Jekiah Ordo

Jekiah Ordo was a Human male belonging to Clan Ordo who lived during the time of the third Galactic War. He began his service as an assistant to Mandalore the Avenger, aiding her in navigating the political landscape of the clans, and was subsequently elevated to the position of Arbiter.


Jekiah Ordo initially garnered attention through his involvement in a series of operations conducted on Balmorra. His efforts were directed towards re-establishing the legacy of Mandalore the Preserver, though his primary achievement was the redemption of the Ordo name, benefiting himself and his younger siblings, Rass Ordo and Layla Ordo. Tragically, he lost his sister Layla during a mission to Belsavis.

In the year 3626 BBY, he requested an audience with the Alliance Commander, expressing his desire to meet the individual who would be working so closely with his leader, Mandalore the Avenger.

Ordo fighting aboard the Spirit of Vengeance II.

Later, Jekiah Ordo boarded the Spirit of Vengeance II to ensure the security of the convoy, however, communication with him ceased when the vessel was attacked by forces from Clan Varad, the Dar'manda, and the Ash'ad. In response, Mandalore dispatched the Alliance Commander and Rass Ordo to assist in repelling the attackers and safeguarding Ordo's life. Following the retreat of the assailants after Heta Kol's defeat and their capture of Clan Cadera's banner, Jekiah Ordo was appointed as Arbiter by Mandalore.

Behind the scenes

The character of Jekiah Ordo made his debut in the Onslaught expansion pack for the video game titled Star Wars: The Old Republic.[2]

