice. There, he found both Sith and Jedi pursuing the tomb's secrets. In an attempt to preserve the history contained within the tomb, Gann used the tomb's traps against both the Sith and the Jedi, but he ended up trapping himself in the prison where he died. Drellik discovered Gann's hidden message on the medallion shortly after joining Lord Kallig's crew, and he pursued Gann to Aduba-6.


Reclamation Service teams accompanying the Imperial invasion force on Belsavis were entirely focused on technology and artifacts associated with the Rakata, such as the Wraith Box.

During the Imperial invasion of the Republic prison planet Belsavis around 3641 BBY, Reclamation Service special consultant Cpt. Konya Suladi led a team in the planet's Maximum Security Section. They were translating Rakatan writings that referenced a planetary transportation system. Imperial Guard Commander [Calum], who was the leader of the invasion, ordered them to get the system operational for Imperial military use. This was in order to bypass Republic defenses. The writings mentioned a nearby central transport hub, but none of the personnel that Suladi sent to find it ever returned. Eventually, Suladi requested the aid of the four Imperial heroes to take a scanner and scan the transport device at the transport center in the Outer Wastes. The heroes successfully scanned the device and returned to Suladi. She studied the findings and made the transport network available for Imperial deployment into the Tomb.

Following the successful release of the Dread Masters from captivity in the Republic prison, Imperial Guard Commander Vorel spearheaded an effort to claim Rakatan technology on the planet for duplication as a research space station. Vorel decided against using the Reclamation Service to collect the technology, claiming that the mission required the best and that the Service was not qualified to lead the effort. The four Imperial heroes were recruited to lead the initiative, and after the Domination Experiments were brought under Imperial control, Vorel's strike team used the previously unlocked Rakatan planetary teleporters to advance into the Tomb to prepare the desired Rakatan tech for extraction. Reclamation Service science officer Specialist [Nattis], who was part of Vorel's strike team, observed that released Esh-kha warriors in the area appeared to be testing advanced alien weapons in their engagements with Imperial forces. The weapons gave the Esh-kha a significant technological advantage over Imperial forces, which threatened to repel the Empire from the planet. The Imperial heroes proceeded to the nearby weapons vault, where the Esh-kha had obtained the weapons. They seized two dozen of the advanced blasters while defeating over a dozen Esh-kha warriors. The heroes delivered the weapon samples to Nattis, who analyzed them to develop a defense against the new technology.

In the High Security Section of the prison, Reclamation Service Major Gart Charkron and his team were excavating a tunnel in a vault that housed an ancient Rakatan device of unknown purpose, dating back at least 10,000 years. They designated it the "Wraith Box" after an old Sith legend. The device, which carvings in the tunnel claimed granted great power, disintegrated three of Charkron's team members before he requested the assistance of the Imperial heroes to gather some key components to the device looted by loose prisoner and assemble the device. The device activated briefly after the heroes reassembled it. They delivered it to Charkron, who took it to Dromund Kaas for study.


On Voss, Reclamation Service Sergeant Darrst and his team discovered Jedi statues in local ruins, which indicated an ancient connection between the Jedi and the native Voss population. Darrst was concerned that a genuine link between the two groups might make the Voss, whose favor the Empire was seeking, sympathetic to a Republic alliance. He requested the aid of the four Imperial heroes to examine the statues to verify their authenticity and to clear the area where the statues were located in Serenity Valley in the Old Paths of the Gormak presence, allowing for follow-up surveys. After the heroes collected data confirming the authenticity of the statues and defeating over a dozen Gormak fighters in the area, Darrst planned to instigate the destruction of the statues, masking it as a groundquake, to prevent the Voss from discovering their historical association with the Jedi.

After completing several missions to gain the favor of the Voss leaders, the Empire shifted its efforts on the planet to suppressing a growing insurgency in the Pelath-Ri Marches, led by the Gormak chieftain Raklann. The Imperial heroes were directed to Sith Lord Pallas, who instructed them to retrieve Sith artifacts that had been looted by Gormak raiders and to assault a Republic archaeological dig. Once the ruins were secured, reclamation teams moved in to conduct proper surveys.


Around this time, a continuing feud between Darth Thanaton, the Dark Council member responsible for ancient knowledge, and his rival, Lord Kallig, reached its peak when Thanaton declared a kaggath. He designated Corellia, which was then the site of an ongoing battle between the Empire and the Republic, as the battleground. At the conclusion of the conflict, Thanaton invited numerous senior Sith and Imperials on the planet to an audience chamber in Coronet City's government district to witness his anticipated victory in a final duel against Kallig. Reclamation Service officials were among the dignitaries present to witness Kallig's defeat of Thanaton and the Dark Councilor's retreat from the battlefield.


Mine workers from the Reclamation Service supported the main Imperial mission on Ilum by assisting the harvesting of Adegan crystals.

Reclamation Service forces accompanied an Imperial invasion force to Ilum during Operation Dark Ice. This operation was the Empire's effort to harvest adegan crystals for use in developing a stealth fleet. Service personnel directly supported the mission by working as mine workers, operating deep-miners and other equipment in various crystal mines in the Eastern Ice Shelf. Many of these Service personnel were defeated by Republic heroes as they secured the caves.

A significant Reclamation Service force was gathered along the Road to Glory near the planet's Jedi temple, where a Republic pilot had been shot down.

Following the defeat of Darth Malgus' failed rebellion, which was signaled by the self-destruction of the Emperor's space station, the Reclamation Service scoured the wreckage for valuable items or information. The space station contained a considerable amount of ancient technology, including items from Gree and Rakata sources.

Belsavis: Eternity Vault discovery

The danger posed to the galaxy by the potential escape of the ancient Rakatan warlord known as the Infernal One constituted one of the greatest threats the Reclamation Service sought to contain.

Around this time, an Imperial bombing run on Belsavis uncovered a new section of the planet's ancient prison. The Rakata, who had built the prison, called this section the Eternity Vault. It had been sealed for 20,000 years and had no exit to the planet's surface. Its primary prisoner was an ancient Rakatan warlord known as the Infernal One. The Rakata had locked him away, along with his most powerful followers and weapons. To confront this galactic threat and prevent the Infernal One from escaping the prison, Gen. Threnoldt, the commander of the Reclamation Service, recruited a strike team to deploy to Belsavis and defeat the ancient warlord. Once the Infernal One's demise was confirmed, Threnoldt arranged for the deployment of additional forces to study the vault and its contents.


The Grand Hypergate on the Gree world of Asation was opened by the Dread Masters' servants to sow chaos across the galaxy.

In 3639 BBY, the Gree planet Asation was attacked by Dread Host forces. These forces opened the planet's hypergate to allow monstrosities to pass through and wreak havoc on the galaxy. Seeking assistance, Gree emissaries met with officials from both the Republic and the Empire to combat the threat on their planet. Administrator General Lalat'k met with representatives from the Sith Empire, marking the first contact between the two civilizations. After Darth Marr and the Imperial Diplomatic Service approved the commencement of talks, Reclamation Service Colonel [Jadick] was brought in as a translator. Jadick recruited a strike team to deploy to Asation to contain and eliminate the threat, with the potential for an Imperial-Gree Enclave alliance if the mission was successful.

Following a successful assault on Asation's hypergate, Lalat'k proposed that the Empire commit military forces to Gree space to enforce his rule as a dictator in the Enclave. In exchange, he would allow the Reclamation Service, which he referred to in his own language as the "Empire researcher caste," access to Gree technology. Darth Nox, formerly Lord Kallig and the newly appointed head of the Sith Order's Sphere of Ancient Knowledge since the fall of Darth Thanaton, agreed to the terms and promised to commit forces to the endeavor. The Dark Councilor ordered Jadick to organize a team and deploy to Asation to conduct a study of the Gree technology.


A few months later, Imperial and Republic forces clashed on the planet Seline, both seeking control of the local Gree hypergate. Reclamation Service officers were present to advise Imperial forces on the capabilities and dangers of the hypergate. Sometime later, they replicated the Seline ruins as a scenario for combat training.


The following year, Darth Marr recruited the Imperial heroes to secure a valuable substance called isotope-5 on Makeb. This substance was needed to strengthen the Empire's defenses. Reclamation Service personnel were present at the Imperial space station orbiting the planet and at the abandoned drill site observation ring above one of the planet's mining mesas, where Marr's strike team established its second base of operations.


In 3637 BBY, Talos Drellik accompanied Darth Nox to a meeting with the Sith Lord Veijel of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge on the planet Rishi. Veijel had been conducting research on the planet for the previous three decades and had eventually established contact with presumed inhabitants of the nearby Rishi Maze. The communications included instructions for modifying Veijel's communications arrays, which he followed. He later reached out to Darth Nox to examine the machines. Drellik advised Darth Nox to proceed with caution regarding Veijel's discovery.

Yavin 4

Toward the conclusion of the Revanite crisis a short time later, Imperial and Republic heroes undertook several missions on Yavin 4 to secure a path to the Temple of Sacrifice and foster greater cooperation and trust among the temporarily aligned Imperial and Republic forces operating on the moon. Among the missions that the heroes accepted was a charge from Reclamation Service Lt. Sabri. She was the only Service member authorized to be on the moon during ongoing operations against the Revanites. Her mission was to recover several Sith relics in the ruins around the temple to ensure their preservation. The heroes defeated over a dozen Massassi warriors while securing the relics. After delivering them to Sabri, she ensured that they would be studied and delivered to Darth Nox's vaults and that further archaeological pursuits would follow after the Revanite threat was suppressed.

War against Zakuul

After the disappearance of his master, Darth Nox, at the start of the Eternal Empire's galactic conquest around 3636 BBY, Talos Drellik, now holding the title of Doctor, was ordered by the Dark Council to return to service and lead an expedition to Yavin 4. Drellik's mission was to study the mechanisms of the Temple of Sacrifice, as he theorized that they might share characteristics with other technology constructed by the Sith Emperor, particularly that associated with the Eternal Empire. Shortly after the Alliance against the Eternal Empire was established five years later, the Alliance Commander journeyed to Yavin 4 to recruit Drellik after assisting him in recovering several artifacts across the moon.

The Yavin 4 expedition concluded with the discovery of Ak'ghal Usar, a Dashade Shadow Killer held captive in stasis by the former Sith Emperor for over 300 years.

Drellik's team remained on Yavin 4 under the direction of Dr. Narissa Delau, but they did not make significant progress until the discovery of another artifact several months later. At Drellik's request, the Alliance Commander returned to Yavin 4 and resumed the archaeological investigation, encountering the Dashade Shadow Killer Ak'ghal Usar held in a stasis prison.

Third Galactic War

The Reclamation Service, among other groups within the Empire, spearheaded the pursuit of the traitorous Darth Malgus.

Darth Malgus' vanishing was a significant consequence of the Corellia conflict. Gravely wounded during the assault on the Meridian Complex, requiring urgent medical care, Malgus betrayed the Empire. After disabling the safeguards ensuring his loyalty, he absconded with an Imperial medical droid and shuttle.

Later, Sith Intelligence intercepted a Jedi communication revealing Malgus' presence within the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. The Reclamation Service proposed a comprehensive excavation to investigate the ruins and apprehend Malgus. This Imperial operation was commanded by Col. Barden Golah, who had since received a promotion. Golah's forces clashed with a small strike force from Task Force Nova within the enclave's remains, but Golah managed to escape after uncovering crucial information regarding Malgus' objectives.

Several months later, Golah briefed leaders in the Hand of the Empire on the progress of the Malgus hunt. Golah's unit discovered that a relic, purloined by Malgus from the Dantooine Enclave, had links to an ancient Sith known as Darth Nul.


The Reclamation Service was composed of a diverse team of archaeologists and academics, working alongside seasoned military personnel who had undergone accelerated historical training. While the majority of the service's members were Humans, it also included some Chiss individuals. The service employed a wide range of specialists, including archaeologists, researchers, research assistants, directors, commanders, explorers, foremen, guards, engineers, scholars, special consultants, overseers, pilots, and enforcers.


Gen. Threnoldt.

Gen. Threnoldt served as the commanding officer of the Reclamation Service, at least from the period between the Eternity Vault and Asation crises. As the Service's leader, he maintained close ties with Darth Thanaton, the Dark Council member responsible for ancient knowledge, who oversaw the unit's operations. Threnoldt directed the Empire's response to the discovery of dangerous threats within Belsavis's Eternity Vault during the Galactic War's initial year, and he enlisted the Imperial strike team that neutralized the peril. Upon the Empire's initial contact with the Gree Enclave, the general directly informed the Dark Council about the situation.

Talos Drellik

Dr. Talos Drellik.

Born into a distinguished Imperial military family, Drellik gained recognition among his colleagues as a highly enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and proficient archaeologist. His initial significant discovery was the tooth of a 4,000-year-old domesticated proto-rancor. This find attracted the attention of Dr. Auselio Gann, a prominent Imperial scholar, who mentored him. Subsequently, Drellik dedicated himself primarily to researching and excavating artifacts associated with the Sith. During the Cold War's final year, he led a Reclamation Service expedition to Hoth in search of a Sith temple, later revealed to be connected to the enigmatic Sadow'een. It was during this mission that he first encountered and later entered the direct service of the Sith Lord Kallig, who eventually became Darth Nox and the Dark Council member for ancient knowledge. While serving within Kallig's power base, he embarked on a search for Dr. Gann, his former mentor, and uncovered the Sith genealogical records of Vaius Antinus. Following Kallig's victory over Darth Thanaton and ascension to the Dark Council, Drellik adopted an ancient tradition, pledging himself and his family as loyal vassals to the Sith Lord and the Sith's lineage. Sometime after Nox's disappearance during the Eternal Empire's conquest, Drellik completed his doctoral thesis on the Dashade species, earning him the title "Doctor." Following his master's disappearance, the Dark Council directed Drellik to rejoin the Reclamation Service and lead an expedition to Yavin 4. From there, he joined the Alliance in the war against Zakuul before eventually returning to the Empire. He was deployed to Elom after Darth Malgus' capture to investigate local Sith ruins and artifacts in an attempt to understand Malgus' interest in them.

Auselio Gann

Dr. Auselio Gann.

At the time of his death, which occurred around the beginning of the Galactic War, Dr. Gann was widely considered the Reclamation Service's foremost expert on Naga Sadow. Throughout his career, he unearthed the wing of Sadow's personal starfighter on Yavin 4. Gann served as a mentor to Talos Drellik, guiding him in the study of Sith history. He met his demise in a Sith tomb on Aduba-6, caught in the crossfire between Sith and Jedi seeking the tomb's secrets.

Barden Golah

Col. Barden Golah.

Barden Golah was a seasoned commander within the Reclamation Service who, during the Cold War, oversaw archaeological expeditions to Ziost, Malachor II, Nim Drovis, and Tatooine. Golah managed the daily operations of the Tatooine expedition until Darth Silthar's death, after which he assumed command of the team, leading it until the discovery of the Imprisoned One. He was subsequently promoted to colonel and led a Reclamation Service unit to Dantooine in an attempt to capture the renegade Darth Malgus.

Behind the scenes

The Imperial Reclamation Service made its debut in the BioWare-LucasArts video game Star Wars: The Old Republic in 2011. Imperial player characters first encounter the Service on Dromund Kaas, the Imperial faction capital planet, in the mission Into the Maw. The organization is not explicitly identified by name until the mission The Accursed, also on Dromund Kaas. The organization appears intermittently throughout the game with varying degrees of emphasis, from minor world missions to full planetary story arcs. Several game updates and expansions have included brief appearances of the Service.

Alternate stories

During Gen. Kolvin's mission to acquire the Infinite Engine on Nar Shaddaa, the four Imperial player characters have the option, if aligned with the Light side, to accept the Ongree servants' offer to take a small "seed" from the engine instead of the entire device. The Ongree servant Azraj-Nug informs the characters that the seed will require a significant amount of time to mature, and they subsequently transport the engine deeper into Revan's complex for safekeeping. Gen. Kolvin expresses his dissatisfaction with this outcome.

At the conclusion of the Imperial Tatooine planetary story arc, after initially overcoming the Imprisoned One's ambush, Imperial characters aligned with the Light side can choose to destroy the Rakatan mind prison to contain the threat posed by the ancient intelligence. This action prevents Imperial archaeologists and scientists from interacting with and learning from the Imprisoned One.

When Lalat'k proposes to the Empire that they support him as a dictator within the Gree Enclave in exchange for information on their technology, Imperial player characters aligned with the Light side can reject the proposal. For the Sith Inquisitor character, this decision prevents Col. Jadick from leading a Reclamation Service team to Asation to study Gree technology.

All eight player character classes have the option to complete or ignore the Fighting Power With Knowledge Alliance Alert, which grants Talos Drellik as a companion. Players also have the option of rejecting Talos as a companion. Completing the alert is required to gain access to the Reclaimed Treasure alert, which affords all character classes the chance to recruit Ak'ghal Usar. Usar may be rejected as a companion as well.

At the conclusion of the Onslaught expansion, the Sith Inquisitor player character can choose the "loyalist" option to rejoin the Sith Empire, with the promise of restoring the character's previous Sith titles and possessions as a Dark Council member, or choose to maintain the Alliance's independence from the Empire. If the loyalist option is selected, in Game Update 6.1 "Pinnacles of Power," the Sith Inquisitor is informed that the Reclamation Service and other assets have been transferred to the direct control of the Hand of the Empire. Even without selecting the Sith Inquisitor loyalist option, the Reclamation Service is observed working closely with the Hand in subsequent updates.

Republic player characters playing through the Secrets of the Enclave flashpoint encounter a significant Imperial military force in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave led by Col. Golah who is also the final boss of the encounter. Playing the same flashpoint as an Imperial character, a large Republic military force is encountered instead, implying that Col. Golah and the Reclamation Service may not have deployed to Dantooine in the Imperial arc. Dialogue between the Imperial player characters and Col. Golah in Game Update 6.3.1 further seems to imply that in the Imperial story arc, Golah and the Service did not investigate the Dantooine enclave in place of the player character, Darth Rivix, and Darth Krovos.

In the Legacy of the Sith expansion, at the conclusion of the Ruins of Nul flashpoint for either faction, Darth Malgus is captured on Elom and a salvage team from the respective faction deploys to the planet to undertake a study of Darth Nul's temple and its artifacts to uncover the mystery of Darth Nul and discern Malgus' interest in the site. For Imperial player characters, this is done by a Reclamation Service team. In Game Update 7.1 "Digging Deeper," characters from both factions return to the planet for an update on the excavation's findings. For Imperial characters, Dr. Talos Drellik and Col. Golah joined the team and were present when the connection between Darth Nul and the Children of the Emperor was revealed.

