Jace Malcom, a male Human and Republic trooper, fought for the Republic Military's Special Forces Division during the Great Galactic War and the Cold War. He later became the military's Supreme Commander in the Galactic War. Growing up on the Mid Rim world of Barcaria, Malcom left early to join the Galactic Republic's armed forces. By 3681 BBY, he was a corporal on a Jedi-controlled space station in orbit around Korriban. That year, the re-established Sith Empire came back to known space, seeking to reclaim lost territory and get revenge on the Republic. In the early stages of the Great Galactic War, the Empire launched a major attack on Jedi and Republic forces at Korriban, aiming to retake their former holy capital. Malcom was involved in this battle, but he, along with Jedi Padawan Satele Shan and imprisoned smuggler Captain Nico Okarr, managed to escape the assault.
For nearly three decades, the war raged on. During this time, Malcom joined the Republic Army's Special Forces and was put in command of the elite infantry unit 326. This unit, under Malcom's direction, became known as "Havoc Squad" for its dangerous raids into enemy territory. At the peak of the war, the squad was stationed on Alderaan, a Core World, while most of the Republic Navy was fighting the Sith elsewhere in the galaxy. While on Alderaan, Malcom and his troopers became involved in the Battle of Alderaan, a large-scale Imperial invasion of the peaceful planet. As Darth Malgus led the Sith forces in their destruction, Malcom and his comrades retreated to Alderaan's forests to conduct a guerrilla war against the Imperials. When Darth Malgus directed his army towards the Alderaanian city, the commander and Havoc Squad set up an ambush for the Sith Lord to stop his advance. In a fierce battle in the forests outside the capital, Havoc Squad defeated the Imperial Army, and Malcom, with the help of then-Jedi Knight Satele Shan, fought and defeated Malgus himself.
Malcom's leadership in this battle brought him and Havoc Squad significant recognition throughout the Republic and boosted morale against the Sith. This led to Colonel Elin Garza approaching Malcom, and together they established a new, independent Special Forces Division. Around the same time, Malcom had a secret relationship with Shan, which eventually ended in a difficult breakup. Before their relationship ended, however, they had a son, Theron Shan. Later, Malcom was promoted to colonel.
After the war ended and a controversial peace agreement was put in place, Malcom was asked to return to Alderaan to oversee Republic efforts in the bloody civil war that had broken out on the planet. As the Strategic Advisor to Alderaan for the Republic Army, Malcom oversaw troop deployments, tactical plans, and the military alliance between the Republic's forces and the noble House Organa. Under his guidance, the tyrannical King Bouris Ulgo was overthrown, and the Organas strengthened their position in the war against the Imperial-backed House Thul. In 3640 BBY, Malcom was promoted to Supreme Commander of the Republic Military. During this time, he assisted then-Grand Master Satele Shan and Jedi Master Gnost-Dural in a battle against Darth Karrid and a renewed Sith offensive.

Jace Malcom, a male Human, originated from the planet of Barcaria, existing roughly three centuries after the Jedi Civil War. A staunch supporter of the Galactic Republic, Malcom enlisted in the Republic Military as an Army officer circa 3683 BBY. Within a couple of years, Malcom had earned a spot among the army's elite troopers. By 3681 BBY, holding the rank of corporal, he served the government, stationed in the Outer Rim Territories aboard a space station orbiting the Republic's protected world, Korriban. Here, Malcom worked alongside fellow troopers and members of the Jedi Order, maintaining constant vigilance over the planet that once housed the ancient Sith Empire. That year, a reformed Empire of the Sith emerged from the shadows of the Unknown Regions, launching a surprise large-scale assault against the Republic. The Imperials' early campaigns primarily targeted the distant Tingel Arm region of the galaxy, drawing the majority of the Republic's navy away from their prior duties to engage the Sith.
Consequently, Korriban's naval defenses were significantly weakened, leaving only a small defense force consisting of the Republic troopers on the space station and the Jedi guardians overseeing the Sith's sacred world. Amidst the ongoing battles, Malcom served under the Zabrak Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach and his Padawan learner, Satele Shan. Together, they intercepted and apprehended smuggler captain Nico Okarr on the planet's surface, transporting him back to the Korriban station for detention. The smuggler captain was caught transporting Sith artifacts, leading to his capture. As they took him into custody, the young Shan sensed a disturbance in the Force. Suddenly, a fleet of over thirty Sith battlecruisers materialized from hyperspace above Korriban, initiating an assault on the space station with starfighters and boarding parties. Master Darach determined that their priority was to escape the system and inform the Republic about the Empire's return to its ancient homeworld. While agreeing, Malcom argued that none of the Republic's NR2 gully jumper shuttles could outrun the attacking Imperial interceptors. Okarr, having overheard the conversation, offered his own XS stock light freighter, the Redshifter, claiming it was the fastest ship in the Esstran sector.

The Jedi and troopers accepted the offer, hastily heading towards the space station's hangar. Shan and her Master rushed ahead to secure the landing zone, while the corporal and a fellow trooper covered their retreat by engaging Imperial boarding parties in one of the station's corridors. As they turned a corner towards the hangar, an Imperial soldier launched a missile at them. The resulting explosion temporarily incapacitated Malcom and killed his comrade, prompting Okarr to engage the Imperial troops himself. After dispatching several approaching enemies, Malcom recovered and seized his fallen compatriot's laser chaingun to aid Okarr in destroying a pair of Imperial assault droids. Despite clearing the corridor of hostiles, the Imperials advanced again, forcing Okarr and Malcom to retreat into the hangar and seal the entry behind them. Rejoining Shan and Darach, an Imperial Fury-class interceptor landed in the hangar, deploying the Sith Lord Vindican and his apprentice, Malgus, onto the landing bay floor.
Recognizing the danger, Kao Cen Darach instructed the corporal to assist the smuggler in preparing his freighter for takeoff while he and Shan dueled the intruders. With the help of the captain's astromech droid T7-O1, they managed to start the ship and lift off from the hangar floor. As they prepared to flee the station, the captain positioned his ship to allow Shan and her Master to board. Simultaneously, Malcom lowered the boarding ramp and fired a missile at the Pureblood Sith Lord, who was attempting to damage the vessel with blasts of Force lightning. Although the shot was ineffective, it allowed Okarr to move closer to the Jedi, the hangar airlock, and space beyond. Master Darach ultimately chose to stay on the station, holding back the Sith so that his Padawan could escape. This allowed Shan to attempt a jump into the departing craft. The corporal caught the Padawan mid-leap, pulling her into the freighter just before the ship collided with the Imperial's interceptor and escaped into space. He and the young girl both operated the vessel's laser cannons in an effort to blast away attacking Sith interceptors while the smuggler made the jump to hyperspace. After narrowly avoiding collisions with a battlecruiser, the freighter jumped to hyperspace, escaping Korriban.

The war stretched on for another twenty-eight years, during which Jace Malcom rose to the position of captain of Infantry Squad 326, an elite special forces unit more commonly known as Havoc Squad. While the squad was part of a larger infantry division within the army, it mostly operated independently, specializing in unconventional warfare. In 3667 BBY, Malcom and his squad-mates found themselves stationed on the peaceful Core World of Alderaan, a planet widely regarded as the embodiment of Republic ideals. Here, the squad and other Republic soldiers returning from the front lines rested and recovered from the exhaustion and injuries they had sustained on distant battlefields. However, Alderaan's reputation as the Republic's spiritual center made it an appealing military target for the Sith Empire, which devised a plan to destroy the world and capitalize on the damage it would inflict on Republic morale.
While Malcom and the rest of Havoc Squad remained on Alderaan's surface alongside other recovering Republic ground forces, the Republic Navy was lured away from the planet in response to a diversionary tactic orchestrated by the recently promoted Sith Lord Darth Malgus, the same Sith who had previously engaged the Republic defenders at Korriban. With the planet's naval defenses occupied elsewhere in the galaxy, Alderaan was besieged by a massive Imperial invasion. Led by Malgus, the Sith obliterated the local defenses and seized control of the world. Despite these initial victories, the Sith forces were unaware that the Republic forces stationed on the planet had retreated into Alderaan's forests and mountains to launch a guerrilla campaign against the Imperial advance. Malcom and Havoc Squad were among those who had gone underground, but upon learning that Malgus was leading his forces in a march on Alderaan's capital city and the home of the ancient Organa, Malcom mobilized his forces for an all-out assault. The troopers of Havoc Squad, many of whom were still wounded and recovering, positioned themselves on a ridge outside of Alderaan's capital in the Juran Mountains in an attempt to prevent the attack on the city, a goal that was widely perceived as a suicide mission. Despite the obvious danger, when Darth Malgus led columns of war droids, Imperial soldiers, and Sith Warriors in the march through the mountains, Malcom ambushed him, firing a hand-held blaster cannon into the approaching forces. He and the rest of Havoc Squad then jumped from the ridge down into the thick of the battle, engaging in an onslaught against the warriors and their troops. Malcom destroyed several more war droids before targeting Darth Malgus, who managed to deflect several of the cannon shots before being engulfed in flames from one of the captain's projectiles. Seeing that Malgus had survived the blast, Malcom rushed towards the Sith Lord to finish him off with a blade, but upon nearing the Sith Lord, he was struck by Force lightning and thrown backwards across the battlefield.

Captain Malcom was knocked unconscious by the attack, and upon regaining consciousness, he found himself at the mercy of two Sith as he watched his comrades being beaten by Malgus and his forces. The two Sith dragged Malcom to a third who prepared to execute the helpless soldier with a lightsaber, but the three were instead thrown from the trooper by a repulsive blast from the Force, delivered by now-Jedi Knight Satele Shan, who had been tasked with defending Alderaan. The Jedi's timely arrival saved Malcom and allowed Havoc Squad to refocus their assault while she continued onwards to engage Malgus. Malcom was provided with a blaster rifle from one of his fellow soldiers, and together they returned to the battlefield. He later realized that Darth Malgus had gained the upper hand in his duel against Shan, and so rushed to aid her. Malcom tackled Malgus, and while they grappled, he activated a grenade. The blast threw the two combatants away from one another and grievously wounded both. Malcom was again rendered unconscious, awakening only after the battle had come to a close. Upon discovering that Malgus and his forces had been defeated, he fired a signal flare into the sky to indicate victory. The flare was matched by dozens of others fired by victorious Republic forces across the Alderaanian landscape, signaling the Empire's defeat on Alderaan. After the battle, Shan and Malcom confessed to each other their mutual feelings and conceived a son, Theron.

The battle propelled Malcom and Havoc Squad to galactic fame and demonstrated to military leaders the value of small, mobile units of elite soldiers. The victory on Alderaan also provided a temporary boost to Republic morale, which allowed the war effort to continue for over a decade. Malcom continued to serve the Republic through 3654 BBY, when the Empire's Dark Council surprised the galaxy by offering a peace initiative. The following year, Republic and Imperial delegates convened on Alderaan to discuss a treaty, but the negotiations ultimately proved to be little more than a ruse. The Sith launched an attack on the Republic capital of Coruscant and forced the negotiators to sign the Treaty of Coruscant. These final actions sealed the Empire's victory in the Great Galactic War and left the Republic broken, demoralized, and humbled. Despite this, Malcom remained a loyal member of the military and helped the Republic to rebuild its alliances and martial integrity during the following years.
Although the Treaty of Coruscant dictated that the Republic Military stand down in its fight against the Empire and that all war zones were to be surrendered to their Imperial claimants, many within the Republic government refused to fully accept defeat. Proxy wars and small, unofficial resistance movements were fostered by military leaders, and during this period of conflicts known collectively as the interstellar Cold War, the Republic readied itself for new battles against the Sith. By this time, Malcom had been promoted out of Havoc Squad and was serving as an advisor to Republic military allies in his new role as a colonel.

Shortly after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, Alderaan was once again found embroiled in conflict. Because the world was so brutalized by the Empire during the invasion, its rulers were unwilling to accept the notion of peace with the Sith. Gaul Panteer, senator and crown prince of Alderaan, angrily withdrew his world from the Galactic Senate of the Republic and declared it an independent sovereignty. In the aftermath of this upheaval, both Panteer and his mother, Queen Silara Panteer, were killed under mysterious circumstances and the previously-banished House Thul returned from exile with Imperial support. These events led to the outbreak of a bloody civil war between the noble houses of Alderaan, all of whom were vying for the throne. Although the former Republic general and Alderaan native Bouris Ulgo of House Ulgo made a nearly successful bid for the crown, his reign of terror in an attempt to subjugate the planet lost him the backing of the Republic and many other houses. Instead, the Republic supported the efforts of House Organa, an ancient and noble lineage with strong ties to the galactic democracy. Colonel Jace Malcom was dispatched to Alderaan to fill the role of Strategic Advisor to Alderaan for the Republic Army and leader of the First Alderaan Support Division. There, he was stationed in Castle Organa and worked closely with his Nautolan aide, Major Brom, to ensure the safety and tactical superiority of House Organa's forces—a difficult task, given the Organas' inexperience in military affairs and traditional pacifism. Despite these shortfalls, many in house Organa, like Jeren Nolus Organa, were extremely loyal to Malcom out of respect for his sacrifices for the planet during the Great War.

Following Bouris Ulgo's defeat circa 3643 BBY, Malcom remained a tactical advisor for the Organa family as they moved swiftly to seize previously inaccessible territories. Despite the colonel's attempts to moderate their enthusiasm, the Organas disregarded his counsel, ultimately failing to secure their newly acquired lands. Malcom's investigations revealed that the King's Pass region stood out as the most egregious example of Organa's oversight, characterized by a significant defensive vulnerability. Aware that House Organa faced substantial losses from the fragmented Ulgo forces, the ambitious members of House Rist, and the aggressive, territorial Alderaanian insectoids known as the Killiks, the colonel orchestrated the return of a Republic fighter instrumental in Ulgo's downfall. The pair convened with Major Brom in Malcom's Castle Organa office, discussing the critical importance of King's Pass and strategies to fortify the breach. Their discussion was interrupted by a communication from Lieutenant Ross, an officer stationed at the Pass. Ross and her troops were under assault by Killik raiders and House Ulgo soldiers, requiring immediate support. Colonel Malcom tasked the Republic fighter with reinforcing King's Pass while he collaborated with House Organa's leaders to refine their tactical approaches. The fighter ultimately succeeded, overwhelming House Organa's adversaries and compelling their retreat from King's Pass. Following the mission, Colonel Malcom again met with the individual for a debriefing and to express his gratitude, emphasizing that their efforts significantly enhanced the prospects for peace on Alderaan.

In the wake of the successful Alderaan operation and the resurgence of conflict on numerous planets, the Cold War ended, giving rise to the Galactic War. The initial engagements of this renewed conflict proved devastating for both the Republic and the Empire, leading to the ousting of Republic Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus and the presumed demise of the Sith Emperor. Amidst this turmoil, Malcom received another promotion, succeeding the human Rans as the Supreme Commander of the Republic Military. This executive role enabled him to collaborate once again with Satele Shan, now serving as the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Together, they confronted Darth Karrid's reinvigorated Imperial offensive in 3640 BBY.
Around 3638 BBY, Malcom made an appearance on a HoloNet broadcast following the conclusion of the Hutt Crisis on Makeb, alongside Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh and Satele Shan, to announce the resolution of the Crisis and the apparent death of the Sith Emperor. Subsequently, the discovery of surviving Regulator holdouts alongside thousands of civilians, previously presumed dead, prompted Malcom to dedicate Republic forces to rescuing the survivors and securing the still-valuable planet.

Years later, approximately in 3629 BBY, following the War against Zakuul and the rise of the Eternal Alliance, Malcom dispatched Republic forces to the artificial world of Iokath with the intention of securing a superweapon known as Tyth for the Republic. There, his forces clashed with those of Empress Acina, who had similar designs on the superweapon. Upon learning of this, the Alliance Commander journeyed to Iokath to engage in discussions with Malcom and Acina regarding their unauthorized presence on the planet. Malcom dispatched Captain Elara Dorne as an envoy to negotiate an alliance with the Commander, while Acina similarly sent Major Malavai Quinn for the same purpose. Ultimately, the Alliance Commander chose to collaborate with Malcom and the Republic.
This decision prompted Acina to initiate an assault on Republic-held territories. Faced with limited alternatives, Malcom requested the Commander's assistance in repelling the Imperial forces, to which they consented. The Alliance Commander, accompanied by Theron Shan and Lana Beniko, met with Malcom and discussed the need to acquire Iokath's weaponry to effectively defeat Acina. However, upon venturing out to locate such weaponry, the Commander and Shan discovered that the superweapon both sides sought had eradicated all life on Iokath during its last use in the Iokath Civil War, including their original creators. Returning to Malcom, they received a communication from Acina, who claimed to have discovered a backdoor into the superweapon. Despite warnings to desist, Acina persisted in attempting to access the superweapon for use against the Republic. Consequently, Malcom presented the Commander with the Nova Strider, requesting its use to halt Acina.

The Alliance Commander then departed, urgently striving to prevent Acina from employing the weapon. Regrettably, they arrived too late to prevent Acina's attempted access, which resulted in her abrupt demise and the awakening of Tyth and the other Old Gods. The Alliance Commander utilized the Eternal Fleet to temporarily subdue Tyth, but this proved to be a mere stopgap, necessitating the Commander's subsequent return to Iokath to destroy the Old Gods. Upon returning to the Republic base, Malcom informed the Commander that Imperial forces persisted in their attacks, even after Acina's death. He conveyed that, to prevent them from seizing the superweapon, the Republic needed to relentlessly pressure the Empire, day after day, hour after hour, until victory was achieved.

Jace Malcom exhibited profound loyalty to the Republic, demonstrating a willingness to sacrifice his life in defense of its government and citizens. He firmly believed that, despite the formidable strength of their adversaries, hope for peace could be restored to the Republic and the galaxy through acts of courage in the face of overwhelming odds. These principles fueled his dedication to the Republic Military, a career spanning over four decades and encompassing numerous battles and injuries. His unwavering commitment and spirit contributed to his effectiveness as a soldier and facilitated his steady rise through the military ranks. As a corporal, Malcom served the Republic with unwavering zeal, defending Korriban's orbital security station even when escape was imperative. He adhered to the directives issued by the Jedi and willingly collaborated with a criminal who had been in Republic custody just moments before the Sith assault commenced. At considerable personal risk, Malcom ensured Satele Shan's escape by descending the loading ramp of a departing freighter and pulling the Jedi aboard.

As the captain of Havoc Squad, Malcom displayed exceptional bravery during the Battle of Alderaan, directly engaging the Sith forces despite being significantly outnumbered. Assuming a command position, he spearheaded the charge against Malgus's troops, leaping from a high ridge directly into the heart of the battle with the Sith. Throughout the conflict, he relentlessly pursued Malgus himself, engaging the enemy commander in direct combat on multiple occasions. During his initial assault, Malcom endured a barrage of Force lightning but managed to withstand its effects while continuing his advance toward the Sith Lord. In a subsequent encounter, he detonated a grenade while still holding it, nearly sacrificing himself to successfully wound Darth Malgus. These actions endeared Malcom to the people of Alderaan and led to his promotion to colonel, at which point he transitioned from frontline warrior to tactician and advisor. Even in this new role, however, he strived to ensure the Republic's battlefield dominance, hoping that the wars might eventually come to an end.

Throughout his career, Malcom cultivated a strong bond with the Jedi Satele Shan. They fought together on Korriban and Alderaan, and later during Darth Karrid's offensive. They saved each other's lives on several occasions, and Shan noted in an entry in the Jedi Archives on Tython that she trusted the soldier as much as she trusted any of her Jedi peers. Similarly, Malcom enjoyed fighting alongside the Jedi, and these positive experiences made him eager to collaborate with more Jedi in the future. This inclination put him at odds with many in the Republic government and military following the Sacking of Coruscant, as the Jedi were widely blamed for the Republic's loss of the war. Malcom also developed a deep connection to the planet Alderaan and its inhabitants. Despite the challenges he faced in advising the inexperienced House Organa, Malcom approached the task with enthusiasm, hoping that after a devastating invasion and a bloody civil war, the Alderaanian people could finally experience long-awaited peace.
In addition to sporting moderate facial hair, he bore several facial scars prior to the Battle of Alderaan. Following the conclusion of the conflict, the right side of his face was severely disfigured due to the close-range explosion of his grenade and the impact he sustained after being thrown by the force of the blast.

Jace Malcom was equipped with the standard white-and-orange armor of a Republic trooper during the Great Galactic War. While fighting above Korriban, he utilized a blaster cannon, as well as a laser chaingun and a missile launcher. During the battle, the corporal lost his helmet, and on Alderaan, he chose not to wear one. He carried a combat knife in a sheath on his chest, and during the battle on the Core World, he again wielded a portable blaster cannon. Malcom also employed grenades and signal flares during the conflict on Alderaan. During the Cold War, Malcom forwent the common fabric uniforms favored by military leaders and instead continued to wear a suit of trooper armor, largely identical to the one he had worn throughout the Great War.
Jace Malcom initially appeared, albeit unnamed, in Hope, the second cinematic trailer for the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic by BioWare and LucasArts. This trailer, released by BioWare on June 14 of 2010, features the trooper as the narrator, recounting the events on Alderaan leading up to the skirmish depicted in the trailer. He later received a brief mention in Paul S. Kemp's short story "The Old Republic: The Third Lesson" and novel The Old Republic: Deceived. The character subsequently appeared in Return, the third cinematic trailer for the game, released on June 6, 2011. Following these appearances and mentions, the character was frequently featured in promotional materials for The Old Republic as a representation of the Republic Trooper class and archetype within the game. The trooper was officially named in an interview with Charles Boyd, BioWare's Lead Writer for the Trooper class in The Old Republic.
The Old Republic was released on December 20 of 2011 and featured Malcom as a non-player character appearing in cutscene conversations with Republic-aligned player characters on Alderaan. Malcom serves as the primary objective-giver in the extended mission titled "Alderaan: Bonus Series." In both the game and the trailers, Malcom is voiced by veteran Star Wars voice actor Kevin Michael Richardson. Malcom reappeared in 2012 within the pages of Drew Karpyshyn's novel The Old Republic: Annihilation.

During the War on Iokath, players must choose to side with either the Empire or the Republic, potentially aligning against their original faction, a decision devoid of light or dark side implications. Should the player side with the Empire, thereby supporting Acina instead of Malcom, Malcom will initiate a full-scale assault on Imperial territory, and the Alliance Commander will be tasked with assisting the Empire. Subsequently, the narrative unfolds in a nearly identical manner, with Acina and Malcom's roles in the story reversed. This will ultimately lead to Malcom's demise as he attempts to activate the superweapon. Malcom will pass away in the arms of his son, Theron Shan, requesting that he convey his apologies to Satele.