The Battle of Corellia was a massive engagement taking place on the planet of Corellia, a world located in the Core Worlds. This conflict occurred in 3640 BBY during the Galactic War fought between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. With the Treaty of Coruscant's peace collapsing into full-scale war, the Sith Lord Darth Decimus spearheaded an invasion of this esteemed Core World, triggering a protracted struggle for planetary control. Following months of strategic planning and securing alliances with the Corellian Council, who proclaimed Corellia's allegiance to the Empire, Darth Decimus's invasion force descended upon the world. However, the Corellian Security Force and the native Green Jedi quickly organized pockets of civilian resistance, demonstrating that the Corellians would not easily submit to Imperial domination.
The Imperial Military and Imperial Guard, under the direction of Darth Decimus, Darth Acharon, and Darth Hadra, began suppressing the local resistance. However, the Republic's forces soon arrived, establishing a presence at the Blastfield Shipyards near Coronet City, Corellia's capital. The once-pristine city, already damaged by war, transformed into a battlefield as Republic and Imperial forces clashed for control, both supported by local corporations and mercenaries. The ongoing conflict resulted in significant losses for both sides, with skilled Jedi and Sith falling victim to battle and treachery. Nevertheless, Darth Decimus believed victory was near after an Imperial strike force stormed the Green Jedi Enclave, resulting in the deaths of Jedi Master Arfan Ramos and the rest of the Green Jedi Council.
The Jedi forces on Corellia, led by the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython, regrouped and thwarted a plan by the fallen Jedi Master Tol Braga to slaughter millions of civilians and soldiers. As victory seemed imminent, Grand Master Satele Shan and Republic High Command redeployed some of their troops to support a full-scale assault on Dromund Kaas, the Imperial capital. Despite the troop reduction, the Republic continued to push the Empire into a defensive position. The Republic's efforts were greatly enhanced when Havoc Squad, an elite Special Forces unit, launched a comprehensive attack on the Bastion, a Republic military base that had been a primary operational hub before its capture early in the invasion, and successfully reclaimed it, capturing General Arkos Rakton in the process. The Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order brought the might of the Rift Alliance to aid the Republic, with Voss commandos, Esh-kha, and Balmorran droids fighting to reclaim the fortresses known as the Guardian Holds from the Children of the Emperor, secret agents of the Emperor scattered throughout the Republic.
During the peak of the battle, Republic strike teams eliminated Darths Acharon and Hadra. With the loss of the Corellian Council's inside information, many of whom either defected to the Republic or were killed, the Imperial offensive began to unravel and lose direction. After securing Axial Park and breaking through the Imperial presence in the Government District, a Republic strike force targeted the Legislature Building and defeated Darth Decimus, dealing a fatal blow to the Empire's forces on the planet. Although Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus was assassinated aboard his personal flagship during the extended battle, his successor Leontyne Saresh received the official declaration of victory from General Aves to the Senate. Despite lingering pockets of Imperial resistance that prolonged the conflict, the battle ultimately resulted in a Republic victory, leading to the withdrawal or defeat of the majority of Imperial forces.
The Sith Empire's invasion of Corellia, a planet, was meticulously planned over several years by Darth Decimus, a Sith Lord, during the Cold War between the Empire and the Galactic Republic. Imperial Intelligence agents identified and secretly recruited potential traitors within the planet's highest government echelons, promising the politicians lifelong power in exchange for their loyalty. Consequently, the Empire gained control over nearly the entire ruling Corellian Council. Darbin Sull, one of the youngest members ever elected to the council, quickly pledged allegiance to the Empire in exchange for the position of prime minister, a detail they withheld from the current Imperial-aligned prime minister, Cal Falcone. Councilor Belos agreed to support the Empire, believing that their superior military strength would inevitably overwhelm the Republic. Councilor Caicos used bribery, blackmail, and threats to persuade other council members to support the Empire when the Voidwolf, an Imperial admiral, called in a debt. The First Son of the Sith Emperor convinced the Council to join the Empire by revealing his identity as Syo Bakarn, a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council, to Secretary Nadien as proof of his power.

Around 3642 BBY, the fragile peace established by the Treaty of Coruscant collapsed under the strain of numerous internal and external conflicts between the Republic and the Empire. Recognizing an opportunity, Decimus initiated his plans: Imperial Intelligence agents attempted to infiltrate the offices of the Corellian Engineering Corporation to seize control of the complex's powerful defense systems and prevent any potential resistance. However, the operatives disappeared upon entering the offices, and the CEC's defenses remained under the corporation's control when Decimus ordered the invasion to proceed as planned around 3640 BBY. He launched a fleet from the Empire's core, signaling the Corellian Council to act. The politicians declared a false emergency, clearing all hyperlanes into the Corellian system, shutting down the planet's spaceports, and convening in the Government District of Coronet City for a meeting. There, the Council unanimously voted to submit to Imperial control just as Darth Decimus's fleet arrived above the city of the capital.
Despite the Corellian Council's surrender to the Empire, Decimus's forces proceeded with the planet's conquest as a show of force. Communications were immediately severed, leaving the Republic unaware of the invasion. An initial attack on Coronet City, the capital, destroyed parts of the famed Coronet Zoo, releasing alien wildlife into the city's streets. One of the Empire's primary objectives was the Incorporation Islands, a district of towers housing Corellia's largest corporate entities. The sector quickly became a battleground as corporate security forces, aided by droid armies, fought back against the Empire.

The Bastion, a massive military complex in Coronet City, served as the center of operations for the entire Republic military and was a key stronghold of resistance. Consequently, it was a prime target for Imperial conquest in the eyes of General Arkos Rakton. The Imperial invasion plan included the reformation of an elite black ops team under the command of Lieutenant Pierce. Pierce's unit, including Captain Lorant, Sergeant Arlos, Lieutenant Tanido, and several other soldiers, infiltrated a Republic shuttle carrying reinforcements to the Bastion just hours before Darth Decimus's forces arrived in the star system. The team gained complete control of the complex within a few hours. Axial Park was targeted by an Imperial force led by the Sith Emperor's personal Guard, and the captured Museum Republica became an Imperial base of operations in the park. A damaged Imperial warship struck one of the city's high-rise towers, causing its near-collapse and killing the founder of the Beharen Droid Factory. Fortunately for the Republic, Syo Bakarn fortified several buildings known as Guardian Holds with elite Republic troops, munition stores, bunkers, and other military assets, enabling them to withstand all Imperial attacks throughout the invasion. However, Bakarn, as the First Son, used his identity to place several Children of the Emperor within the Holds.
The Corellians were not inclined to submit to Imperial dominance without resistance. As Darth Decimus established his headquarters in the offices of Corellia's Trade Tariff Service on the advice of his lieutenant, Moff Tarandon, the Corellian Security Force recognized that it could not withstand a full-scale war with the invaders. Consequently, CorSec commissioner Jonah Carter and his lieutenants issued a panic alert to all officers, ordering them to go underground and prepare for war. However, some CorSec officers, such as Raddus Venn, willingly submitted to the Empire and began to assist the new rulers. Coronet Durasteel immediately sided with the Empire at the start of the invasion, followed by corporations like Horizon Enterprises, led by its Senior Executive President Erin Kaldo. While the Board of Directors and the rest of the company's upper management were willing to collaborate with the Empire, Horizon's workforce rebelled as soon as they learned of the Empire's arrival. Kaldo and the directors were forced to request Imperial assistance to "reduce" the workforce, hoping that eliminating a number of workers would persuade the others to submit to Imperial rule.

Ordinary citizens began to unite with freighter crews and unemployed mercenaries to fight back against their new rulers. With CorSec's coordination and training, the rebels achieved significant success in the early days of the occupation. Over a dozen high-ranking Imperial officers were assassinated, and the group bombed numerous shipyards used by the Empire as landing pads. Rebels often feigned cooperation with the invaders to gain access to Imperial bases and cause destruction. A major target of the Empire's initial strikes was the enclave of the Green Jedi, Corellian Jedi who wore green cloaks to symbolize their loyalty to their native world over the Republic. A first attempt to bombard the structure was thwarted by the Enclave's powerful shields, powered by internal reactors. The Green Jedi quickly established offensive weapons emplacements. An Imperial warship sent to attack the Enclave a second time was shot down by the base's defenses. The section of the vessel that struck the structure failed to weaken it or inflict heavy casualties. Arfan Ramos, the Green Jedi's leader, allied with the resistance, and the group began assisting their fellow Corellians in the fight against the Empire.
Another stronghold of resistance was the CorSec Maximum Security Prison. CorSec forces under the command of Wolroff secured the facility to use it as a staging area for attacking the Empire. Many of the prisoners agreed to aid the police in exchange for reduced sentences. However, the Empire had obtained intelligence on the prison's extensive security systems from a captured program. The systems now ignored CorSec personnel and only attacked Imperial forces, but an assault team could reprogram the systems at certain control nodes. This covert assault succeeded in reprogramming the systems, causing the prison's security systems to inflict heavy enough losses to drive out the CorSec presence, and the unit also eliminated Wolroff in the process.
Despite minor setbacks, the Imperial invasion progressed almost flawlessly until rebels disabled Coronet City's rocket tram system, which the invaders had been using to quickly move their troops. The Corellian Engineering Corporation targeted the trams with ion weaponry, halting the invasion and isolating different sections of the Imperial forces across the city. Fighting soon erupted in the Incorporation Islands as powerful companies began supporting those Corellians who resisted the Empire.

Upon learning of the rocket tram situation, Darth Decimus ordered his subordinate Darth Charnus to resolve the issue. Following the Sith Lord's instructions, Imperial operatives struck a blow against the Czerka Corporation by eliminating several of its weapon caches in the Incorporation Islands as part of an operation to seize the company's hull-cracker explosive weapon. Charnus directed operations from orbit aboard his flagship, the Tears of Taris, and directed a strike force to aid Commander Jastal at Imperial Outpost Alpha in the Imperial Guard's attempt to retrieve the hull-cracker. After obtaining the codes for the weapon from the Czerka employee Brall Tavar, the strike team seized the hull-cracker and prepared to use it against the Corellian Engineering Corporation.
By disabling two of CEC's signal towers, the Imperial operatives shut down the corporation's massive army of security droids. Commander Jastal initiated his siege of the CEC complex. Benton Maas, a CEC employee, desperately attempted to save himself by offering the Empire access to the complex's back door in exchange for safety, but Charnus's forces chose to continue the original plan—blasting through the building's main door with the hull-cracker. Commander Krade and Charnus's forces defended Imperial explosives experts while they planted charges, and the Sith Lord's operatives stormed the company board room itself. After defeating the prototype C-9X droid sent by Maas, the Imperial forces killed the CEC board and overloaded the ion cannons targeting the rocket trams.
A major rebel assault on the occupation forces was averted when the Imperial agent Hazeen, who had infiltrated the resistance, alerted other Imperials through the probe droid G-05 to the rebels' dead drops of intel, thereby stopping the attack. As they had in other regions, the Empire offered bounties on groups of rebel saboteurs in the Incorporation Islands when the resistance members became particularly troublesome. When Raddus Venn learned that groups of heavily-armed CorSec officers were still resisting Imperial control in the Incorporation Islands, he helped an Imperial strike team draw out and kill several of them, hoping that his former comrades would surrender to Imperial rule. However, CorSec continued to resist. An elite CorSec unit gained access to high-grade explosives and used them to bomb Incorporation Spaceport, destroying an entire squadron of Imperial transports and forcing the Empire to use the nearby Coronet Spaceport instead. Junia Tavrak ordered an Imperial squad under Randun Ard to eliminate the CorSec officers, but when the squad failed, Tavrak was forced to enlist the help of other agents of the Empire to stop an attack on Coronet Spaceport.
A group of Drall, a species native to the planet of the same name in the Corellian system, led by Aerowynn, resisted initial attempts by Lieutenant Veet's squad to take their weapons factory. However, further Imperial attacks allowed the invaders to successfully seize control of the explosive mines and munitions stored in the factory. A unit under Captain Helricks encountered a group of Wookiee factory workers within the magnogravitics plant in the Labor Valley. The Wookiees quickly decimated the squad, forcing Helricks to retreat and seek help from other Imperial operatives. Despite their size and ferocity, the Wookiees eventually fell in battle, and the Imperials gained control of most of the planet's industry.
When the Republic finally re-established communications with Corellia and learned of the situation, they immediately mobilized a significant military force to assist the besieged planet. Upon arrival, the military, under General Aves, quickly secured a foothold at the Shipwright Auxiliary Spaceport in Coronet's Blastfield Shipyards, withstanding all Imperial attempts to dislodge them. Before long, the shipyards became the main entry point for Republic forces, surviving numerous Imperial bombing runs across the sector. The Empire established its own foothold by seizing the Coronet Shipping trade hub, destroying the main ground approach to the facility's landing pads and maintaining constant aerial patrols to deter Republic assault shuttles. The Imperials also restricted Republic troop movements by using modified neutron emitters to blockade the Blastfield Shipyards. The emitters, targeted at the rocket trams and killing all organic lifeforms aboard, deadlocked Aves's forces, preventing him from moving large detachments to most of Coronet, except for Axial Park.

Fighting between the opposition and the Empire occurred primarily in the Labor Valley, where Imperial forces led by Major Tradik battled insurgent rebels amidst ruined buildings and blazing factories. As conflict intensified across Corellia, arms dealers arrived to sell to the occupying forces. One such dealer, Jerris Rez, established himself in Labor Valley, supplying Major Tradik with military-grade weapons. However, when Wookiee, Drall, and Selonian groups began raiding his shipments, Rez hired mercenaries to eliminate the aliens in exchange for arms. Corellia StarDrive, a hyperdrive manufacturer, started secretly providing credits and supplies to the resistance, but the Empire discovered this and ordered Captain Corgan Sturm's soldiers to detonate explosives throughout the company's facilities. The Republic soldiers assisting StarDrive were killed in the explosion, and the company's buildings were destroyed.
The few Republic troops that managed to reach Axial Park quickly established a presence, and both the Empire and the Republic constructed shield generators and weapon emplacements to defend the area. Fighting also spread to the Government District, where a Republic command post was set up in the Drall Library as the resistance and military laid siege to the Legislature building. The intense conflict for Axial Park became known as the "Battle of Axial Park" by the locals, as both sides committed significant forces and military equipment to control the region.
The Empire responded to ongoing resistance in the Labor Valley by bombing several factories known to house Corellian rebels. However, many Corellians survived and were aided by Republic doctors, leading the Sith Lord Velash to order the execution of the survivors as a warning. The Empire also offered a reward for rebel Selonians in an attempt to reduce their numbers. Tradik's forces gained a significant advantage when Councilor Sull's information allowed them to destroy several rebel supply depots, severely impacting the Corellians. However, the resistance retreated into the Selonian tunnel network beneath Coronet, forcing an Imperial strike team to pursue and eliminate the Selonian den mother Murthil and her warriors. As the resistance withdrew, Lieutenant Bregor ordered attacks on remaining rebel supply caches to further deplete the Corellians' resources.

In Axial Park, the forces under Generals Hesker and Adele Konya had to defend against Republic infiltrators when their turrets were attacked. The Republic quickly deployed jump troopers, walkers, commandos, and artillery batteries to maintain their hold on the area. Green Jedi ambushes became frequent in the park, and mercenary teams hired by the Empire to eliminate them repeatedly failed until the alien Grud sought help from Imperial operatives. By luring the ambushers near the park's rocket tram tunnels, the Imperials overwhelmed the Green Jedi, neutralizing the threat. The Republic used its elite rocket-jumpers to ambush Imperial forces, but the alien Thadd convinced Imperial squads to relocate the rocket-jumpers' landing beacons, leading the Republic soldiers into ambushes. When an Imperial weapons transport was shot down over the park, Lord Karvus led a team to recover its high-yield explosives, but Republic forces ambushed them. Lieutenant Ogden, the squad's sole survivor, had to seek assistance from other Sith and Imperials to retrieve the bombs before the Republic did.
As fighting in Axial Park reached its peak, the Republic released several jaggalors from the Coronet Zoo on the advancing Imperials. Despite zoo staff protests, Lieutenant Boonan's troops killed the rare Corellian predators to eliminate the threat. When a Selonian warren in Axial Park threatened Imperial occupation forces, Lord Kanno's forces invaded their den and killed the inhabitants. General Dane's position in Axial Park was endangered when the Republic began using sapper droids against the shield generators protecting the Imperial Garrison. Fortunately, a joint Imperial and Sith offensive drove back the Republic troops, securing the Imperial Garrison. Hesker's forces eventually pushed the enemy back to their command center, where an elite strike force stormed the compound, killing the Republic commander Jedi Master Corin Tok and his apprentices, along with many wounded Republic soldiers. Tok's death severely weakened the Republic's presence in Axial Park, forcing them to retreat and regroup.
Upon learning of the Corellian resistance, the Sith Lord Darth Tormen moved his forces under General Krau from recently conquered Rabaan to Corellia. He also employed a bounty hunter, publicly disgraced and criminalized by Supreme Chancellor Dorian Janarus and Jedi Master Jun Seros, to aid the Imperial cause on Corellia. Tormen intended to crush the resistance before the Republic could respond fully, forcing them to recognize Corellia as an Imperial subject and luring out the Chancellor for the bounty hunter to assassinate.

On Corellia, Tormen tasked the hunter with capturing influential rebel leaders to force a public surrender. Working with Tormen's forces, the mercenary successfully captured Chairman Harlon Fane of the Corellian Corporate Council from his stronghold in the Corporate Council's tower in the Incorporation Islands. The bounty hunter also captured Shrona Bel-Il, a Selonian raider aiding the resistance, and delivered her to Tormen's headquarters in Axial Park. Tormen's final task was to capture Commissioner Carter from the CorSec Headquarters itself, and Prime Minister Falcone broadcast the trio's surrender from the Grand Assembly of the Legislature Building. To Falcone's surprise, Tormen killed him immediately after the address for allowing the resistance to develop.
Tormen's plan worked perfectly—the Republic responded by sending a fleet to Corellia, including the Supreme Chancellor's Valor-class cruiser Founder. Amid renewed fighting, Jun Seros—the Jedi Order's renowned battlemaster—landed a small Jedi force in the Green Gardens outside the Green Jedi Enclave, planning to lead the Green Jedi against the Empire alongside the Republic. However, the hunter infiltrated Seros's headquarters and killed the experienced Jedi Master before he could prepare. Shortly after Janarus arrived, he and Jedi Master Syo Bakarn learned that an Imperial fleet of over thirty troop transports, carrying thousands of reinforcements, was en route to Corellia, led by a dreadnaught named the Javelin. Fortunately, the Javelin was captured by a team led by the Jedi Master known as the Barsen'thor.

However, Tormen detected the Chancellor's transmission and assigned the bounty hunter to assassinate Janarus. While the Founder was in orbit, the hunter traveled to the Corellia Orbital Station, fought through security, and stole an unmarked starship, the Firewing, from smugglers. Evading Imperial fighters, the bounty hunter gained access to the Founder using a false emergency signal. Inside the Republic cruiser, the hunter fought through security and destroyed all shuttles and escape pods to prevent the Supreme Chancellor from escaping. The hunter then battled through the Supreme Guard and confronted the Supreme Chancellor. Despite the Chancellor's offer of amnesty, the hunter killed Janarus as ordered. The bounty hunter escaped to Darth Tormen's flagship, the Harrower-class dreadnought Tyrant, leading the assault against the Founder.
Janarus's death was a major political blow to the Republic, but the battle for Corellia continued. Leontyne Saresh, the former governor of the resettlement initiative on Taris, was elected Supreme Chancellor and continued to send resources to the Corellian resistance. The Barsen'thor traveled to Corellia to recover a member of the Javelin strike team who had ejected in an escape pod that crashed in the Blastfield Shipyards. The Jedi Consular was investigating the Children of the Emperor, and the crashed companion had recovered vital data from the Javelin's computers before ejecting.

Enraged that Darth Tormen was stealing his triumph, Darth Decimus planned to personally lead an elite force of Sith and Imperial operatives against the Green Jedi Enclave. After his agents defeated a team of Republic commandos and Jedi Master Bedoch in the Republic Foundation Museum to obtain the Enclave's access codes, Decimus's forces and a team of Imperial Guards under General Hesker stormed the structure and fought a brutal battle against the Green Jedi. Within the Enclave, the Sith killed Master Arfan Ramos and the Green Jedi Council in their chamber, and Decimus's agents eliminated Darbin Sull for outliving his usefulness. After seizing the Enclave, the Imperials garrisoned it, but the Republic used stealth troopers to try to drive them out. The Imperial tech specialist Shorn discovered that the Republic was using advanced cloaking technology and modified a stealth field generator to disrupt it. This neutralized the stealth troopers' advantage, allowing the Imperials to secure their control.
During fighting in the Government District, Captain Zender's unit cornered a large resistance force, but the rebels constructed repeating blasters to slow the Imperial advance. However, Zender's forces, aided by Sith and Imperial operatives, overwhelmed the rebel defenses, significantly reducing their numbers. Admiral Hestun enlisted an Imperial strike team to target the Republic's anti-air defenses so his fleet could bombard the emplacements, as the Emperor wanted the Legislature intact. The team succeeded, allowing Hestun to target the emplacements, but the Republic retained a foothold in the Drall Library.
The Republic established an encampment in the Coronet Arms Hotel near the Legislature, and after repeated Imperial assaults failed, Darth Decimus personally selected Sith Lord Malichose to resolve the situation. Malichose's operatives stormed the hotel, massacring the Republic troopers and resistance members before destroying the heavy artillery. The Imperial Ministry of War offered bounties on Green Jedi after an enclave was discovered in the Government District, aiming to reduce their numbers. Captured Green Jedi were brought to interrogation expert Emma Thex, who had to enlist help from other Imperial operatives to recover CorSec interrogation droids from a Republic storage facility when her captives proved resilient.
As the conflict intensified, some high-ranking Sith Lords exploited the chaos for their own purposes. Darth Baras, seeking to become the Voice of the Emperor, tried to kill his apprentice to silence him. Baras's apprentice, appointed Emperor's Wrath by the Emperor's servants, was ordered by the Emperor's Hand to protect Dark Councilor Darth Vowrawn from Baras's assassins on Corellia. The Wrath thwarted several assassins in the Incorporation Islands before contacting Vowrawn in his base within a nearby tower. Allying with Vowrawn, the Wrath targeted Baras's subordinates, starting with Colonel Senks, a spy in the Corellian resistance. After killing the spy in a resistance stronghold in the Labor Valley, the Wrath exposed the traitorous Jedi Master Injaye to her comrades Rubatin, Tatham, and Joce before killing all four in their secret bunker. The Sith Warrior's final act against Baras was storming his secret base, defeating his servant Lord Draahg, and releasing the mysterious Entity Baras used to gain visions.
Around the same time, Dark Councilor Darth Thanaton declared a Kaggath—a Sith ritual involving a battle between two Sith and their power bases—against Darth Nox, and designated Corellia as their battlefield. On Corellia, Nox's first move was to kill Thanaton's apprentice Lord Skar in the Incorporation Islands, and Thanaton responded by trying to destroy a fuel refinery needed to refuel Nox's fleet. Thanaton briefly confronted Nox as he raced to disarm explosives in the refinery, but instead sprung a trap that would have destroyed the structure if Nox hadn't shut it down.
Seeking victory, Nox enlisted Major Ilun's forces after defeating a Republic strike force in Axial Park, and with their support, the Sith Inquisitor stormed Thanaton's headquarters in the Museum of Corellian Industry. After destroying the DP-6 Guard Droid Thanaton left to defend his headquarters, Nox deactivated the museum's shields so Moff Valion Pyron and his fleet could bombard it. However, Thanaton attacked Moff Pyron's headquarters in Capitol Square, forcing Nox to defend the Moff before facing Thanaton in a final duel. Instead of facing Nox directly, Thanaton unleashed his subordinate Darth Kallous and cyborg soldiers, but when Nox defeated Thanaton in combat, the Dark Councilor fled the planet. Nox pursued Thanaton to Korriban, where he fought and killed him in a final confrontation in the Council chambers.
Following his victories in Axial Park and the Government District, Darth Decimus focused on the Republic presence in the Blastfield Shipyards, launching an offensive against them. Several bombing runs were attempted, but Republic anti-aircraft emplacements forced the Empire to switch to a ground assault. An Imperial transport was shot down over the shipyards, crashing near the Shipwright Auxiliary Spaceport with active warheads still attached.

Sergeant Larus's explosives experts disarmed the ordnance before it ignited gas conduits and destroyed half of Coronet City. With Republic assistance, CorSec established a command center in the Gilded Descent Casino, and the casino's owner Hannak Vrish began betting on the conflict. Still, he aided the Republic out of loyalty and profit, helping them rewire hidden cameras to spy on Imperial movements. When the Empire seized the Rendili Vehicle Corporation's facility in the Blastfield Shipyards, the company evacuated but left behind new shuttles. Sergeant Herron led a failed recovery attempt due to mercenaries guarding them, so he sought aid from Republic and Jedi forces. A strike team infiltrated the warehouse and opened an access tunnel for Herron's men, who stole the shuttles while the strike team blew up a fuel depot as a diversion.
When Republic forces tried to evacuate Councilor Haronn, one of the last pro-Republic Council members, his transport was shot down over Imperial territory in the eastern shipyards. Agent Halloway of the Republic Strategic Information Service enlisted resistance and Republic forces to recover the Councilor from the Production Park region. The gang-ridden Blue Sector became a battlefield when the criminal Coronas began extorting resistance-friendly Corellians. After Ben Kahob was murdered by the Coronas for stockpiling medkits for the Republic, Officer Danod of CorSec requested Republic assistance. A Republic and Jedi strike force attacked the Corona hideout, driving them out. Lieutenant Bokete, one of Aves's subordinates, discovered that the Empire was preparing to deploy special forces against the trapped Republic military, but died during the discovery. However, Aves's CorSec allies learned the neutron emitters' location, and the general employed Jedi and Republic operatives to destroy Imperial supply camps in the area so he could reach the CorSec base in the Red Light Sector. There, he and his allies learned the emitters were in Imperial-held Coronet Shipping, but CorSec suspected Selonian tunnels ran beneath the base.
The CorSec officer meeting with the Selonians, Cole Cantarus, had been captured by the Empire and imprisoned in an Imperial-held CorSec station in the Entertainment Plaza. Aves's forces assaulted the facility and rescued Cantarus and his Selonian contact Gosse. With Gosse's information, the Republic prepared to assault Coronet Shipping, but also freed her trapped den-mates from the Imperials. The capture of Gosse's sept, or den-family, was part of the Empire's crackdown on the Selonians, whose resistance efforts had frustrated them. The Imperials hired a bounty hunter named Vermilion, who had learned to fight Selonians during a previous contract, and deployed war droids programmed to target Selonians regardless of whether they aided the resistance or not. However, the Selonian scout Lachei located the droids' command unit in the tunnels below the shipyards, and Republic forces destroyed it, ending the threat. As General Aves mobilized his forces to board the rocket trams, a Republic strike force attacked Coronet Shipping using the tunnels, inflicting heavy casualties on the surprised Imperials. After defeating Captain Granta and his elite shock troopers, the strike force prepared to shut down the neutron emitters, but Aves informed them that the Imperials were already aboard the trams—they were going to attack the Republic forces in an attempt to stop them from moving out into the city. However, Cantarus protested that dozens of civilians were aboard the trams, and instead of using the emitters, the strike team shut down the trams. Aves's men defeated the Imperials aboard the trams before they could board themselves, and the general acknowledged that it was the right decision.

With the Republic gaining access to the rocket trams once more, Aves's troops were able to bolster the resistance forces in Labor Valley and revitalize their offensive in Axial Park. Surprisingly, General Aves and Captain Cantarus were contacted by Councilor Belos, a Council member who had previously aided the Empire during the invasion. Belos professed a change of heart, quickly informing the general that the forces in Labor Valley were in jeopardy: the Empire was deploying prototype droids capable of neutralizing any short-range vehicle, a technology coerced from Corellia's top scientists and technicians. Despite harboring doubts about Belos's sincerity, Aves consented to dispatch a contingent to assist the Councilor's aide, Deena Behar, in neutralizing the droids. The Empire was manufacturing these droids in a highly secured facility fortified with vault doors of prison-grade quality. Since these doors were designed to open only during emergencies, Behar directed Aves's forces towards the captured Beharen Droid Factory, a facility specializing in disaster relief droids capable of triggering the doors. The assault on the factory proved successful, with the disaster relief droids enabling Republic forces to breach the Empire's lab doors. Danison Varik, the lead scientist overseeing the prototype droid project, activated his creations in an attempt to eliminate the Republic forces, but he was apprehended after his droids were defeated.
As Republic forces advanced into Labor Valley, providing support to the remaining resistance fighters, the Corellian Chemical Corporation factory transformed into a battleground as Republic forces sought to dislodge the Imperials. The ensuing combat inflicted significant damage on the factory, compelling a CorSec officer named Lanius Carr to initiate an evacuation upon discovering the factory's imminent explosion. Fortunately, Jedi and Republic forces managed to overcome the Imperial battle droids within the factory to disable the chemical refining equipment, averting a catastrophe and preventing hundreds of civilian casualties. Shortly thereafter, Ernisto Misar, a Drall doctor and environmental specialist, discovered that the factory's main pipelines had been ruptured during the fighting, resulting in the leakage of toxic chemicals into a city aquifer. His clan, aided by the Republic's efforts to recover specialized materials from the Labor Valley battlefield, successfully repaired the pipelines.
Republic medical officer Doctor Tan Kirin enlisted the aid of the Jedi and Republic military to eradicate smokescreen, a gaseous toxin developed by Ardus Industries. Kirin assembled a team of Jedi and troopers to liberate the company's factories and destroy the toxin, which had been seized by the Empire during the factories' capture. Amidst the ongoing Imperial looting of resistance supply caches, Palla Mazlin, a Jedi, attempted to defend a cache but sustained injuries in the conflict. She sought assistance from fellow Jedi and Republic forces to recover the stolen medkits, shield emitters, barricades, and other essential equipment. With these supplies, the resistance maintained a foothold in the area as Republic aid continued to arrive.
Captain Ranneth's Republic patrol unit was ambushed by Imperial forces within Labor Valley's Advanced Product Research Sector, leaving him as the sole survivor. A Republic rescue team successfully extracted the wounded soldiers, providing crucial medical care before transporting them to the Republic's tram station. The Empire's relentless bombing campaigns in Labor Valley also damaged a munitions factory storing starship torpedoes. Lieutenant Kallum's attempts to extinguish the fires and remove the detonite charges from the torpedoes were thwarted by an attack from damaged and rampaging droids. Fortunately, reinforcements managed to overcome the droids, reach the torpedoes, and disarm the charges, preventing a catastrophic explosion that would have devastated the sector.

As the Republic advanced into Axial Park, they established a safe house near the Leisure Garden. General Aves's forces then engaged Imperial soldiers, Sith, and Imperial Guardsmen who had deployed long-range artillery and defensive trenches throughout the Garden. Subsequent Republic offensives resulted in the destruction of most of the Empire's walkers in Axial Park, utilizing the Empire's own heavy ordnance, the elimination of Imperial snipers within the Coronet Zoo, and the destruction of several long-range artillery pieces in the Leisure Garden. Aves's forces maintained their momentum, assaulting the Imperial Command Center in Archival Square and recovering critical data from the Empire's computer systems. Early in the Axial Park campaign, General Aves dispatched a unit under Lieutenant Rufar to reclaim the Cross of Glory Walk, a memorial path in the Leisure Garden dedicated to the heroes of the Jedi Civil War. However, the Empire's deployment of Mandalorian rocket-troopers allowed them to recapture the Walk, dealing a blow to Republic morale. Imperial forces callously targeted Republic war memorials, resulting in the deaths of a group of CorSec officers who were defending the Carth Onasi monument. Nevertheless, additional Republic and Jedi forces drove the Mandalorians from the area, reclaiming the holo statues and bolstering morale. Sergeant Tanye Trila was among the officers who led troops in Axial Park during the fighting.
The Empire, however, was determined to retain control of the rocket trams. With the support of Imperial forces to suppress Republic snipers and troopers, the skilled demolitionist Kapp Zyman detonated explosives along the rocket tram's green line, depriving the Republic of a crucial route into Coronet.
Fortunately for the Republic, repair teams dispatched by Sia Norrin managed to repair a second line that had been damaged during an Imperial attack, providing the Republic with an alternative route into Axial Park. An attempt to reprogram the Imperial artillery in the area failed when the astromech B3-RD was destroyed by Imperial snipers. However, Republic forces salvaged the targeting program from the damaged droid and successfully installed it in the Imperial artillery, causing the artillery to target any Imperial bombers approaching nearby residential areas.

The Corellian Security Force Academy in Axial Park was seized by the Empire early in the invasion to exploit SurvNet, a network of security cameras spanning Coronet City that fed data back to the Academy. CorSec and the Republic repeatedly attempted to reclaim the Academy throughout the battle. Success came when Officer Silas recruited Republic forces to attack the Academy while he and his squad diverted the Imperials. The attack was successful, and reinforcements rescued Silas, Hanley, Davit, Crissom, and the remainder of his squad before they were overwhelmed by the Empire. An Imperial unit under Commander Rigby captured the nearby Daoba Hotel, holding dozens of civilians hostage for several days while installing heavy artillery atop the building. Republic Colonel Tott was unable to authorize airstrikes due to the presence of civilians, but a joint Jedi and military operation freed the hostages, allowing an airstrike to neutralize the artillery threat.
Sergeant Gelens's Manka-class armored transport was attacked by Imperial forces and disabled, trapping his unit inside the damaged walker amidst the battle-scarred Axial Park. Republic forces located a distress beacon on a nearby body, and Gelens communicated their predicament, enabling a successful rescue. As the fighting persisted, data from the Imperial command center enabled the Republic to pinpoint Commander Tainor, the head of the Imperial Guard, within the Imperial-occupied Museum Republica. A subsequent assault by an elite strike team resulted in Tainor's capture, disrupting the Imperial forces in Axial Park. With their commander in Republic custody, Aves advanced into the Government District.

Among the initial reinforcements that shifted the battle's momentum in the Republic's favor was the Jedi contingent led by the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython. The Hero, striving to thwart the plans of the Sith Emperor and prevent the completion of a dark ritual that would consume the galaxy's life force, discovered that the corrupted Jedi Master Tol Braga was aiding Sith forces on Corellia. Grand Master Satele Shan immediately dispatched the young Jedi to the planet. Suspecting that Braga's knowledge would hinder Republic efforts, the Grand Master assembled reinforcements from the Outer Rim Territories and appointed the Hero as Supreme Commander of all Jedi forces on Corellia. The Hero was the second to hold this title, the previous Supreme Commander having been killed shortly before. With assistance from Captain Rikdine of the Republic Military, the Hero gathered the remaining Jedi in the Blastfield Shipyards, overcoming Mandalorians, war droids, and Imperial troopers while the Grand Master's reinforcements arrived. The Hero and Jedi Unaw Aharo repelled an attack on the apartment building of resistance-sympathetic families, and the Knight rescued Jedi Bengel Morr from Mandalorian mercenaries who had pursued the Nautolan across the shipyard's Entertainment Plaza. The former Sith Lord Praven and the Hero also thwarted an attack on resistance forces in the tunnels beneath the western shipyards, enabling the resistance fighters to push back the enemy.
By the time the Jedi reinforcements arrived, General Aves's forces had successfully broken out of the Blastfield Shipyards, and the Hero's former ally, General Var Suthra, established a forward base in Labor Valley before summoning the Knight. In Labor Valley, Suthra and the Hero devised a strategy to locate Braga's forces. The Knight diverted the Outer Rim Jedi to recapture weapons factories belonging to the wealthy businesswoman Magremme Thrakus. Thanks to SIS Agent Helver, the Hero located a Sith strike force constructing a chemical bomb in the Saxan Chemical Refinery, and an attack on the refinery eliminated the Sith threat. The Outer Rim Jedi successfully retook Thrakus's weapons factories, ensuring continued supply for the Republic war effort. Suthra established a base in the Corellian Science Museum near the Republic's main base in Axial Park, and his scientific advisor, Doctor Nasan Godera, identified Operation Firestorm, the Sith's next attempt to kill civilians: advanced weapons known as Firestorm Turbolasers, adapted from the world-killing Desolator superweapon. While the Outer Rim Jedi freed prisoners from Imperial internment camps, the Hero of Tython destroyed the weapons in the Gowix Corp superstructure, Korvalus Tower, and Tyrelli Habitat around Axial Park's Archival Square.

While the Jedi were away, the Republic base in the museum was attacked by Imperial forces. Despite Godera's death, his research enabled the Jedi forces to locate Tol Braga aboard the Imperial battle cruiser Eclipse above the Government District. Braga intended to detonate the Eclipse's engines, destroying most of the district and spreading radiation across Coronet. The Hero accessed the Eclipse via a secure turbolift connecting the cruiser to a government building. While General Suthra led Jedi forces and troopers in attacks on Imperial command centers to distract the Imperials, the Hero boarded the cruiser, confronted Braga, defeated him, and deactivated the engines before the Kel Dor was returned to the light side of the Force.
Amidst the battle, Imperial Intelligence agent Cipher Nine pursued a third party manipulating both the Republic and the Empire: the secret society known as the Star Cabal. The Star Cabal sought to eliminate both Jedi and Sith, ending Force-users' control over the galaxy. The organization arranged the dissolution of Intelligence's Operations Division after Cipher Nine and other agents discovered the cabal's existence, resulting in the Cipher's conscription into the Imperial Military. Cipher Nine was assigned to the unit under the Kaleesh Lord Razer, and ordered to contact Major Nedecca in the Incorporation Islands around the time the Hero's Jedi forces arrived on the planet.

Lord Razer was responsible for much of the bombing over the previous six weeks, and twenty wings of B28 Extinction-class bombers were poised to destroy Aegis Base, the Republic Army's primary base in the region. Cipher Nine's mission was to infiltrate the outer base, designate targets for the bombers in the first and second stages of the attack, and plant a miniature baradium warhead in the structure's core. The agent's training and expertise were crucial in the assault, and the overall attack by Razer's bomber wings, led by Vynock and Kilit Squadrons, resulted in the Republic base's complete destruction.
During the attack, Keeper, Cipher Nine's former supervisor in Intelligence, contacted the agent. They hacked into Republic communications, discovering that Republic reinforcements were inbound and that the Star Cabal was manipulating both militaries, concealing news of reinforcements and falsifying records to ensure both the Empire and the Republic would commit excessive forces and annihilate each other. Keeper's assignment for the Cipher was to retrieve an unaltered record of the Empire's forces on the planet from Moff Alvon Zamar, who had been ordered by the Dark Council to survey the occupation. The agent planted landing beacons across Labor Valley, forcing Zamar's skyhopper to land. Cipher Nine then rescued the Moff from Republic Special Forces attacking his downed ship. With the report, Keeper compared the two military forces and found them evenly matched, despite recent use of Imperial troops by Thanaton, Kallig, Baras, and Vowrawn, but the Republic's reinforcements were about to tip the balance. This contradicted the Empire's belief in their numerical advantage, severely jeopardizing the Imperial offensive. The Cipher was then forced to travel to Lord Razer's new base in Axial Park when it came under attack by Jedi, but failed to arrive in time to prevent Razer's death.

During the attack, Keeper determined that an airship above the city was being used by the Star Cabal, but was guarded by mercenaries. To the Cipher's surprise, Keeper's plan to neutralize the Star Cabal required Cipher Nine to be "captured" and interrogated. The agent recovered access codes to a private shuttle and boarded the ship to carry out the plan, only to discover that the Apocalypse Barge was a private ship owned by Corellia's wealthy, allowing them to witness their planet's destruction from above. Finding a hologram of Hunter, the Star Cabal member who had infiltrated the Strategic Information Service and manipulated Cipher Nine over the past year, the agent learned that Hunter had arranged the party to keep the guests occupied and prevent them from aiding either side in the war. When Hunter's operatives captured the Imperial agent, Cipher Nine executed Keeper's plan flawlessly, convincing the Star Cabal that Imperial reinforcements were inbound, disrupting the cabal's carefully orchestrated plans. The Cipher Agent then escaped from Hunter's men to the Government District, where the intelligence operative, following Keeper's advice, staged a series of explosions in the Military History Museum to convince the Star Cabal that Cipher Nine was dead, allowing the agent to pursue the conspirators in earnest.
With information gleaned from Master Braga, Grand Master Shan and General Suthra initiated a risky gamble, withdrawing a significant portion of the Republic's forces from Corellia to attack the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas itself, buying time for the Hero of Tython to confront the Sith Emperor in his Dark Temple. However, the Hero's Jedi forces remained on the planet to aid the military, and Supreme Commander Rans dispatched reinforcements to Corellia, ensuring the Republic would not lose its advantage—the reinforcements that Cipher Nine had learned of during the assault on Aegis Base. The first wave of reinforcements consisted of a substantial deployment of armor and infantry, led by General Elin Garza and the elite Special Forces unit Havoc Squad. The commander of Havoc Squad arrived shortly after General Garza, who immediately tasked the major with preparing for their objective: eliminating General Rakton, a renowned Imperial strategist and military leader, as well as a personal enemy of the commander. Rakton had assumed command of the Bastion, which had remained under Imperial control since its capture early in the invasion by Pierce's black ops unit. The Republic required a significant force to breach the compound.

With assistance from CorSec Officer Locke and pilot Captain Phaeris, Havoc Squad located a hangar in the Blastfield Shipyards for some of the squad's reinforcements to land, and also halted an Imperial firebombing campaign in a nearby civilian apartment district. The squad rallied resistance cells across Labor Valley, led by Hendrick, Oudon, and Sherro, and orchestrated "blazing spear," a coordinated attack on an Imperial-held factory, depriving Rakton of troops. The squad also secured a landing pad in the Corellian Museum of Starships by moving the historic assault shuttle Lucky Lancer. With support from Captain Lesher's Fifty-third Armored Platoon, Captain Marshall's Eighty-first Infantry, and the Special Forces Safecrackers under Lieutenant Coria, Havoc Squad launched their assault on the Bastion.
Infiltrating the Bastion's main gate using a stolen Imperial crawler tank, Havoc Squad eliminated the outer defenses, opening the gate for reinforcements. The combined assault force attacked the Bastion from three directions, overwhelming prototype battle droids, Imperial walkers, infantry, and automated turrets. Havoc Squad advanced deeper into the Bastion to locate Rakton, while Lieutenant Coria and the others secured the perimeter. Despite heavy resistance, the squad fought through the defenders and captured Rakton, severely demoralizing the Imperial military. Republic forces evacuated the Bastion as Imperial fighters began bombing the structure, but Rakton was successfully transferred to military custody and taken to Coruscant. Havoc Squad was summoned to meet with the Chancellor, while the rest of the assault force remained to aid the military on Corellia.
A second wave of reinforcements came from the Rift Alliance, a coalition of worlds considering secession that had recently rejoined the Republic thanks to the Barsen'thor. Around the time Havoc Squad arrived, shortly after the Hero of Tython's arrival, the Barsen'thor and crew landed on Corellia to search for their missing companion, attempting to triangulate the escape pod using emergency broadcasts. A broadcast from Captain Drizan in the private shipyard Zone Twelve caught the Consular's attention. Drawing from the Alliance's forces—Esh-kha warriors, Voss commandos, and Balmorran droids—the Barsen'thor dispatched aid to Drizan and Zone Twelve, and met with Drizan and the Selonian Quil. Recent Imperial bombing and the presence of Imperial XR-32 hunter droids prevented any attempts to track the pod, so the Jedi Master and a companion destroyed enough droids to break holes in the Empire's patrol routes in the shipyards. The Consular reactivated two comm towers that the resistance had converted into anti-aircraft towers before locating the escape pod, and brought the missing companion back to the resistance's shelter so that the sentient holographic program Holiday could repair one of the files from the Javelin.

With assistance from the Jedi Archives, Holiday managed to fix the corrupted file, uncovering the identity of the First Son: Syo Bakarn. The Consular, filled with dread, reached out to Bakarn, questioning the recording's validity. However, the First Son declared he would not relinquish his hold on the Jedi Master's body and revealed that the Children now controlled the Guardian Holds. Shortly after, Tai Cordan, an official from the Rift Alliance, informed the Consular of the Guardian Holds' fall. Despite this, some soldiers had escaped the Imperial takeover of the Guardian Hold Six walker factory nearby. The Consular then met with Alliance forces at the soldiers' camp in Labor Valley. After convincing their leader, the Jedi Jari Orez, of the Alliance's friendly intentions, the Barsen'thor learned from Orez that the soldier Aelan Kalder was the Child responsible for the Hold's capture. With the Rift Alliance's support, the Barsen'thor launched a counterattack on the Guardian Hold, defeating Kalder in combat and reactivating the factory.
Subsequently, the Rift Alliance's forces advanced into Axial Park, where the Children had seized Guardian Hold Four. The Barsen'thor and the Rift Alliance convened a war council at the Republic's main base there. They discovered that the Guardian Hold, formerly Bakvalen Hall—Syo Bakarn's family home—had sensors across the park that would activate the manor's force field and blast doors. Following a suggestion from the Voss Mystic Gaden-Ko, the Barsen'thor and the Rift Alliance divided their forces once more to accomplish each objective. The Consular successfully infiltrated the fortress. After overcoming several members of the Imperial Guard, including their captain, the Jedi located and defeated Daresha, the Child responsible for the Hold's fall. Following this, the Consular captured the Hold's commanders, Generals Grann and Merion. Grann disclosed that many of Corellia's leading officials were hiding in Guardian Hold One, a bunker in the Government District. However, the First Son interrupted their meeting, warning the Consular that their efforts would be futile.

Acting on Grann's information, the Consular journeyed to the Government District and encountered Sergeant Rossiker near Capitol Square. Rossiker assisted the Barsen'thor in pinpointing the bunker's location using communication points around the Square. While the Rift Alliance's forces secured several rooftop points, the Consular reclaimed those guarded by Imperial Guards and Sith. With Rossiker's assistance, the Jedi discovered the Hold's entrance. Fighting through the Imperial defenders inside, the Consular located Secretary Nadien and Councilors Delquis and Saiak, two politicians who had willingly joined the Empire. However, Saiak revealed himself to be a Child of the Emperor, murdering Delquis and forcing the Consular to defeat him in combat. A terrified Nadien urged the Jedi to utilize the tunnels within the Guardian Hold to pursue the First Son into the caves beneath Coronet. The Barsen'thor descended to confront what remained of Bakarn. In a final battle, the Consular managed to redeem Bakarn, purging the First Son from the Jedi Master's mind and exposing all the Children of the Emperor to the Jedi. Shortly thereafter, the Hero of Tython's mission to confront the Emperor succeeded as the Grand Master distracted the Imperial Navy in a battle above Dromund Kaas, and the Emperor was forced into a deep sleep to recover from his injuries.
Around the same time as the events involving the Barsen'thor, Havoc Squad, and the Hero on Corellia, a smuggler known as "Ace" became involved in the conflict. Ace was pursuing a personal vendetta against Darmas Pollaran, an information broker, and Senator Bevera Dodonna, both of whom were traitors working for the Imperial admiral Harridax Kirill—the Voidwolf. The smuggler allied with Jedi Master Sumalee after rescuing resistance fighters from a trap set by Pollaran in the Blastfield Shipyards. With Sumalee's help, the smuggler tracked Pollaran to a factory owned by the corrupt Councilor Caicos. After capturing Pollaran, the smuggler infiltrated the Corellian Museum of Alien History and captured Dodonna. The smuggler then discovered that the Voidwolf was amassing a large pirate fleet to attack the Republic's main shipyards. To thwart the Voidwolf, the smuggler broke into Caicos's mansion, used the Councilor's shuttle to board Kirill's flagship, the Regnant, and defeated the admiral in a duel before a holo-audience of the underworld's most influential figures. This action eliminated the threat to the Republic and turned the pirate fleet against the Empire.

Throughout these events, the fighting on Corellia continued, with the Republic gradually gaining an advantage. When the Republic learned that the Empire had acquired a Republic warhead from a classified source and planned to detonate it beneath the Government District, "Operation Black Haze" was initiated. An elite Republic squad was tasked with locating and disarming the warhead using ion charges. However, the squad was ambushed before reaching their objective. After discovering the operation from a fallen soldier's datapad, other Republic forces entered the tunnels to complete the mission. A significant setback for the Empire was the loss of the Coronet Ion Works, which had been transformed into a major communications command post. Republic forces, led by Colonel Rian Darok, systematically eliminated Imperial forces floor by floor. During the fighting in Coronet, the Republic Medical Corps's Second Battalion worked to evacuate civilians and provide aid to those trapped on the battlefield. A group of Corellian orphans, rescued by the unit, nicknamed them the "Protectors," a name the noncombatant unit adopted. Colonel Marclonus of the Fourth Infantry was assigned to secure the Republic's position in the western Records and Communication Sector. However, the Imperial Guard ambushed his troops and kidnapped several non-Human officers. Marclonus, a former slave messenger for a Hutt's for ten years, was enraged to learn his men had been fitted with shock collars. When his commanding officer refused to send additional squads, he enlisted the help of other Republic and Jedi forces. At Marclonus's request, the reinforcements attacked the Imperial Guards and their shocktroopers, freeing the captive officers and driving the Empire out of the sector.
As the battle intensified in the Government District, the Empire began deploying mortar cannons to dislodge Republic forces. Sergeant Volos, his squads, and CorSec's Tactical Response Teams made progress against Imperial forces near the main rocket tram station. However, they were unable to advance until Republic strike teams eliminated the Imperial shock troopers guarding the mortar cannons and destroyed the weapons. The supply frigate Fortress was crucial to the Imperial supply chain on Corellia, and its loss would severely impact Imperial operations. Consequently, the Republic Military devised plans for an assault on the craft. However, the plans were stolen and sold to Imperial Intelligence before the attack could be launched. Fortunately, Republic operatives from both the military and the SIS infiltrated the Imperial Intelligence headquarters in the occupied Corellian Communications Center. The secondary objective of the recovery effort—to override the center's listening posts and relay Imperial data directly to the Republic—was also achieved. This allowed SIS operative Talash to intercept critical information on Imperial movements.
The Empire also began deploying droids that seized control of Corellian models, turning them against the resistance. However, the plot was quickly uncovered and stopped before it caused significant casualties. The Empire then resorted to using signal scramblers against Republic ships, causing them to target their own vessels. After three medical transports were shot down over the Government District, killing hundreds of passengers, General Aves and other commanders grounded all flights in the region. Fortunately, Private Vekker of the Second Infantry enlisted the help of other Republic operatives to eliminate the Imperial forces guarding the control tower with the jammers. Once the scramblers were disabled, Republic air traffic resumed. Soon after, the Empire began launching starfighter bombing runs against Republic troops in the Government District. However, Captain Bathens refused to authorize a military strike against the starfighters' hangar, deeming it too well-defended. Nevertheless, the mercenary Trigo Shane, hired by the Republic as a consultant, persuaded several Jedi and Republic operatives to launch a concentrated assault on the hangar. The strike team successfully ended the Imperial threat by destroying the building with demolition charges.

In the Government District, Captain Cantarus was informed by Councilor Belos that the Empire had a surprise for the Republic: the Ion Wall. This destructive weapon would disable all electronics in its target area, leaving Republic forces vulnerable. However, Belos revealed the location of the Ion Wall's emitters to Cantarus. Using this information, the Republic realigned the emitters to target the Legislature instead. A strike team then infiltrated the Intra-Corellian Intelligence building to reach the Ion Wall's controls. During this operation, the strike team encountered and defeated Darth Acharon, a member of the Dark Council sent to Corellia after Tormen's success with the Chancellor raised doubts about Decimus's leadership. The successful activation of the Ion Wall significantly weakened the Imperial defenses around the Legislature, allowing General Aves's forces to enter the building.
With reinforcements from CorSec and the Green Jedi, Republic forces fought through the heavy Imperial presence in the Legislature and reached the building's holdout room. There, a strike force defeated the Dark Councilor Darth Hadra and arrested the Corellian Council members who were still aiding the Empire. The Sith Lord Savik was defeated by Republic forces and left for dead, though her droid servants rescued her. A final push into the Speaker's Courtyard resulted in the death of Darth Decimus, an event broadcast across the planet, causing disarray among Imperial forces. General Aves, Cantarus, and Belos capitalized on their success by contacting Supreme Chancellor Saresh from the Legislature's Press Room. Saresh delivered a resounding victory speech before the Galactic Senate.

Following Darth Decimus's death and the Republic's public declaration of victory, Imperial forces across Corellia fell into disarray. Recognizing the Empire's vulnerability due to the loss of the Emperor, the turmoil in Hutt Space, and the ongoing attempt to capture Denova, Dark Councilor Darth Marr appointed General Adele Konya as acting commander. He ordered her to withdraw all Imperial forces and redirect them with General Hesker to Ilum. During the fighting on Corellia, the SIS discovered that the Empire had been mining Adegan crystals from the Jedi's holy world to develop a stealth armada. The Republic immediately mobilized its allies to stop the Empire on Ilum. Konya was also tasked with remaining behind with a task force on a suicide mission: to seize control of the Black Hole hypermatter refinery. The victory on Corellia significantly boosted Republic morale, halting the Imperial Core offensive and providing hope for winning the war. The loss of five Dark Councilors, including three on Corellia, weakened the Empire's power structure. The fighting on Corellia had cost the Empire a tenth of its military. During the mop-up operations led by General Suthra and the newly promoted Jedi Master Unaw Aharo, Aharo encountered a group of Imperial and Republic officers plotting to sabotage their own forces by ramming their vessels into their respective fleets' flagships. He was unable to prevent their actions, which deeply troubled the Jedi. The culprits were secretly members of the fanatical Order of Revan, with members in both the Republic and the Empire.
The Battle of Corellia is a significant event in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare and LucasArts. The in-game Codex details the events of the invasion, while the Imperial and Republic world and class missions describe the occupation and the battle. All missions are designed for group play, and any class can complete both the world and side missions. Therefore, this article refers to the player characters in each quest as a group of Imperial or Republic operatives and assumes each faction completes their respective missions according to their respective alignments. Both Imperial and Republic NPCs in the Black Hole PvP area mission series confirm the ultimate outcome of the battle as a Republic victory. The short story The Last Battle of Colonel Jace Malcom also states that the loss at Corellia forced the Empire to abandon its Core offensive.
The Imperial Agent storyline on Corellia is interwoven with several other class storylines, placing the Sith Warrior and Inquisitor storylines before the Agent and the Jedi Knight, and the Trooper and then the Jedi Consular after the Agent's. The Bounty Hunter storyline occurs before any other class, as the Republic has a minimal presence on the planet in the class missions until Darth Tormen's broadcast. Chancellor Janarus is removed from office during the conflict, with Governor Saresh succeeding him and receiving General Aves's victory speech at the battle's conclusion. Comments throughout the various missions confirm that the battle lasted for a considerable period, with Lord Razer's forces conducting a bombing campaign for six weeks at the time of the Agent storyline. The Jedi Knight storyline precedes the Trooper and Consular classes, as there are few Jedi on the planet at the time. However, the Consular storyline must conclude before the Knight defeats the Emperor. This is due to a companion mission for Kira Carsen, a companion character for the Knight class and a former Child, which reveals that the Children of the Emperor are barely able to function without the Emperor's guidance and the addition of his incoherent raging while he sleeps. The Smuggler class, however, lacks information to determine its placement relative to the other classes, so this article assumes it occurred sometime during the other classes' storylines.
While the Battle of Corellia was initially hinted at in Corellia's entry in the HoloNet section of The Old Republic's official site, it was formally introduced with the release of The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic in November 2011. The game itself was released December 20, 2011, and the battle was a core component of the story on Corellia, a level 48-50 planet. Characters, missions, and locations in the battle were featured in the Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide, released alongside the game. The short story "The Last Battle of Colonel Jace Malcom" revealed the canonical outcome of the battle upon its release in Star Wars Insider 137 in October 2012. The novel The Old Republic: Annihilation, released in November 2012, further confirmed some of the events of the battle, including Darth Hadra's death.
In the Jedi Knight mission "Firestorm," the three buildings can be visited in any order, so this article does not specify the order, though Doctor Godera's comments erroneously suggest there are only two buildings with Sith activity. According to the game's conversation files, the mission "Firestorm" originally featured the player accompanied by Unaw Aharo, and the shuttle would be damaged by Republic artillery en route to the first turbolaser. Aharo would repair the shuttle while the player disabled the second turbolaser, although players could assign T7-O1 to repair the shuttle and take Aharo. However, this version of the mission was ultimately cut from the game. The Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, and Trooper classes all involve players commanding military forces, and most of their class missions on Corellia present alignment choices on how to deploy those forces. As these three classes are Republic classes and are thus considered to follow the light side alignment choices, this article details those outcomes. The dark side alignment choices, where forces are committed to objectives like attacking Imperial medical camps or accepting bribes instead of aiding the resistance, result in the loss of the forces under the player's command. Some class missions involve other choices, such as the Trooper's decision to destroy the Lucky Lancer or allow the resistance to fly it away. The Bounty Hunter class can choose to spare Janarus and kill Darth Tormen instead, leading to Janarus's resignation due to corruption charges.