Voidwolf's personal strike fleet

The personal strike fleet of the Voidwolf comprised a contingent from the naval forces belonging to the re-established Sith Empire during both the Cold War and the Galactic War. This force consisted of Imperial war vessels, pirates, and privateers, all brought together under the command of Grand Admiral Harridax Kirill, a former slaver widely known as "the Voidwolf." He led the fleet from the Harrower-class dreadnought called Regnant. The Voidwolf intended to utilize this fleet to launch an assault on the Galactic Republic's shipbuilding facilities situated on the Core World of Corellia. This action was designed to severely weaken the Republic Navy, thereby granting the Empire a significant strategic edge in the impending conflict.

A smuggler captain, previously employed as a Republic privateer and tricked into service by the Voidwolf's agents within the Republic, became the Voidwolf's primary adversary. During the Battle of Corellia, this smuggler successfully boarded the Regnant, which was in orbit above Corellia, and confronted the Voidwolf on the bridge during a meeting with the three captains who had proclaimed themselves commanders within the Voidwolf's fleet. In a swift and fierce confrontation, the smuggler triumphed over the Voidwolf, seizing control of the fleet.

The Voidwolf's armada was a collection of forces from a range of pirate groups, including pirate leaders such as Trizz'mal the Merciless, Iceheart Carac, and Lunatta. The fleet's main components were Ajuur-class heavy cruisers in addition to ships that belonged to the Unidentified freighter class. The fleet also incorporated smaller spacecraft such as the K-52 Strongarm gunship and the VX-5 Ricker. The Harrower-class dreadnought, Regnant, functioned as the fleet's command ship.

Behind the scenes

Following the Voidwolf's demise, the smuggler faces three possible courses of action regarding the fleet. The path aligned with the light side involves instructing the three captains to dedicate their forces to the Republic. The neutral choice is to dissolve the fleet, allowing the captains to depart freely. The dark side option entails the smuggler embracing piracy, directing the fleet to attack targets belonging to both the Republic and the Empire.

