A particular type of freighter, characterized by a brownish exterior, a stretched-out body, and a trio of engines, saw extensive service in the centuries preceding the Jedi Civil War. It was a familiar sight during both the era of the Cold War and the subsequent [Galactic War],(/article/galactic_war) often utilized in battle by various independent factions throughout the galaxy.
The Mantellian Separatist Movement managed to field a minimum of two freighters against the Republic Navy in the skies above Ord Mantell during the Cold War period. The mobile research facility Theoretika, belonging to the Czerka Corporation, was a vessel of this very class.
During the events of the Third Galactic War, the Mandalorians affiliated with the Hidden Chain employed a trio of these freighters – specifically, the Champion's Glory, the Seeker's Vigil, and the Fortune's Folly – in an attack against Mandalore the Avenger's flagship, the Spirit of Vengeance II.
BioWare conceived this freighter design for their video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, which launched in 2011; however, the game itself never explicitly named the class of this freighter.