Alderaan Civil War

The Alderaan Civil War represents a period of strife on the planet of Alderaan. This conflict unfolded both during and following the Cold War and the Galactic War.


Following the invasion of Alderaan by the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War, an invasion that was ultimately thwarted by the Galactic Republic, the planet's leaders, for the first time ever, advocated for forceful military actions within the Senate. The signing of the Treaty of Coruscant prompted Senator Gaul Panteer, who was also the crown prince of Alderaan, to dramatically exit the Senate chamber in protest. Subsequently, Alderaan declared its secession from the Republic, establishing itself as an independent system. This decision by the crown prince sparked a divided response among the Alderaanian population, with some supporting it and others vehemently opposing it.

Despite the resulting controversy, Alderaan's security forces maintained order until Gaul Panteer was assassinated. Mere days afterward, the Queen died without an heir. The Alderaanian Parliament reached a stalemate regarding which of the noble houses should ascend to the throne. This deadlock led to the eruption of civil war when House Thul, with the backing of the Sith Empire, decided to forcefully resolve the succession issue.

The civil war

Early conflict

The conflict transformed from an internal affair to a proxy war when the exiled House Thul returned, supported by the Empire, and the Republic began covertly aiding House Organa. Despite the absence of official troop deployments from either superpower, Alderaan became a battleground between them in the aftermath of the major wars that had been fought in the galaxy.

Bouris Ulgo voiced his opposition to House Thul's return, denouncing them as puppets of the Empire. He attempted to unite the other houses to expel the Thuls once again. However, the houses were too divided to act collectively. Ulgo instead decided to seize power himself, usurping the throne from the Panteers and declaring himself King. This action turned all of Alderaan's noble houses, except for House Rist, against him.

Secret peace negotiations were underway between the Houses at an undisclosed location, but the Jedi envoy, Sidonie Garen of House Organa, contracted a madness plague. She nearly escalated the war further until Yuon Par's Padawan, the future Barsen'thor, serving as an envoy to Teral, intervened. The Barsen'thor then successfully negotiated a truce agreement and scheduled a future meeting. The Hero of Tython also played a role in preserving talks between Houses Thul and Organa by saving the Head of House Thul from the Death Mark superweapon, which was deployed by Lord Nefarid to intensify the conflict.

Fighting on Alderaan during the war

The smuggler Ace, who would later become known as the Voidhound, was tasked with delivering items given to him by Risha Drayen to acquire a hyperdrive. This hyperdrive was needed to reach the lost treasure of Nok Drayen, the crime lord. Simultaneously, the Commander of Havoc Squad, Meteor, was on a mission to find and eliminate the Republic traitor Bex Kolos, a mission he eventually completed with the help of Colonel Jace Malcolm.

Ultimately, Bouris Ulgo was apprehended by an elite strike force. Subsequent investigations revealed that Houses Ulgo and Rist were complicit in the assassination of Gaul Panteer.

King's Pass

Colonel Malcom and Major Brom plan strategy in Castle Organa.

Despite the overthrow of Bouris Ulgo, his forces remained active, and the civil war persisted. Approximately two years later, as the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire neared its end, the region known as King's Pass became the primary battleground. In addition to the forces of Organa, Thul, and Ulgo clashing there, the region experienced a significant Killik resurgence, including the emergence of the formidable Black Hive. These Killiks rapidly overwhelmed the armies of House Qel-Nosh and House Antilles, prompting the ancient Order of Extermination to enter the conflict.

Rakghoul outbreak

In 3638 BBY, amidst the Galactic War, an outbreak of the rakghoul plague occurred on Alderaan. Given that the center of the rakghoul outbreak was situated near the contested King's Pass, the three main warring factions accused each other of intentionally causing the outbreak to gain an advantage in the conflict. In reality, all Alderaanians were affected by the plague, as were the Killiks. This disastrous situation prompted The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization to commit substantial resources to contain the outbreak. Alongside THORN personnel, specialized operatives were recruited from both Republic and Imperial loyalists to combat the Rakghouls at their source. A Spike system was swiftly deployed in King's Pass to transport troops directly into the Rakghoul tunnels. Intense combat ensued within the tunnels, resulting in the destruction of numerous Rakghouls, including the colossal Eyeless, which was initially believed to be the origin of the outbreak.

The Eternal Empire invasion

Years later, during the Eternal Empire's control over a large part of the galaxy, Arcann's empire actively exacerbated the conflict, sabotaging any peace negotiations to ensure that the Alderaanian government remained too unstable to mount a resistance against the Eternal Throne.

However, with the assistance of Choza Raabat, the Commanderof the Alliance against Zakuul destroyed the Alderaan Star Fortress orbiting Alderaan, which served as the primary source of Zakuulan forces on the planet. Raabat believed that its removal would allow the planet to begin its recovery from the decade-long conflict.

Behind the scenes

The Alderaan Civil War is featured in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, which is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game launched by BioWare and LucasArts on December 20, 2011. This civil war provides the backdrop for the eight player-class storylines that unfold on Alderaan.

The "Alderaan Civil War" is also the name of a Warzone within the game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Set during the civil war on Alderaan, Republic and Imperial teams compete to gain control of heavy laser cannons in a strategic battlezone, with the goal of using these cannons to destroy the opposing faction's troop transport.

