Dominator (Harrower-class)

The Dominator was a Harrower-class dreadnought of the BSX-5 type, utilized by the reconstituted Sith Empire. Before its vanishing act and the presumed demise of Jadus, it served as the flagship of Darth Jadus.


During the era of the Cold War, Darth Jadus gave the order to refit the ship's passenger accommodations, enabling their use as makeshift detention facilities.

During a tour of Imperial territories, Darth Jadus was believed to have been killed, along with thousands of dignitaries, Sith, and enslaved individuals. Later, Keeper dispatched Cipher Nine and Watcher Two to the Artus system, an unpopulated region within Imperial space, where the Dominator was concealed. Upon boarding, they discovered the dreadnought was only crewed by insane Imperial soldiers and droids, and that it was emitting a jamming signal to prevent communication with the outside. Upon reaching the bridge of the dreadnought, Cipher Nine was taken by surprise when they encountered Darth Jadus, who was very much alive, guarded by two cybernetically enhanced dark guardians.

After Jadus was defeated in combat, the Dark Council took him into custody. His ultimate fate was uncertain, but most likely involved torture followed by execution. Cipher Nine jokingly inquired about the fate of the dreadnought and whether they could assume command. Watcher Two suggested discussing the matter with Keeper. It's improbable that Cipher Nine received command; instead, the vessel was likely either repaired and returned to service within the Imperial Navy or dismantled for parts by the Ministry of Logistics.

