A Human male named Lassicar functioned as an Imperial Guard within the reconstituted Sith Empire throughout the Great Galactic War, the Cold War, and the [Galactic War].(/article/galactic_war) Born on the planet Begeren, Lassicar famously killed his parents upon finding out they were part of a terrorist cell, leading to his prompt recruitment into the Imperial Guard.
Known as a fearsome and legendary Guardsman, Lassicar received orders directly from the Sith Emperor to thwart the Jedi Knight, the Hero of Tython, from obtaining the plans for the Emperor's Fortress located on Hoth. Despite his efforts to ensnare the Jedi, Lassicar failed, and he met his death alongside his elite Imperial Guardsmen shock troopers during a confrontation with the Knight inside the wreckage of the Star of Coruscant superdreadnaught.
On the planet Begeren, Lassicar was born to slave parents after the reconstituted Sith Empire conquered it in 3678 BBY. Discovering that his parents were involved in a terrorist cell on the world, he personally killed them and exposed the cell to Moff Harvus of the Sith Empire. Following this, the young Lassicar was quickly recruited into the Imperial Guard, where his rise through the ranks was unparalleled.
During his time as a Guardsman during the Great Galactic War and the Cold War with the Galactic Republic, Lassicar himself eliminated six Jedi and more than two dozen Sith Lords who had fallen out of favor with the Sith Emperor. A team of operatives from the Republic Strategic Information Service, the Republic's intelligence organization, was dispatched to assassinate the Guardsman, but Lassicar defeated them and sent their remains back to the Republic capital on Coruscant in numerous small containers.

Around 3642 BBY, the Emperor chose Lassicar to spearhead a mission to the ice planet of Hoth. Lassicar, along with a contingent of Imperial Guardsmen, was charged with capturing two Jedi Knights: Leeha Narezz and the Hero of Tython, both of whom were on Hoth to recover the plans for the Emperor's personal space fortress. Lassicar, however, was unaware of the specifics of the Jedi's objective. Lassicar deployed a number of Guardsmen shock troopers to set a trap for Narezz in the Highmount Ridge, a cave-filled geological formation on Hoth that also housed the wreckage of the Deference, a Pythar-class Imperial shuttlecraft believed to contain the plans for the station.
Lassicar's forces positioned turrets within the caves, and Narezz was injured upon entering. Simultaneously, Lassicar initiated negotiations for the Jedi's surrender via hologram, but the Hero of Tython intervened, destroying the turrets just as Lassicar's Guardsmen aimed their blasters at the Jedi. Lassicar's attempts to compel the Jedi's surrender were thwarted when Narezz's reinforcements – a squad of Republic troopers under the command of Sergeant Fideltin Rusk – rappelled into the cave. With the squad's assistance, the Hero eliminated Lassicar's men and secured the Deference.
Despite this setback, Lassicar remained focused on his mission. Learning of the Hero's intention to breach the crashed superdreadnaught Star of Coruscant, Lassicar led a group of Guardsmen shock troopers into the vessel to intercept the Knight. The Hero, accompanied by an ally, fought through many of Lassicar's troops before encountering the Guardsman himself and two subordinates. Lassicar demanded their peaceful surrender, warning of the consequences of refusal.
The Knight then revealed that the Jedi's mission was a ruse to allow Narezz to retrieve the station plans from the White Maw pirates, who had stolen them and hidden them in their treasure hoard within the Star of Coruscant. When the Knight refused to yield, Lassicar and his men engaged the Jedi and their companion in combat, but the confrontation ended with the Guardsman's death.

Lassicar possessed arrogance and a deep-seated belief in the superiority of the Imperial Guard. His loyalty to both the Sith Empire and the Emperor was unwavering, demonstrated by his willingness to sacrifice his own parents for the Empire's benefit and his own life in service to its ruler. Lassicar's devotion was such that he never questioned the Emperor's directives or sought clarification on the reasons for capturing the two Jedi on Hoth.
Lassicar, a light-skinned Human, had brown hair and green eyes. Distinctively, he also bore several scars along his right jawline.
As an Imperial Guardsman, Lassicar underwent extensive training in various combat disciplines, establishing him as a highly lethal adversary. He was known to have killed numerous Jedi and several dozen Sith Lords throughout his service.
Lassicar was outfitted in the crimson armor characteristic of the Imperial Guard. While on Hoth, he chose to forgo the uniform's crested helmet, opting instead for his traditional armor over the white environmental gear used by some of his subordinates. In combat on Hoth, Lassicar preferred a vibrostaff.
Lassicar is a character featured in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by LucasArts in 2011. He serves as a primary antagonist in the Jedi Knight storyline on Hoth, appearing as a hologram in the mission "Sub-Zero Showdown."
The final mission on Hoth presents two alternative paths: "The Imperial Guard," where the player confronts Lassicar and his forces in the aft section of the Star of Coruscant, and "The White Maw," where the Jedi battles the pirate Zeshatt in the fore section. Regardless of the player's choice, Sergeant Rusk completes the other mission, but his squadmates are killed against the highly-trained Imperials, and the Knight only pursues the White Maw for revenge. Therefore, this article assumes that the Knight allowed Sergeant Rusk to choose and that his squad survived, meaning that the player fought Lassicar.