Braden was a bounty hunter of the Human species (specifically, a male one). He was active during both the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War.

Braden at one point collaborated with the Trandoshan named Qyzen Fess during his career. While the Great Galactic War raged, Braden was tasked with hunting Dalborra, a Wookiee, on the planet Dantooine. Using his electrobinoculars to observe Dalborra, Braden received a communication via his portable holoprojector. The message was from his client, Commander Gin Lesl of the Republic Special Forces Division. She informed him of the newly established Treaty of Coruscant, which mandated a cease-fire between the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, and ordered him to cease his hunt. Braden refused, citing multiple bounties placed on Dalborra. Aware that Dalborra's death would strain the fragile peace, Lesl ordered her pilot to launch a volley of concussion missile strikes at Braden's location. Braden survived the attack, but his target, armed with a rifle, located him.
Dalborra then took Braden into custody, placing him on a Sith warship transporting Human prisoners to Korriban. As they passed through the Kuat sector of the Core Worlds, the warship engaged the Envoy, a Republic transport ship, in combat.

While imprisoned on the Sith warship, Braden was held in a cell adjacent to that of Jedi Master Dar'Nala, and witnessed her torture at the hands of the ship's captain. The captain attempted to force the Jedi to admit that the transport ship had initiated the attack. During breaks in the torture, Braden questioned Dar'nala's refusal to simply lie to the Sith captain. She explained that she knew the truth, and that the Republic needed to be aware of it. Too weak to escape herself, she used the Force to unlock Braden's cell, demanding that he carry word of the Sith's deception to Jedi Master Zym and Jedi Knight Satele Shan on Coruscant. Braden agreed, stealing a Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighter from the ship's hangar. He neglected to mention to the Jedi that he planned to make a detour to Nar Shaddaa before fulfilling his promise on Coruscant.
Eventually, Braden arrived on Coruscant and sought out Zym, the Jedi's Grand Master, at the ruins of the Jedi Temple. There, he encountered and killed the Republic captain who had ordered the attack on him on Dantooine. He then approached Zym to deliver Dar'Nala's message, but Zym attempted to arrest him for the captain's murder. After being knocked against a wall, Braden retaliated by firing a wrist rocket at Zym, killing him. Braden then fled Coruscant without revealing that Sith Lord Darth Baras was the mastermind behind the attack on the Envoy. Simultaneously, a bomb planted by Sith agents destroyed a significant portion of the Galactic Senate. His departure was also noted by his long-time adversary, Dalborra.
Braden then went back to Nar Shaddaa and told a friend about the message he was tasked to deliver. Later, Braden was apprehended by Jedi Master Orgus Din, who demanded the name of his employer. Braden claimed that he had no involvement in the Senate bombing and could help Din find the one disrupting the treaty, but they needed to go to Dantooine. Din complied, and Braden met Satele Shan, Dar'Nala's former apprentice. Remembering Dar'Nala's wish for Satele to know the truth, Braden revealed Baras' treachery.
Braden later escaped Din's custody and finally captured Dalborra. Meanwhile, Dar'Nala was exposed as the true instigator behind the treaty's disruption and was killed.
At some point, the Trandoshan named Qyzen Fess worked as a bounty hunter under Braden, but Fess eventually left his service to pursue hunting a rancor.

Around a decade into the Cold War, Braden identified a promising new protege worthy to compete in the galaxy-wide Great Hunt. He introduced his protege to his crew on Nal Hutta: Mako, a skilled female slicer he had discovered on Nar Shaddaa, and Jory, a Nikto weapons expert. Mako later told the bounty hunter that when Braden told her and Jory about the bounty hunter, he was grinning from ear to ear—he couldn't stop smiling, he was so happy. However, while his protege was attempting to collect the bounty on a man named Vexx to gain the favor of Suudaa Nem'ro the Hutt, Braden and Jory were murdered by Tarro Blood, a Mandalorian seeking to eliminate his rivals. Braden's protege and Mako discovered Blood's crime and vowed to avenge Braden and Jory. Mako gave Braden and Jory a proper burial while his protege managed to win the Great Hunt sponsorship.
Braden was a bounty hunter during the Great Galactic War and possessed a variety of equipment. This included dual blaster pistols, a flamethrower, electrobinoculars, a heavy set of armor with a built-in breathing tube, and a portable holoprojector.
Braden was a subject in a development diary released by BioWare. His voice acting was done by Norm Woodel.