Rass Ordo was a male Human belonging to Clan Ordo who lived during the time of the third Galactic War. He had two siblings, Jekiah Ordo and Layla Ordo.

In the year 3626 BBY, Rass received orders from Mandalore the Avenger to join the Alliance Commander on the ship Spirit of Vengeance II. Their mission was to thwart an impending assault orchestrated by Clan Varad, the Dar'manda, and the Ash'ad.
Following a fierce battle to reach the bridge of the Spirit of Vengeance II, Rass and the Commander encountered Heta Kol, whom they then fought. After Kol was defeated, she ordered a retreat, but only after she discovered that her forces had managed to seize the banner belonging to Clan Cadera.
Rass Ordo is a character featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic. His initial appearance was in the flashpoint titled "The Spirit of Vengeance," where he served as a short-term ally to the player's character. In "Showdown on Ruhnuk" and subsequent expansions, players of any sex have the option to engage in flirtatious interactions with him.