Mission to the Korriban's Flame

During the time of the Galactic War that pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire, the Jedi Knight who was famously known as the Hero of Tython set out on a quest to the Imperial space station called Korriban's Flame, which was located in the Unknown Regions. The Hero was originally looking for the Zabrak Jedi Jomar Chul, who had disappeared while investigating the reason for a gathering of important Sith Lords on the station; however, the Hero discovered the fallen Jedi Leeha Narezz holding Chul as a prisoner. Following an intense fight, Narezz was defeated and freed from the Emperor's influence, and Chul told the Knight that he had eavesdropped on Narezz's conversation with a Lord named Fulminiss on the planet of Voss.

