The White Maw was a piratical syndicate that existed from the time of the Cold War up to the Third Galactic War. This group gained notoriety for their scavenging activities on the world of Hoth.
During the period known as the Cold War, which occurred between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, numerous pirates journeyed to Hoth, seeking to become part of the White Maw.
By the year 3642 BBY, Senator Tobas Grell considered the White Maw to be the largest pirate organization throughout the entire galaxy.
In 3642 BBY, with the commencement of the Galactic War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, the White Maw became involved in numerous incidents concerning both sides on Hoth. The pirate chieftain Grossh met his end at the hands of a Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython during the Jedi's assault on the pirates. Captain Valon, a well-known pirate famous for his attacks against the Rift Alliance's forces, was defeated by a Jedi Consular and subsequently taken into Republic custody.
The crime lord Rogun the Butcher dispatched his subordinate Shai Tenna and his crew in an attempt to seize control of the White Maw coalition, but Tenna and his crew were defeated by a smuggler with Republic affiliations aboard the downed vessel known as the Star of Coruscant. The smuggler was then presented with the option to assume Tenna's former position and lead the White Maw, an offer which they declined.
A bounty hunter, distinguished as the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, made their way to Hoth to pursue a target listed on the Blacklist. Their quarry was the pirate leader Reneget Vause, whom the bounty hunter eventually eliminated after dealing with several of the White Maw's lieutenants.
Master Sav spearheaded a radical faction within the White Maw known as the Hailstorm Brotherhood, but he was killed that year by either Republic or Imperial forces. The groups known as the Marauders and the Scourge partnered with the rogue Imperial admiral Layek Davos in an effort to obtain the Starbreeze, an advanced shuttle that had been lost during the Battle of Hoth during the Great Galactic War. Their combined forces were intercepted and eliminated by the Chiss forces and the Imperial Agent Cipher Nine shortly after the shuttle was discovered.
During a meeting held at their headquarters in Coldstone Canyon, a large portion of the White Maw's leadership was killed in an Imperial attack.
The player character who is a smuggler has the choice to take control of a White Maw group, or to give the leadership position to Alilia.