During the time of the Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire, the Sith Emperor sought to enact a dark side ritual that would have granted him the power to drain the life energy of the entire galaxy. To this end, he dispatched his operatives throughout the galaxy to exploit the widespread disorder and execute the necessary sacrifice to initiate the ritual. Nevertheless, the Emperor faced resistance from the Jedi Knight, the Hero of Tython, who had successfully shaken off the Emperor's mental domination. This Jedi then allied with the former Emperor's Wrath, Lord Scourge, after the Sith divulged the Emperor's schemes. Supported by the wider Jedi Order, the Republic Military, and the Hero's personal team, the Knight successfully thwarted the Emperor's agents on Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia, simultaneously liberating other Jedi who were under the Emperor's influence. Upon discovering the Emperor's whereabouts on Dromund Kaas, the Imperial capital, the Hero infiltrated the Dark Temple located on that planet. This occurred while the Republic fleet was engaged in combat with the Imperial Navy above Dromund Kaas. In a climactic confrontation, the Knight was able to defeat the Sith Emperor, seemingly putting an end to the threat he posed to the entire galaxy.