Battle for the Allusis

A conflict unfolded during the Cold War involving forces from the Sith Empire, the Jedi Order, the Galactic Republic, and the renegade Mandalorian Clan Varad. This clash represented the culmination of efforts by both galactic superpowers to thwart Clan Varad's raids on their settlements. These raids were conducted using a stolen, advanced Valor-class cruiser, the Allusis, which had been taken from the Republic shipyards located at Fondor.


During the period known as the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the newly empowered Sith Empire, a particularly aggressive Mandalorian clan severed ties with the leadership of Mandalore the Vindicated. This clan, Clan Varad, under the command of its leader, Mavrix Varad, considered the proxy war between the two major galactic powers to be uninteresting and unworthy of the Mandalorian tradition of war and conflict. Mavrix, a veteran of the Great Galactic War, desired to instigate chaos and violence once more. He and his clan successfully seized control of a cutting-edge Republic warship, the Allusis, while it was undergoing maintenance at the Fondor Shipyards. The ship was captured easily due to its skeleton crew. Clan Varad then utilized the ship to attack vulnerable star systems located in the Outer Rim. Their ruthless behavior and intense desire for disorder were evident throughout their campaign, as they would demand tribute from planets, only to then discard their stolen goods, including weapons, medical supplies, and food, into the void of space. Both Imperial and Republic forces attempted to halt this rampage by dispatching their warships, but they were defeated by the Allusis' superior technology.

The Confrontation

The drop pod containing the strike team bored through the Allusis' hull

In a final desperate attempt to reclaim the vessel, both sides deployed their most elite strike teams into action. As the Allusis was in the process of refueling at a secluded depot within the Tamarin sector, Imperial and Republic forces launched an assault on the stationary warship. Their strike teams forcefully boarded the Allusis using drop pods, penetrating the cargo bay where they encountered numerous clan squads comprised of battle droids and ground troops.

Advancing towards a control center for the cargo bay, the strike team confronted Clan Varad's beastmaster, Braxx, and his pack of salky hound companions, who had blocked their path by activating the area's shields. Following a prolonged engagement, the beastmaster was defeated, and the shields were deactivated. The strike team resumed their advance, but they encountered significant resistance from the clan's forces.

Partway through the battle, before reaching the command deck, the strike force encountered a squad of Mandalorian mercenaries, specifically Tiru, Lothor, and Kandon. This group, known collectively as Battle Team Royal, was engaged briefly by the strike team, but they were unknowingly eliminated by the arrival of the opposing faction's own boarding party, due to Mavrix's constant communication over the Allusis' internal comm system. No alliances were formed to put an end to Clan Varad's reign of terror. Instead, the opposing forces clashed, as the capture of the Allusis and the power it represented was the ultimate goal. The Empire sought to seize it, while the Republic aimed to reclaim it. The conflict between the parties continued as their respective fleets engaged the Allusis and each other. The strike team eventually dealt a blow to the opposing squad by killing one of its members, but they realized that the distress this caused was actually aiding their enemies. The strike team regrouped and ultimately defeated the opposing boarding party through a well-executed tactical maneuver. The team proceeded forward, descending through an elevator that led to the launch control deck, encountering only minimal resistance.

Heavy resistance

Upon arriving at their destination, the strike team approached a nearby access panel and disabled the ship's security locks. They then dealt with Mandalorian engineers who were working at a nearby airlock. From that point, the strike team was reassigned to take control of the Allusis, a mission that would require them to confront the Clan chieftain on the ship's bridge. The team faced substantial resistance once again, in the form of advanced turrets, Mandalorian tech commandos, and a clan veteran named Gil. Gil proved to be a formidable opponent, but his skill with a blade, while impressive, was not enough to secure victory. With his lieutenants defeated and most of his clan either dead or captured, Mavrix Varad awaited the strike team, taunting them through the comm system.

When the team reached the clan chieftain's location, they found him prepared for battle. As they engaged, Mavrix utilized his jetpack to evade their attacks while activating the Allusis' internal defense turrets to supplement his own array of Mandalorian weaponry. Throughout the battle, Mavrix continued to verbally harass his adversaries, making disparaging remarks about their competence in warfare and their ability to effectively oppose him. After the turrets were destroyed, the strike team focused their attacks on the fleeing chieftain, ultimately defeating him. With Mavrix defeated, the strike team took control of the ship and safely departed for their respective capital worlds.


The Mandalorians experienced the loss of Clan Varad, with surviving members being integrated into other clans. Their alliance with the Empire remained intact, seemingly due to their continued service in subsequent events. The Mandalorians' assistance in locating Clan Varad, justified by the rogue clan's declaration of Akaan'gaan, also contributed to this.

Behind the Cameras

The Battle for the Allusis is featured in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Flashpoint titled Mandalorian Raiders. During the flashpoint, players have the option to capture the Mandalorian engineers (a light side choice) or jettison them into space (a dark side choice).

The flashpoint is available to both factions in the game, meaning that the victory conditions are not considered canon, and the aftermath of the battle is based on secondary observations. If an Imperial player completes the flashpoint, The Allusis is captured and transported to Dromund Kaas. The Empire gains access to its advanced technology and Republic knowledge. Surviving members of Clan Varad are absorbed into other Mandalorian clans, and the Mandalorians' loyalty to the Empire is reinforced. If a Republic player completes the flashpoint, the Allusis is returned to Coruscant for repairs and is then assigned to assist in rebuilding the areas it once terrorized.

