Begeren, a planet situated in the Outer Rim Territories' Sith Worlds region, was originally part of the Sith Empire. The Empire erected colossal monuments to honor significant Sith figures on its surface. This ambitious endeavor resulted in the deaths of approximately one hundred thousand enslaved individuals. Following the Empire's defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, the Galactic Republic laid claim to Begeren. The Republic sanctioned the establishment of a gemstone quarry, leading to the deterioration of the Sith statues. In 3678 BBY, a resurgent Sith Empire captured the planet. During the Galactic Civil War, a battle unfolded on Begeren between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire.
Located within the Begeren system of the Sith Worlds region, which is part of the Esstran sector, the planet Begeren resided in the Outer Rim Territories. It marked one of the terminal points of the Kamat Aegit hyperlane, traversing the Sith Worlds region to connect with Khar Delba.
The planet's terrain was at least partially characterized by rocky desert, adorned with expansive, light blue gemstone constellations. Towering cliffs dominated the landscape, with some sculpted into immense statues depicting prominent Sith figures. Under the rule of the Galactic Republic, some of these monuments were destroyed to accommodate a gemstone quarry. The Republic also maintained at least one settlement on the planet.
Politically, the Sith Empire, based on the nearby planet Korriban, initially governed the planet. Subsequently, the Galactic Republic asserted its claim over Begeren, appointing a governor to oversee its administration. A revitalized Sith Empire later seized control of the world during the Great Galactic War. Organizations such as the Brotherhood of Darkness, Warlord Zsinj's Empire, and Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire would subsequently exert their dominion over Begeren.
The Sith Empire conquered Begeren at some point before approximately 5000 BBY. The Empire embarked on the construction of colossal monuments dedicated to notable Sith alchemists, warriors, and philosophers. Enslaved individuals were forced to build these statues, resulting in the deaths of an estimated one hundred thousand before the project's completion. The Force ghost of Vacuus, a Sith Lord, proclaimed himself "conqueror of Begeren" after possessing a host many centuries after his demise.
Following the Sith Empire's defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, the Galactic Republic claimed Begeren. A governor was appointed to administer the world. At least one gemstone quarry was established to exploit Begeren's valuable natural resources. This mining operation led to the neglect and decay of the Sith monuments.
Begeren remained under Republic control until 3678 BBY, when the resurgent Sith Empire invaded it as part of the Great Galactic War. Despite facing setbacks, the Imperial Army—aided by the Sith Teneb Kel—defeated the Republic forces and killed its governor. In the wake of the Imperial invasion, Lassicar, a Human, was born to enslaved parents on Begeren. Upon discovering his parents' involvement in a terrorist cell, he executed them and reported the cell to Harvus, the Imperial Moff.
During the Cold War following the Great Galactic War, the Sith Lord Tytonus revolted against the Empire, establishing her own kingdom on Begeren, which resulted in her exile. Despite this, she hired alien mercenaries to bolster her forces and launched attacks on Dromund Kaas, the Imperial capital. Also during the Cold War, Darth Zhorrid, another Sith Lord, kept an estate on Begeren, returning there at irregular intervals along with her estates on other worlds.
While searching for their missing ally, the Jedi Master known as the Hero of Tython, three of the Hero's companions—the former Sith Scourge, the Jedi Kira Carsen, and the doctor Archiban Frodrick Kimble—visited Begeren. Kimble became separated from the other two while on the planet, and lost track of them as a result.
In the early years of the Galactic Civil War, a battle took place on Begeren between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire for control of the mines. The Alliance's victory spread to Klatooine, inspiring the native Klatooinians with hope that they too could break free from their Hutt oppressors.
Following the Battle of Yavin, certain shadowfeeds reported that Begeren, along with Jaguada, Korriban, and Khar Shian, were explored and blockaded by the Empire. Others claimed these worlds were four ancient homeworlds of the Sith.
Begeren was initially mentioned briefly in Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies, a sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in 1995. It made its first appearance in The Old Republic, Blood of the Empire Act 1: Shades of the Sith, a webcomic published semi-weekly by Dark Horse Comics on the official website of the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic throughout 2010. At launch, The Old Republic included "Begeren Colony" as a server name, although it was later discontinued during server consolidation.