Darth Zhorrid, a Human female, served as both the daughter and apprentice to Dark Councilor and Sith Lord Darth Jadus. This occurred during the times of the Cold War and the Galactic War, conflicts fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Following her father's footsteps, she eventually took over his position as Councilor of the Sphere of Imperial Intelligence.
Darth Jadus only trained one apprentice, and that was his daughter, Darth Zhorrid. In her younger years, she displayed a talent for singing, a skill even Jadus recognized. He employed a tutor to instruct his daughter, who was not yet a Sith, in the art of singing. When the Sith Lord organized a special event in Kaas City solely for her, Zhorrid's performance brought tears to the eyes of all who listened. She continued to sing her first and final opera for hours, until her voice gave out. It was at this point that Jadus decided to begin her apprenticeship, knowing that his daughter's affection for him would transform into a deep-seated hatred.
After the supposed death of her father, allegedly at the hands of a terrorist known as the Eagle, she was appointed to the Dark Council to fill his vacancy. Later, she summoned Cipher Nine to her offices located on Korriban, where she evaluated the agent's abilities by ordering her guards to engage Nine in combat. Following this, she dismissed Cipher Nine with instructions to hunt down the terrorist cells.
Despite her demands for respect from the other Councilors, they dismissed her as a child, often laughing at her. She sought vengeance against the Eagle, the individual responsible for Jadus's "murder," and all those associated with him.
The elimination of the Eagle's network by Cipher Nine resulted in increased personal power for Zhorrid. In 3640 BBY, the Star Cabal nearly crippled Imperial Intelligence, an organization within her sphere of influence. Consequently, she dissolved the agency and, in collaboration with the Dark Council, established Sith Intelligence, which she initially led. However, Darth Marr later replaced her with Lana Beniko.
In combat, Darth Zhorrid used a Sith lightsaber with a single blade. She also possessed the ability to wield Force lightning and Force storm.
The first indirect reference to Darth Zhorrid appeared in Darth Jadus's Holonet entry on the website for BioWare's video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. This entry included several phrases written in Aurebesh, one of which translated to "Daughter is only known apprentice." Her fate depended on the Agent's choices: aligning with the secretly living Darth Jadus would lead to her death, while remaining loyal to Zhorrid would presumably ensure her survival.