Darmas Pollaran was the assumed name of a Human male Imperial Agent. During the Cold War, this agent infiltrated the Coruscant Underworld, posing as a woman-chasing, gambling pazaak enthusiast and Information broker. Acting under orders from the Voidwolf, Pollaran, in his guise, manipulated Senator Bevera Dodonna into assisting their scheme to establish a pro-Sith Empire pirate fleet, promising her a planet to govern in return. Furthermore, it is believed he aided in the founding of the Migrant Merchants' Guild.
Darmas Pollaran, known for his constant gambling and as an information broker, conducted his business from the Dealer's Den situated within the Old Galactic Market. He demanded substantial payment for his intelligence and connections, supplementing his already significant earnings with his consistently successful gambling at the card game sabacc.
In 3643 BBY, he received a visit from the smuggler who would later be known as Voidhound and Corso Riggs. They journeyed to Coruscant in their pursuit of Skavak and the smuggler's stolen spacecraft. Pollaran provided assistance to the pair in locating the ship and recovering it from Skavak.
In 3642 BBY, after the smuggler gained notoriety for discovering Nok Drayen's long-lost treasure, Pollaran reached out to the Voidhound, inviting them to Port Nowhere. Upon the Voidhound's arrival, they found Pollaran held prisoner alongside Senator Bevera Dodonna by the henchmen of Rogun the Butcher. The Voidhound successfully fought through Rogun's forces, liberating the captive pair. Following their release, Pollaran revealed that he had transitioned to legitimate work, serving Dodonna. He also asserted that Rogun was in the employ of the Voidwolf, the Imperial Grand Admiral aiming to control the galactic underworld. In exchange for their rescue, Dodonna commissioned the Voidhound as a Republic privateer, entrusting them with tasks that the official military couldn't undertake.
Pollaran served as the Voidhound's contact on Balmorra. He informed the smuggler that their mission was to seize Project Nebula, a former Republic weapons development initiative. It was abandoned when the Empire seized control of the planet, subsequently taking over the project with the intention of using the prototype weaponry against the Republic.
After the Voidhound accomplished a mission on Hoth for Dodonna, Pollaran summoned his associate back to Port Nowhere to explore a potentially advantageous business opportunity. He introduced the Voidhound to Vaz Traniff, a rival of Rogun. The plan involved rescuing Traniff's vault cracker, Combo, from Rogun, enabling them to raid an Imperial treasury ship, the King's Ransom. This venture promised profitability, service to the Republic, and an opportunity for the Voidhound to inflict damage upon Rogun's organization.

Following the successful heist, the narrow escape from the treasury ship's destruction by the Voidwolf, and the rescue of Dodonna from Rogun's assassins, the Voidhound returned to Port Nowhere to meet with Pollaran. Senator Dodonna decided to further engage the Voidhound's services in dismantling Rogun's operations when Darmas connected the Senator via holocall, compelling her to withdraw from a Senate vote. Pollaran then informed her that the cybernetic beasts employed by Rogun's assassins in their attack on her originated from the planet Voss. Given that the export of Voss fauna was not authorized, it was clear that they were smuggled. Dodonna explained that Voss had only recently been discovered and that granting the Voidhound a landing permit would require time. Pollaran added that the only individual possessing comprehensive knowledge of Rogun's secrets was his mentor, Ivory, who had vanished years prior. However, Dodonna revealed that Ivory was being held in a clandestine Republic prison on Belsavis. The Voidhound proceeded to locate Ivory amidst a mass prison breakout orchestrated by the Empire, successfully obtaining the locations of all of Rogun's safehouses across the galaxy, which Pollaran then investigated. After the Voidhound dismantled Rogun's smuggling operation on Voss, Pollaran informed the smuggler that Rogun was gathering his remaining lieutenants at his safehouse on Tatooine.
However, Pollaran soon revealed his true allegiance as an agent of the Voidwolf, who had successfully persuaded Dodonna to betray the Republic and support the Empire in exchange for a planet to rule. The Voidwolf presented the Voidhound and Rogun with a hologram of the exchange between the two before the smuggler defeated the Butcher. Aided by Rogun, the Voidhound survived the betrayal and located Pollaran on Corellia. Pollaran had infiltrated the Corellian Resistance and had manipulated rebel leader Nevis Kitt into attempting to clear out supply tunnel 26, deceiving him into believing it would provide an opening for the resistance, when in reality it was intended for the Empire.
When confronted by the Voidhound while hosting a resistance rally, Pollaran swiftly attempted to turn the crowd against the smuggler, falsely claiming that the Voidhound was an agent of the Voidwolf. However, the Voidhound successfully convinced the resistance of Pollaran's true loyalties. With his deception exposed, Pollaran called for reinforcements, which arrived in the form of assassin droids, providing cover for his escape. Pollaran fled to Councilor Caicos' factory, now serving as a makeshift Imperial medical center, in Labor Valley, seeking plastic surgery to alter his identity and disappear. However, the Voidhound pursued him and placed him under arrest.
Darmas Pollaran appears as a character in the 2011 Star Wars: The Old Republic video game, with his voice provided by James M. Connor.
Alternatively, the Smuggler has the option to either eliminate Darmas or grant him freedom in exchange for information concerning Senator Dodonna and a key to unlock a locker situated on Port Nowhere.