The Emperor's Fortress, also referenced as the Emperor's space station, represented an ancient space station that was constructed for the Emperor ruling the reconstituted Sith Empire. Uniting both modern and ancient technological advancements, this station operated as both a temple and a stronghold for the Empire's supreme leader. This fortress was equipped with a cloaking device originating from Gree designs. Furthermore, the station's security framework and power core incorporated technologies developed by the ancient Rakata civilization.
During the Great Galactic War against the Galactic Republic, an Imperial scientist became the sole individual outside of the Sith to ever gain access to the station. This occurred when he conducted a comprehensive upgrade of its security systems. His shuttle, named Deference, carried a full set of blueprints detailing the fortress's architecture. A Jedi strike team under the leadership of Jedi Master Tol Braga boarded the station with the objective of capturing the Emperor. However, they succumbed to the dark side and were transformed into his loyal servants. Several months later, the Hero of Tython successfully escaped. Following the presumed demise of the Emperor, the renegade Sith Lord Darth Malgus seized control of the station and relocated it to Ilum.
The space station played a pivotal role in the concluding phase of the Battle of Ilum. Modifications implemented by the Anomid Schism Collective enabled the station to house a fleet of stealth fighters and deploy flux cannons. Consequently, it engaged in combat with elements from both the Republic and Imperial naval forces.
Upon being confronted by the strike team dispatched to defeat him, Malgus activated the space station's self-destruct mechanism. The station was subsequently obliterated shortly after his defeat.