Mako was a Human female who existed during the time of the Cold War. On the moon of Nar Shaddaa, she was discovered by Braden, who then hired her to supply intelligence and technology for participants in the Great Hunt.

Mako, by the young age of seven, was an orphan making her way on Nar Shaddaa, already known for her exceptional connection to computers and slicing. She possessed such aptitude that she independently mastered every known programming language. At eight years old, she managed to compromise the financial accounts of the red-light district orphanage where she resided, after they attempted to sell her. After she escaped the orphanage with a substantial amount of credits pilfered from their accounts, she began working with some of Nar Shaddaa's most infamous slicing gangs. Seven years following her escape, when she was 15, some of Mako's acquaintances made a monumental error on a task given to them by the Hutt Cartel. Mako was held partially accountable for this incident and was left injured in an alleyway, where she was discovered by a bounty hunter named Braden. Needing a tech expert for his team, Braden extended a job offer to her, which she accepted, eager to leave the moon and allow the memory of the failed job to fade from the Hutts' minds. She quickly began to view Braden's crew as her first true family and grew fond of the code of honor and the underground culture of the bounty hunting profession. For a brief period, the Trandoshan hunter Qyzen Fess was a bounty hunter who worked under Braden and Mako.

In the year 3643 BBY, Braden had assembled an impressive team, which included himself, Mako, a Kadas'sa'Nikto named Jory, and a promising new protégé, to participate in the Great Hunt, a competition open to hunters from across the galaxy. However, while the Hunter and Mako were away, they returned to find Braden and Jory had been murdered. Mako initially suspected the Hunter, but realized that this wasn't possible. Reviewing her holorecording, they found that the culprit was Tarro Blood, a cunning Mandalorian who used an accomplice to kill Mako's adopted family.
With Braden gone, Mako had to use every favor she had to get her partner into the Great Hunt, since he was the one who would negotiate with Suudaa Nem'ro the Hutt for sponsorship. They were successful, but they faced constant interference from Blood.

As they journeyed together, Mako began to question the nature of her cranial implant and the identity of her family. Eventually, she discovered that a person named Carteri had been inquiring about her on Nar Shaddaa. Upon confronting him, Mako learned that she had an identical sister named Coral, who was on the Republic SIS watch list. Carteri gave Mako a datapad containing heavily encrypted information that was difficult to crack. Searching through SIS databases, Mako discovered that Carteri was not listed and found information about "Project 32." Eventually, she managed to contact Coral, who insisted that an SIS agent named Izak was pursuing her, but refused to disclose the reason. She sent Mako and her partner to Dromund Kaas, where Mako encountered more identical sisters, all of whom mistook her for Coral.

Mako finally managed to crack the encryption on the datapad, allowing her to call Izak and trick him into revealing Coral's location on Nar Shaddaa. When she confronted Coral, Mako was shocked to hear her own sister refer to her as a cheap imitation. After subduing Coral, Mako chose to hand her over to Izak.
During the Hunter's time on Rishi, they were contacted by Thera Markon, who was the daughter of Crysta Markon, their handler during the Great Hunt. Thera informed them that Crysta had been killed by the Kanawyn Syndicate, and that there was a bounty on them. After dealing with the Syndicate, Thera told the group that she wanted to use their influence with the Empire to expand her smuggling business to Dromund Kaas, which Mako had mixed feelings about because it would involve betraying their primary clients.

During the Eternal Empire's Conquest, the hunter disappeared. Sometime after this, Mako stopped bounty hunting, blaming it for the fact that she loses everyone she cares about. After the majority of the group left, she hunted with Torian until Mandalore summoned the clans. She was then left on Carratos.
Mako would eventually team up with Akaavi Spar, a Mandalorian mercenary and former companion to the Voidhound, forming a bounty hunting duo. However, they vowed to only accept contracts that targeted "bad guys." Later, the two would be recruited into the Eternal Alliance by the Outlander while they were hunting down Les Madrin, who they were hired to assassinate.
Having been raised as an orphan on Nar Shaddaa, Mako possessed a resilience that belied her appearance, a keen understanding of the underworld, and a strong awareness of its inherent dangers. Mako was deeply interested in bounty hunting, admiring the code of honor that some hunters followed and the culture of the underworld.

Mako was well aware of the dangers and harsh realities of bounty hunting, such as kidnapping and killing, but accepted them as necessary aspects of the profession. She favored bounty hunters who adhered to a code of honor, such as protecting the vulnerable and avoiding killing whenever possible, such as capturing targets alive. Although she accepted killing as a part of hunting, Mako strongly opposed it when other options were available, especially when the victims were innocent, defenseless, or when the killer derived pleasure from it. Despite this, Mako did not object to a hunter killing someone if they asked to die, or if she thought they deserved it.
Mako believed in maintaining professionalism and avoided romantic relationships with her teammates. However, if she developed genuine feelings for someone, and those feelings were reciprocated, she would quickly abandon this principle. Above all else, Mako disliked her partner showing any true loyalty to the Empire, preferring to remain free and independent.

Mako was arguably one of the most skilled and talented slicers in the galaxy during her time. She was described as having an innate connection to all types of computers from a young age, and she had taught herself all known programming languages by the age of seven. Mako's natural slicing abilities were enhanced by an advanced cybernetic implant that provided her with a direct link to the HoloNet. Her skill was so exceptional that she could simultaneously access both Republic and Imperial databases and modify records without leaving any detectable trace, an unprecedented feat for a team of slicers, let alone a single individual.
Despite her youth, Mako was skilled with blasters and wielded a vibroknife. In combat, she used medical equipment to heal her allies and employed various gadgets to support her in battle.

Mako is a companion character who was first introduced in a development diary released by BioWare and later featured on her own page in the HoloNet section of the official Old Republic website. She is the initial companion for the bounty hunter class in the game and is voiced by Lacey Chabert. Male Bounty Hunters have the option to romance and marry Mako. If the player chooses not to pursue a romantic relationship with her, she may begin a romantic relationship with another of the Hunter's companions, Torian Cadera. The Outlander, if they are a Bounty Hunter or a Smuggler, can recruit both her and her associate Akaavi Spar for the Eternal Alliance.
Her biography page on the official site contains several phrases written in Aurebesh. When translated, they read: "SIS Object of Interest," "Coral is Not Mako," and "Ran Qyzen."