Akaavi Spar, a Zabrak female and Mandalorian warrior hailing from Clan Spar, existed during the chaotic time of the Great Galactic War. She also lived through the subsequent Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. While she was away with a lover, the Sith Empire destroyed Spar's clan on fabricated criminal allegations. When her lover's clan declined to assist her clan, Spar embarked on a solitary quest for vengeance. She joined the crew of an ambitious smuggler on Balmorra, following the conspiracy against her clan through the Imperial ranks. She confronted Moff Tyrak and Major Stanwu in her pursuit of the truth. Ultimately, she discovered that the attack on her clan was the result of falsehoods given to the Empire by the Mandalorian imposter, Tayari Rook. Spar pursued Rook and his false clan to the planet Nal Hutta, where she killed Rook and his criminal associates who did not flee, thus avenging her clan's annihilation.
Akaavi Spar, a female Zabrak, was born into the respected Mandalorian Clan Spar. At the young age of three, Spar departed from her mother to commence her Mandalorian training under her father's guidance. This was a customary practice within Mandalorian culture, even though Spar began several years before the more typical age of eight. From her youth, she trained in the use of a blaster and jetpack, and Spar had few friends during her childhood, but she quickly became one of her clan's most skilled warriors. At the age of only eight, Spar killed an abusive Abyssin mercenary with an improvised flamethrower, earning her the moniker "Firehand" among her clan members. When she reached thirteen, Spar completed her Mandalorian rite of passage called the verd'goten, thus entering adulthood. She then started a career as a bounty hunter, collaborating with the Sith Empire that the Mandalorians under Mandalore the Vindicated had allied with during the Great Galactic War, capturing or eliminating targets ranging from ordinary criminals to Jedi.
As an adult, Akaavi Spar encountered and fell in love with a fellow Mandalorian warrior, Zadik Lone, and chose to leave Clan Spar to join Lone's clan. This departure spared Spar from the fate that befell her clan, which was destroyed by the Sith Empire on fabricated charges of treason. Upon learning of this tragedy, she implored her lover's clan to assist in rallying support for Clan Spar. However, the members of Clan Lone refused to provide any aid, despite the cultural expectation that Mandalorians should assist others in need. Disgusted by their lack of action, Spar ended her relationship with Zadik and left Clan Lone, determined to seek revenge against those within the Empire who were responsible for her clan's destruction.

Eventually, Akaavi and another surviving member of her clan became mercenaries in the service of the Empire. In 3642 BBY, they were stationed on Balmorra during the battle that was ongoing between the Empire and the Balmorran resistance, the latter receiving direct support from the Galactic Republic. During his infiltration of the Okara Droid Factory, Akaavi and an Imperial troop contingent encountered the smuggler who would later be known as Voidhound. She defied the Imperials' orders to attack the smuggler and instead joined forces with Voidhound, eliminating the entire Imperial soldiers squad. Following this, she requested that the Smuggler grant her access to Moff Tyrak, as she sought to understand why the Moff was collaborating with the Resistance and acting against Imperial interests.
Akaavi once again allied with the smuggler to infiltrate Camp Vigil, with the smuggler's assistance, she hoped to rescue her fellow Mandalorian, who was being held captive by the Empire after her betrayal. However, upon arriving at the cell block, they discovered that the Mandalorian had already been executed. This event, coupled with the fact that Akaavi was now the sole survivor of Clan Spar, unleashed her fury upon the Imperial forces, leading her to destroy the entire base with Voidhound's support.

Akaavi later provided assistance to the smuggler at the Balmorran Arms Factory during an Imperial ambush. After dealing with all the attackers, Akaavi confronted Tyrak regarding the execution of her clan. However, to her surprise, the man she faced was not the sadistic Moff she had imagined. Tyrak explained that he had only ordered Clan Spar's destruction because he had been given an execution order and had signed it without knowing whether her clan was guilty or not. Although Akaavi still desired to kill the Moff, the smuggler encouraged her to hand Tyrak over to the Republic so that his information could be used against the Empire. Akaavi accepted Voidhound's reasoning and, now without a clan, suggested that she join the smuggler's crew as an extra gun.
Later, when the Voidwolf revealed that Darmas Pollaran and Senator Bevera Dodonna were working with the Empire, Akaavi realized that half of the Imperial leadership on Balmorra executed by the Voidwolf were enemies of Rogun the Butcher.
Before long, Akaavi uncovered the identity of the Imperial officer responsible for issuing the order for her clan's execution: Major Stanwu, a liaison for bounty hunters. Upon learning that Stanwu was on Nar Shaddaa for recruitment purposes, she decided to present herself as a hunter-for-hire and await the opportune moment to eliminate the Major on sight. However, as he was at Akaavi's mercy, Stanwu panicked and confessed that he had been provided with evidence of Clan Spar's "crimes" by a fellow Mandalorian named Tayari Rook. Further enraged, Akaavi spared Stanwu's life so that he could report her findings to the Voidhound.

Akaavi dedicated time to uncovering information about Tayari Rook but found nothing to explain how he had earned the title of "Mandalorian." Further investigation revealed that Rook was merely a conman, presenting himself as the leader of his criminal enterprise under the guise of "Clan Rook." To make matters worse, the disgraced Clan Lone, including Akaavi's former lover Zadik, had joined forces with Rook and his crew. Akaavi tracked all her enemies to Nal Hutta, where they were conducting business with the Hutt Cartel. Finding Clan Rook's discipline severely lacking, she easily eliminated those who stood in her way one by one; however, some members of Clan Lone were intelligent enough to escape. Before Akaavi killed Tayari Rook, he confessed that he had only betrayed Clan Spar to the Empire in order to secure a lucrative contract.
With her clan avenged, Akaavi decided to remain with the Voidhound, grateful for the assistance they had provided. At one point, she encountered an issue with Languss Tuno, who was staring at her in an "inappropriate way" on three separate occasions. She threatened to gouge his eyes out if he did not stop. Tuno decided to maintain a respectful distance thereafter.

During the Eternal Empire conquest, the smuggler disappeared. Sometime later, Mandalore the Avenger summoned all Mandalorians to her. Akaavi returned to bounty hunting before eventually partnering with the tech slicer Mako after they both tracked a target to Hoth. The two became a bounty hunting duo, specifically accepting contracts only for criminals and other villains. They were later recruited into the Eternal Alliance by the Alliance Commander while hunting down Les Madrin, whom they had been hired to kill.
Akaavi then became involved in Mandalorian politics when Shae Vizla's position was challenged by Field Marshal Heta Kol and her Hidden Chain. When Shae Vizla requested the Alliance's assistance in tracking down Heta Kol's supply lines, Lana Beniko recommended Akaavi as an asset on the ground, to which the Commander agreed. Upon returning from this assignment, Akaavi personally delivered the news to the Commander before assisting Alliance analysts in reviewing her report in detail.

When Shae finally tracked down her nemesis to Ruhnuk, Akaavi Spar joined Torian Cadera as reinforcements for the Mandalore, Alliance Commander, and Rass Ordo. Rass suggested that Shae and the Commander proceed to the Ruhnuk Communications Tower while the others secured their position. The Commander stopped by to check in with Akaavi before continuing on their way. While the Mandalore and the Commander were gone, the others were attacked by a Clan Varad patrol but were able to repel them and hold their ground. The duel between Shae Vizla and Heta Kol escalated into a full-scale battle between two Mandalorian factions, in which Akaavi fought on the Mandalore's side. Shae was seriously injured in the battle but stood her ground while Heta Kol and the Hidden Chain escaped. After the battle, Shae Vizla was taken to a medical facility and attended by medical droids, while Akaavi Spar and Torian Cadera remained with her, and Rass and Jekiah Ordo stayed outside.

As an adult, Akaavi Spar was seen wearing a set of cobalt blue Mandalorian armor featuring dark gold accents over a mostly gray flight suit. The helmet that she wore had once belonged to her deceased father. One of her armor's gauntlets was equipped with a whipcord launcher that included a grappling hook, allowing her to secure herself to tall structures and use the device to lift herself upward. In addition to her armor, Spar wore boots, gloves on both hands, and a multi-strap utility belt. She possessed at least one blaster pistol as well as a tech staff that she used in combat. She was also known to utilize grenades when engaging large groups of enemies. Spar also carried a personal datapad.
Akaavi Spar made her initial appearance in the 2011 BioWare-developed MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic. Within the game, Spar serves as a companion character and a potential romantic interest for players who choose the Smuggler class. She was voiced by actress Stacy Haiduk. Haiduk enjoyed the experience of portraying Spar and has expressed her admiration for both Akaavi's unique appearance and her strong-willed personality.
A male smuggler player has the option to romance Spar, although marriage is not guaranteed due to her dedication to Mandalorian culture.
The mission to enlist Akaavi and Mako into the Alliance is exclusively available to players of the smuggler and bounty hunter classes.