The Eagle was a Human male terrorist chieftain who spearheaded a terrorist organization against the Sith Empire throughout the Cold War. His aim was to forcefully alter the Empire, spurred by his discontent with the Treaty of Coruscant. Initially, he served as an Imperial starfighter pilot, participating in battles at Coruscant and Druckenwell. However, the loss of his squad-mates to Republic troopers, coupled with the "erasure" of others by Imperial Intelligence, led him to collaborate with Darth Jadus. Together, they devised a plan to revert the Empire to its previous isolationist stance, utilizing the Eradicators superweapon Satellites. He met his end during a clash with Cipher Nine, who had tracked him to Nal Hutta.
Prior to adopting the name "The Eagle," this male individual served as a starfighter pilot within Imperial squadrons during the conflicts leading up to the Treaty of Coruscant's signing. He received commendations for his performance in the Battle of Druckenwell and the Sacking of Coruscant. However, he grew deeply concerned about his future within the Empire following the deaths of several squadmates in action, as well as the disappearances of others due to Imperial Intelligence's interference. Ultimately, he resigned from the service after the Treaty's announcement, incensed by the Empire's direction.
He eventually allied himself with the Sith Lord Darth Jadus, as they shared a common desire to reshape the Empire's trajectory. Jadus sought to become its supreme ruler, molding it to his vision, while the Eagle aimed to restore its isolationist policies to enable the conquest of the Galactic Republic in due time. Assuming his new identity, he dedicated years throughout the Cold War to cultivating a network of terrorists, spies, and leaders capable of inflicting widespread damage upon the Empire, both internally and externally.
As a feint, the Eagle dispatched a terrorist cell to attack a network of pipes and power conduits supplying the Empire's capital, Kaas City. Intentionally designed to fail, the sabotage team was thwarted by Imperial Intelligence before completing their mission. Finally, with Jadus's encouragement, the Eagle initiated their offensive, destroying Jadus's battlecruiser, the Dominator, above Dromund Kaas. Subsequently, he established contact with the planet, broadcasting a communication across the globe, declaring their intention to transform the Empire by any means necessary.
With the Empire thrown into disarray, the Eagle's network commenced the construction of the Eradicator superweapons – lasers capable of eliminating populations with the correct access codes and targeting parameters. However, a lone Imperial Intelligence operative slowed the project's progress by disrupting numerous operations and contacts throughout the galaxy, including a VerveGen Corporation factory on Nar Shaddaa and a Ghost cell operation headed by the Old Man on Tatooine. The Eagle's location was eventually traced through intercepted communications to the central Eradicator construction facility on Hutta. Cipher Nine confronted and defeated the Eagle in combat. However, before his demise, he revealed that he was not the organization's leader and that the Empire had been betrayed from within, just before Cipher Nine fatally shot him.