The Temple of Nul, situated on the planet of Elom, was an ancient Sith Temple once controlled by the Sith Lord known as Darth Nul. By the time the third Galactic War had begun, it had fallen into a state of ruin.
Constructed as a sprawling fortress across the planetary surface, the temple complex housed numerous creations of Nul. The most significant of these were kept within the main temple, perched atop a towering peak. This main temple contained a machine guarding a holocron that held the locations of Force-sensitive children deemed "unworthy" by both the Sith and Jedi. These children were considered to be useless by both factions.
Following Darth Malgus's theft of an artifact from Dantooine, both the Empire and the Republic became aware of the artifact's original creator: Darth Nul, a Sith Lord whose existence had seemingly been wiped from the galaxy. This discovery led both factions to dispatch teams to various ruined Sith and Jedi sites, including Elom, which served as a base for Nul.
Jedi Master Denolm Orr and his Padawan Sa'har Kateen journeyed to the temple in order to recover a holocron. This mission resulted in Denolm's death at the hands of Darth Malgus, who seized the holocron and left Sa'har to fend for herself. After Malgus fled the temple's destruction, he was confronted by the Alliance Commander, who defeated and imprisoned him. Sa'har, having also survived, discovered the holocron that Malgus had intentionally left for her to find and managed to escape the planet with it.