A Mandalorian kindred known as Clan Varad existed around the time of the Cold War, which was a period of conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.
Within the Tamarin sector of space in the galaxy's Outer Rim, Varad constructed numerous clandestine installations, eventually becoming renegade and launching assaults on planets under the control of both galactic powers. The actions of Clan Varad, marked by decades of raids and lootings from their hidden bases, cultivated a reputation for aggression and violence within the broader Mandalorian culture.

Chieftain Mavrix Varad, a male warrior regarded as bloodthirsty by others, was the leader of Clan Varad. He subjected his clan members to rigorous combat tests, and those who failed to meet Varad's expectations were used for sparring or even as targets for the clan's younger members to practice hunting. However, those who succeeded were frequently rewarded with a considerable amount of credits and weapons acquired from the clan's most recent plunder.
During the years of the Cold War, Mavrix Varad personally feuded with the Mand'alor of the Mandalorians, Mandalore the Vindicated, who viewed Mavrix as nothing more than "a rancor foaming at the mouth." Clan Varad members were deemed persona non grata at the Mandalorian stronghold on Geonosis, and it wasn't long before Varad openly opposed the Mand'alor. Eager for battle, Clan Varad willingly attacked both Republic and Sith targets, even hijacking the Republic warship Allusis and using it to attack and pillage defenseless planets in the Outer Rim. Consequently, both the Republic and the Empire dispatched strike forces to board and seize the ship. Mavrix Varad and a number of Clan Varad members perished in the ensuing conflict. The remaining survivors on the ship were apprehended and readmitted to the lowest echelons of the other Clans as punishment for their shameful treachery.

Nevertheless, Clan Varad persisted in some form. In 3626 BBY, members of Clan Varad, now under the command of Mavrix's nephew, Tyrus Brokenblade, aligned themselves with Heta Kol's organization, the Hidden Chain, against Mandalore the Avenger's faction. Furthermore, they adopted purple and yellow armor, deviating from their original red and gray. Employing their warship, the Champion's Glory, they assisted Kol in an attack on the Spirit of Vengeance II, and successfully absconded with the banner of Clan Cadera. Their own banner, displayed on their warship and on Ruhnuk, is gold with purple and black accents. It features Mando'a text translating to "that which does not kill us" along with the image of a mythosaur.
During a mission on Ord Mantell, Tyrus Brokenblade engaged in combat with Sa'har Kateen, resulting in the loss of his hand and his subsequent capture by the Eternal Alliance, leaving Varad without a leader once again.
Millennia later, during the reign of the Galactic Empire, Clan Varad produced the accomplished Mandalorian warrior named Shyla Varad. As the Imperials occupied the Mandalorian homeworld of Mandalore, Shyla became isolated from her people, but eventually she took up arms against the Empire.

Clan Varad and its chieftain, Mavrix, serve as the primary adversaries in the Mandalorian Raiders flashpoint, which can be played by both the Republic and Empire factions in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Players assume control of one of the strike teams tasked with seizing the Allusis and neutralizing the threat posed by Clan Varad.