Battle of Hoth (Great Galactic War)

The naval engagement known as the Battle of Hoth stands as a significant battle within the annals of the Great Galactic War. This conflict unfolded in 3665 BBY, during the second decade of the war, pitting the forces of the Galactic Republic against the resurgent Sith Empire. The Hoth system became the theater for a sprawling space battle, lasting for numerous days, after Imperial Intelligence was tipped off by Chiss agents about the existence of a Republic fleet. This fleet, composed of advanced prototype warships including the superdreadnaught Star of Coruscant, was ambushed by the Imperial Navy. The battle, initially fought along a supposedly secret route used by the Republic fleet, expanded across several star systems, reaching its climax above the planet Hoth. The concluding phases of the battle within the Hoth system resulted in the destruction of over seventy-five vessels, dealing substantial damage to both the Republic and Imperial Navies, and causing ships such as the Star of Coruscant, Conraddas Vindicator, Vehement Sword, and Ambria's Fury to crash onto Hoth's icy surface.

The Republic Military suffered a significant blow to morale as a result of the Battle of Hoth. It halted the momentum gained from the recent victory at Alderaan, ultimately leading the Republic to accept the terms of the Treaty of Coruscant, which brought the war to an end in 3653 BBY. More than fifteen years following the battle, the wreckage of the destroyed spacecraft transformed the planet's frozen landscape into a hotly contested battleground. In an attempt to recover the prototype technology that was lost during the previous conflict, both the Empire and the Republic battled each other as well as the White Maw pirate group.


Following successes such as the Battle of Alderaan and a campaign led by General Jace Malcom, the Galactic Republic began assembling a fleet of prototype starships and formidable warships, spearheaded by the prototype superdreadnaught Star of Coruscant. The objective was to launch an assault on Dromund Kaas, the capital of the Sith Empire, with the aim of concluding the Great Galactic War. However, in 3665 BBY, a clandestine Chiss enclave situated on the planet Hoth intercepted encoded Republic communications. These messages revealed the existence of the fleet and its impending passage through a secret route located in the Outer Rim Territories. Given the Chiss Ascendancy's alliance with the Empire, the enclave promptly informed Imperial Intelligence, leading the Imperial Navy to mobilize near the system.

The battle

The Star of Coruscant, the flagship of the Republic fleet, crashed on the surface of Hoth.

As the Republic's naval force traversed the covert route, in proximity to the desolate Hoth system, a substantial strike force from the Imperial Navy initiated an ambush on the Republic's vessels. This marked the commencement of a drawn-out battle that extended over several days and encompassed multiple star systems. The presence of the advanced prototype ships played a crucial role in ensuring the survival of numerous Republic crew members, including Satele Shan, a Jedi Knight tasked with the fleet's protection. However, the conflict resulted in significant loss of life on both sides and the destruction of hundreds of ships. The apex of the fighting occurred in the Hoth system, where more than seventy-five vessels were forced down onto the planet's surface. Colonel Laren Omas, the driving force behind the Star of Coruscant endeavor, remained alive for the majority of the engagement but met his end when his personal shuttle, the Starbreeze, was downed over the planet.

Republic vessels, including the Sendant Pride and the Deliverance, sustained damage or were destroyed during the conflict and succumbed to Hoth's intense gravity well, joining the growing collection of ships scattered across the icy terrain. The Vehement Sword, a prototype warship equipped with the newly developed Null Cannonsweapons designed to unleash energy blasts capable of disabling entire starships, akin to large-scale ion cannons—also fell victim to the battle, breaking apart upon impact and scattering the Null Cannon prototype into numerous fragments. The Star of Coruscant itself met its end on the planet's surface, but the dreadnaught's robust armor allowed it to remain largely intact, buried beneath the snow and ice. A Valor-class cruiser, the Intercessor, managed to escape the battle and later participated in the Sacking of Coruscant and the Cold War. The starfighter carrier Conraddas Vindicator was among the ships lost, along with a Republic transport ship carrying experimental stealth field generators. The Mon Calamari–designed cruiser Dauntless Star destroyed over sixty Imperial fighters before it too was destroyed, while starfighter units such as Victor Squadron eliminated dozens of battle cruisers before being wiped out.

The remains of the Conraddis Vindicator and a smaller craft on the surface of Hoth

Numerous Imperial vessels were also lost in the battle. The Enforcer, Storm Fire, and Indignation were among the ships that crashed on Hoth, in addition to the shuttle Deference, belonging to an Imperial scientist, which went down in the Highmount Ridge region. Noteworthy losses included an Imperial prison ship carrying the legendary Jedi Master Wyellett, who had been captured by the Empire shortly before, and the Ambria's Fury, a covert warship whose destruction greatly concerned the Empire's Moffs. Admiral Layek Davos of the Empire was also shot down during the battle, and a Sith holocron was believed to have been destroyed, though it was actually lost among the wreckage.


The Battle of Hoth represented a significant setback for the Republic's war efforts. Despite the Imperial Navy's losses, the engagement was considered an Imperial triumph. Many veterans from the Great Galactic War later regarded the battle as a crucial turning point and a primary factor in the Republic's subsequent acceptance of the Treaty of Coruscant twelve years later, which brought the war to a close. The image of the Star of Coruscant plummeting to Hoth's surface became a powerful tool for Imperial propaganda. The death of Omas during the battle also marked the end of the Republic's Shadow Arsenal superweapon project, although Doctor Nasan Godera, a Republic scientist, continued to secretly develop stealth planet-cracking missiles. After being shot down, Davos was stranded on Hoth for six months before being rescued.

Apart from the Empire's retrieval of Davos, neither the Republic nor the Empire made any attempts at recovery or salvage. Pirates from the White Maw exploited this lack of interest and began their own salvage operations. The Star of Coruscant was transformed into a pirate fortress, and it wasn't until after the Treaty of Coruscant that the Republic and the Empire returned to Hoth to salvage what they could from their prototype ships. More than two decades after the battle, Imperial forces, with the assistance of the Chiss Ascendancy, recovered the holocron that was initially believed to have been destroyed.

Behind the scenes

Arnie Jorgensen's first concept art of Hoth

The initial mention of the Battle of Hoth appeared in the Hoth entry within the Holonet, a section of the official website for the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. The reference book The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural contains internal inconsistencies regarding the battle's date. The first entry referencing the battle is dated to 3665 BBY, but a subsequent entry, dated roughly four and a half years later, refers to the battle as having occurred approximately three years prior, which would place it around 3664 BBY. From the outset of the development process, the Starship Graveyard and the Battle of Hoth, as depicted in the first concept art for Hoth by lead artist Arnie Jorgensen, were integral elements of the planet's storyline.

The unreleased Republic mission "Survivor" would have involved the player rescuing Pilot First Class Darkil Aro, who had crashed during the Battle of Hoth after destroying an Imperial battle cruiser and had managed to survive for two decades in the frozen wasteland. The Imperial Agent missions that involve the Shadow Arsenal superweapon place the Battle of Hoth near the war's end, which contradicts all other sources.

