Nok Drayen

Nok Drayen was a male Human crime lord. His exploits during the Great Galactic War cemented his status as an underworld legend, and he held a prominent position within the legendary Star Cabal. Born as the grandson of King Arak Drayen III of Dubrillion, he fathered Risha, who was in line to inherit his throne.


Rise to power

Drayen, previously a relatively insignificant smuggler, achieved notoriety throughout the galaxy during the Great Galactic War by obliterating the shadowport of Mandellia with a single attack, resulting in the deaths of thousands of resident pirates and gangsters.

Emerging from hyperspace aboard his freighter, Drayen transmitted a demand for the settlement's inhabitants to surrender. Upon their refusal, he launched a proton torpedo filled with a nerve toxin pilfered from the Imperial Navy, swiftly killing every person present. Subsequently, Drayen seized the accumulated wealth of his victims, becoming one of the most affluent criminals in known space and utilizing the gains to establish his own syndicate.

Drayen's ruthless methods in amassing underworld influence were well-known. He was rumored to have eliminated half of the Hutt Cartel's members in a single night, though the exact method remained a mystery. After the Cartel granted him control over an entire quadrant of the galaxy as a gesture of peace, he further solidified his power and enhanced his reputation by personally destroying the Rath Cartel and the Vandelhelm Combine during the Syndicate Wars.

During this time, Drayen entered into a protracted rivalry with Diago Hixan, a contemporary of his. The two competed across the galaxy to execute the most audacious crimes and acquire the greatest treasures, with Drayen consistently emerging victorious in their encounters. The conflict escalated when Drayen seduced Shassa Dalle, Hixan's beloved wife, and intensified further when one of Hixan's numerous failed attempts to reclaim her resulted in her accidental demise.

Cold War

Drayen meets with Braden in the Star Cluster Casino

In 3653 BBY, Drayen attended a business meeting at the Star Cluster Casino on Nar Shaddaa, the smuggler's moon. The meeting involved several individuals discussing their interests and how they would be affected by the Sith Empire forcing the Republic to ratify the Treaty of Coruscant. As the meeting commenced, Drayen revealed that Naatu had been providing information to the Republic, then drew his blaster and killed him. Subsequently, he introduced Darth Angral, a Sith Lord, who presented a proposition to the group.

After Braden, a bounty hunter, escaped from captivity aboard a Sith warship, he sought Drayen's assistance on Nar Shaddaa. Drayen agreed, stipulating that Braden assist him with some of his business ventures in return.


As the Cold War persisted in 3653 BBY, Drayen was betrayed by one of his subordinates and infected with a severe disease. The disease ravaged his skin, including his right eye, necessitating the replacement of the affected areas with cybernetics. However, this proved largely ineffective, as the disease continued to destroy his organs. Drayen executed the traitor and all his other lieutenants as a precaution.

Drayen sought assistance from the Jedi Order, but they were "uncooperative." Consequently, he killed three Jedi in an attempt to uncover any "secrets" they might possess.

Chelah, his Selkath doctor, secretly froze Drayen in carbonite to prolong his life. His daughter, Risha, then kept him in carbonite for ten years.


Nok spent ten years in carbonite, delaying the moment of his death.

In 3643 BBY, Risha collaborated with a smuggler to find Nok Drayen's treasure, concealing her father's existence throughout the endeavor. After acquiring all the necessary upgrades for their ship, Risha decided to reveal the truth. She transported Nok Drayen's carbonite block to Nar Shaddaa, where Doctor Chelah would thaw him.

During the brief reunion between father and daughter, it became apparent that the illness would soon reach Drayen's heart. He urged Ace to hasten, promising them all but one treasure. Ace returned with the lockbox containing Dubrillion's treasures, most importantly the lost crown of Dubrillion, to find him dying, which Drayen opened with the code his father taught him. As death approached, Drayen instructed Risha to take the crown and reclaim the throne of Dubrillion for herself. However, he warned that success would require questionable actions and ordered her to kill the smuggler, whom he deemed insignificant. Risha refused, and with his last words, Drayen expressed his disappointment in her before succumbing to his illness. Subsequently, Risha instructed Chelah to dispose of her father's body according to his wishes and released the Selkath from her family's service.

Personality and traits

Although he feared no one, Drayen was careful to avoid antagonizing Harridax Kirill, also known as the "Voidwolf."


Nok wore an overcoat similar to the one Cade Skywalker would wear thousands of years later. He also sported glove spikes on his gauntlets and carried a blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Steve Blum provides the voice for Nok Drayen.

