Sa'har Kateen

Sa'har Kateen, a Twi'lek female who possessed Force-sensitivity, existed during the Old Republic era. Separated from her elder sibling, Ri'kan Kateen, at a young age, Kateen underwent training as a Padawan within the Jedi Order, mentored by Jedi Master Denolm Orr. During a mission to the planet of Elom, Kateen's perspective shifted dramatically due to Darth Malgus, who convinced the Padawan that the Jedi had unjustly shaped the destinies of both Ri'kan and herself. As the Temple of Nul collapsed, Malgus killed Orr and abandoned Kateen, urging her to forge her own path.



In the years preceding the third Galactic War, both Sa'har and her older brother, Ri'kan Kateen, became orphans while still quite young. They spent their early years residing at the Mek-Sha Home for Lost Children, an orphanage situated on the space station known as Mek-Sha.

Becoming a Padawan

A young Sa'har is discovered by Denolm Orr.

Subsequently, both Sa'har and Ri'kan began exhibiting signs of Force-sensitivity, although Sa'har displayed a stronger connection to the Force compared to her brother. Jedi Master Denolm Orr soon discovered the two Twi'leks. After Sa'har successfully completed the required test for entry into the Jedi Order with ease, Orr chose her as his Padawan. He left Ri'kan behind due to his weaker connection to the Force, and the two then departed Mek-Sha. Sa'har commenced her Jedi training at the Jedi Temple located on the planet Tython. Later, Sa'har and her master resided for a period within the Jedi Colony on Ossus.

Mission to Elom

Sa'har with her master at the Temple of Nul.

As time passed, Sa'har matured into a capable and reliable Jedi Padawan under her master's guidance. Eventually, she joined Orr's master and a team including Jedi Master Gan Enok, Material Analysis Dr. Mykon Ora, Chief Engineer Rolan Aun, and Specialist Tiriz Etto in a search for the creations of Darth Nul on the planet of Elom. By the time they arrived at the Temple of Nul, only Sa'har and Orr remained alive.

Within the temple, Sa'har and her master encountered a Sith Warrior who had come to retrieve a holocron from a device inside. The young Jedi and her Master proved to be formidable opponents for the Sith Warrior, and during their duel, Orr instructed Sa'har to destroy the machine and all records of it. However, they were surprised by the arrival of the rogue Sith Lord Darth Malgus, who betrayed the Sith Warrior and also sought to obtain the holocron.

While Sa'har pursued the machine, Malgus attempted to strike her with his Force lightning, but she quickly evaded it and reached the device while her Master battled the Sith Lord. At the machine, Sa'har experienced a vision of her past, revealing how her Master had left her brother behind when he chose her as his Padawan. Overwhelmed by these memories, she listened to Malgus speak of the pain and fear the Jedi had inflicted by withholding the secret of the Force from her brother.

Destruction of the machine

Sa'har duels Darth Malgus at the temple.

Orr eventually used the Force to destroy the machine, freeing Sa'har from its influence. However, as the young Padawan retrieved the holocron, she refused to surrender it to Orr, asserting that he could have saved her brother. Padawan and Master fought over the holocron, allowing Malgus to recover and ensnare Orr with the Force before killing him. Regaining her senses, Sa'har dueled the Sith Lord for the holocron, but she was Force-pushed and buried under the collapsing temple by Malgus, who seized the holocron. The Sith Lord left Sa'har to her fate, urging her to break free from her constraints.

Escaping the Temple

Sa'har recovers the holocron.

Sa'har survived the temple's destruction and escaped long after Malgus' departure, as the rogue Sith Lord had been captured and imprisoned by the Alliance Commander, Lana Beniko, and their reinforcements. While escaping the wreckage, Sa'har discovered the holocron hidden in the rubble, seemingly left there by Malgus before his capture. She then used the Force to grab the holocron before fleeing.

Opening the Holocron

Sa'har boarded an old passenger transport to escape Elom and spent the following days meditating, hoping to find a clue to her brother's whereabouts. During her attempts to reach Ri'kan through the Force, she heard Malgus' voice in her mind and felt Darth Nul's holocron pulsing. After an unsuccessful attempt to open the holocron, Sa'har went to find something to eat but encountered a woman with cybernetic legs.

As they ate, Sa'har introduced herself as a farmer named Tau, and they discussed their father figures and their imperfections. Returning to her room, Sa'har picked up the holocron again and succeeded in opening it, witnessing the device's projections of designs and patterns. Focusing, she saw her brother and became bonded with him through the Force, enabling her to locate him.

Reuniting with Ri'kan

Sa'har and her brother reunite.

After finding Ri'kan's location using the holocron, Sa'har seemingly "rescued" her brother, who was imprisoned by forces she believed to be slave traders, by cutting through them with her lightsaber. Realizing that her brother was no longer a slave, Sa'har faced Ri'kan's anger, as he felt abandoned by her and was uninterested in repairing their relationship. Sa'har offered her help, which Ri'kan initially refused but then mentioned someone who could use her assistance. Sa'har later traveled with Ri'kan to meet Heta Kol and the Hidden Chain.

Fighting for the Hidden Chain

Sa'har Kateen among the Hidden Chain

At some point, Sa'har informed Ri'kan that she had learned of a superweapon sought by Darth Malgus before his capture and that the holocron from Darth Nul's Temple on Elom was the key to it.

Later, on Ruhnuk with the Hidden Chain, Sa'har was stationed at the relay station. During a holocall with Ri'kan, she was interrupted by the arrival of the Alliance Commander and Shae Vizla, who sought the location of Darth Nul's holocron and Heta Kol, respectively. Sa'har refused to answer, angering Shae, who fired a shot that broke a window, which the rogue Padawan used to escape while destroying a tracer fired by Shae just before jumping.

Sa'har Kateen on Ruhnuk

Sa'har informed Heta of the Commander's presence, leaving her to deal with them and Shae. Sa'har later participated in the battle between the Hidden Chain and Mandalore the Avenger's forces, assisting Ri'kan in his duel against the Commander as he was about to be defeated. Using the Force, Sa'har pushed the Alliance Commander back and escaped with Ri'kan in an Eternal Empire shuttle along with Heta Kol and most of their forces. Sa'har and Ri'kan met with Heta, and Ri'kan revealed that Sa'har knew of a weapon that could help Heta and their cause when Sa'har objected to using it. Ri'kan emotionally blackmailed Sa'har into sharing the information, prompting Heta to take Sa'har to a private area to discuss it in secret, angering Ri'kan.


Sa'har Kateen and Heta Kol

Sa'har later approached Ri'kan to encourage him to tap into his latent Force abilities. However, Ri'kan quickly lost his temper and stabbed the datapad he was practicing on. He explained that the knife he held was once Heta's, used to cut his slave collar, which led him to become a Mandalorian. Sa'har expressed her hope that he would survive on his own, to which her brother retorted that he had to earn what he had, while she got everything. She refuted that she lost everything, which only provoked him further.

Sa'har joins the Alliance Commander's side on Ord Mantell.

Their argument was soon interrupted by Heta. As her council gathered, she announced what she found on Darth Nul's holocron would elevate the Hidden Chain's power. Sa'har attempted to protest using Nul's secrets, but Heta reminded her that she herself was seeking to restore "balance" to a galaxy full of hypocrisy, silencing the young Jedi. Heta then declared that the members of the Hidden Chain would be given separate assignments, while the entire plan would be compartmentalized between herself and Sa'har, earning Ri'kan's jealousy.

Sa'har fights Tyrus Brokenblade.

As the Hidden Chain prepared to execute Heta's plan, Sa'har approached Ri'kan to ask if he believed he was doing the right thing supporting Heta's plan. Her brother retorted that it was too late to second guess him, declaring his loyalty to Heta, before ordering her to carry out her assignment.

Sa'har secretly traveled to Ord Mantell, where the Hidden Chain were stealing both civilians and cooling rods. Finding Tyrus Brokenblade in battle with the Commander, she intervened before he could execute Petra Nihrum. Faced with the infuriated Clan Varad leader, Sa'har dismissed his warning that Heta would kill her for her betrayal. However, she was quickly provoked as he suggested that Ri'kan would execute her himself.

Sa'har made a deal with Alliance Commander on Ord Mantell, but asked them to wait until she was reday to move against Heta.

Sa'har then worked with the Commander to defeat Tyrus. Once the fighting was over, she confessed that the Hidden Chain were seeking to build a machine based off a blueprint on Darth Nul's holocron and that she had been trying to sabotage their efforts as best she could, but now she needed help. Suddenly, she caught Tyrus attempting to warn Heta of her betrayal, forcing her to cut off his right hand, leaving her horrified by her own act of mutilation. Once the Commander decided Tyrus' fate, Sa'har commandeered his ship, promising to contact the Commander once she was ready to steal Nul's holocron from Heta, before mentioning that Petra had departed the scene.

After departing Ord Mantell, Sa'har became lost in thought before being snapped out of her stupor by Ri'kan on holocomm, demanding an update. Sa'har claimed that she was chasing a lead for Heta that turned false, so he ordered her to return to the fleet.

Powers and abilities

Sa'har Kateen's lightsaber

Even in her youth, Sa'har possessed a strong connection to the Force, leading Denolm Orr to choose her as his Padawan. Despite her status as a Padawan, she could match her master's power when preventing him from taking the holocron. Although she lost her duel with Darth Malgus, Sa'har managed to fight the Sith Lord to the point where Malgus lost one of his sabers. She could open Darth Nul's holocron and bond with her brother through the Force, which was crucial in finding him. Sa'har also defeated multiple opponents with ease while trying to rescue Ri'kan.

Behind the scenes

Sa'har Kateen was initially mentioned in "Mission Abstract: Investigate link between Darth Malgus and the planet Elom," a short story published on the official Star Wars: The Old Republic website on October 1, 2021. She later played a significant role in Disorder, a cinematic trailer for The Old Republic's expansion Legacy of the Sith. Both the trailer and the expansion were released on February 15, 2022.

Gameplay alternatives

In Game Update 7.5: Desperate Defiance, when Sa'har pleads with the player for assistance in pulling Ri'kan up, the player is presented with three choices:

  • If the player selects the light side option and helps save Ri'kan, Sa'har will immediately secure Darth Nul's holocron before it is crushed by debris and hand it to the player, which Ri'kan witnesses as he awakens. As the player attempts to escape, Ri'kan will use the Force to immobilize Sa'har, forcing her to seal the exit to allow the player to escape. Ri'kan will then stand over a conscious Sa'har and roars furiously.
  • If the player selects the neutral option, they will prioritize securing the holocron. However, as the player rushes to help Sa'har, a large piece of debris separates them. As the player leaves, believing the Twi'leks to be dead, it is revealed that Sa'har managed to pull up Ri'kan by herself and the two siblings stare into each other's eyes.
  • If the player selects the dark side option, they will simply take the holocron and leave. Sa'har will then pull up Ri'kan by herself, narrowly avoiding being crushed by debris, leaving the two siblings to regard each other.

Regardless of the player's choice, both siblings are presumed dead following the destruction of the Hidden Chain Flagship.

