Leeha Narezz, a Nautolan Jedi Knight and female, dedicated her service to both the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order throughout the era known as the Cold War.
Leeha Narezz, a Nautolan who possessed a strong connection to the Force (a Force-sensitive being), underwent rigorous training under the guidance of the Jedi Order. She achieved the esteemed rank of Jedi Knight during the tumultuous Great Galactic War, a period of intense conflict between the Galactic Republic and the newly formed reconstituted Sith Empire. During this period, she engineered medical droids that she affectionately called the Meedees. She also proposed a theory suggesting that the Force plays a role in the development of sentience in droids that have not been subjected to memory wipes. Narezz earned a reputation as a warrior who "never knew failure," and Jedi Master Tol Braga held her in high regard. Following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant and the subsequent Cold War, Master Braga selected Narezz to be part of a strike team with the objective of capturing the Sith Emperor and bringing about his redemption. Unbeknownst to Master Braga, Jomar Chul, the team's informant, was secretly Narezz's lover. It was through Chul that the team discovered the Emperor's Fortress was protected by a formidable cloaking device.

In an attempt to discover a means of bypassing the shields, Narezz was dispatched to the icy planet of Hoth to locate a crashed Imperial shuttle. This shuttle was significant because it belonged to the only individual who wasn't a Sith to have seen and modified the systems of the Emperor's Fortress. Together with a Hero of Tython, their allies, and the Republic soldiers stationed on Hoth under the command of Sergeant Fideltin Rusk, they located the shuttle within a cave in Highmount Ridge. Leeha arrived at the location first, only to be surrounded by Imperial forces. As the Hero arrived to rescue her, they received a communication from Imperial Guardsman Lassicar, who demanded their surrender as a second wave of reinforcements materialized. However, Rusk and his troops descended from above, rappelling down the cave walls to assist the Jedi in their fight against the Imperials. They then discovered a cowardly Imperial engineer named Urrisov, who, after some gentle persuasion from the Hero, revealed that the White Maw pirates had pilfered the shuttle's databanks. Fortunately, they overlooked the decryption file, which Narezz retrieved from the young technician. Sergeant Rusk, having previously clashed with the pirates before the Empire's arrival on Hoth, knew that the White Maw maintained a depot within a wrecked dreadnaught protected by ray shields. The databanks would undoubtedly pass through this depot, but the ray shields needed to be deactivated before the Jedi and soldiers could take any action to recover them.
Narezz explained that the Meedees had identified two generators powering the ray shields, and she instructed Rusk and the Hero to attack them separately. Later, they reconvened at the Republic base just outside the Starship Graveyard, where Narezz informed the Hero and Rusk that the Imperials and White Maw were engaged in a battle for control of the Star of Coruscant wreck. Following the Hero's suggestion, Rusk decided to attack the White Maw, reasoning that the pirates were less disciplined, while the Hero engaged the Imperials, allowing Narezz to retrieve the databanks. After the Hero dealt with Lassicar, Narezz instructed her fellow Jedi to meet her and Rusk back at Aurek Base. By the time the Hero arrived, Rusk was recounting to Narezz how he and his squad had handled a Gen'Dai. They were then greeted by General Grayne, who assigned Rusk to serve under the Hero. Narezz departed on her own, as her shuttle could only accommodate herself and the Meedees.
Narezz returned to the Jedi Order's Temple on Tython with the data concerning the fortress. After handing over the data, Narezz rejoined the rest of Braga's team in her personal starfighter before setting course for the Dromund system. Successfully navigating through the space station's shields, the team entered the station, only to be overwhelmed by Imperial forces. They were escorted before the Emperor, who awaited them in his throne room. The Jedi team was then subjected to the Emperor's control and corrupted by the dark side of the Force.
During Narezz's forced stay at the station, the Emperor tasked her with delivering messages and orders to Imperial elites stationed throughout the facility. During a raid on the station, the Nautolan Jedi was confronted by Hero of Tython who swiftly defeated her in combat. During the confrontation, Narezz was able to break free from the Emperor's mental domination and escape the space station with her life. Upon returning to Tython, Narezz briefed the Jedi High Council on her experiences, revealing the Emperor's deep-seated and unsettling hatred for the Hero of Tython.
Leeha Narezz makes an appearance as a boss character in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic as part of the Onslaught expansion. Within the expansion, Narezz is featured exclusively in the Imperial storyline, as her role is taken over by Barden Golah in the Republic version of the story.
In the Imperial storyline, Narezz was dispatched to investigate the Dantooine Jedi Enclave, where she encountered the Commander, Darth Krovos, and Darth Rivix. Despite her defeat at the hands of the Commander's group, she managed to escape the encounter after Darth Malgus disrupted the battle with his trap.